Before You Begin
What You Will Find in This Manual
This table summarizes the information in each chapter and appendix.
Chapter What You Will Find
1 Summarizes the terminal’s features, functions, and accessories. Explains how
to get your terminal started for the first time.
2 Describes and explains how to use your terminal’s keypad, screen, audio
signals, serial port, batteries, memory and drives, and scan modules.
3 Explains how to configure your terminal.
4 Describes serial communications and the 2.4 GHz radio frequency network and
explains how to install and configure your terminal to communicate with other
5 Introduces the programmable terminals and explains how to download and run
applications. Also, explains how to use the screen mapping application.
6 Lists solutions for the problems you may have while operating your terminal.
Also, explains how to boot or reset the terminal.
7 Explains how to use the terminal’s built-in diagnostics to research and
troubleshoot problems.
8 Describes the commands that you can use to change the terminal’s operation or
manage files.
9 Describes the commands that you can scan to configure the terminal.
A Lists the terminal’s specifications, configuration command names and syntax,
and the terminal’s default configuration settings.
B Contains reference tables including the full ASCII table and full ASCII bar
code chart.
C Contains a reference table that lists the complete set of English and Western
European characters that you can display on the terminal.
D Contains information about the default applications (APPTSK.BIN and
EM9560.BIN) that are shipped on the terminal.
Note: For information about using IBM 3270, IBM 5250, or VT100/220/320 and ANSI
terminal emulation applications, see the TRAKKER Antares Terminal Emulation
User’s Guide that ships with this manual.