14 LinkBuilder Hub Configuration Guide
LinkBuilder MSH
LinkBuilder MSH is a multi-services
hub that can support up to 10 man-
aged Ethernet, 5 managed Token Ring,
or 3 managed FDDI workgroups over
diverse media types.
The LinkBuilder MSH offers out-
standing reliability and fault tolerance.
Each Ethernet connectivity module
has its own repeater, so a failure in one
module can’t bring down the others.
Automatic resilient links ensure relia-
bility and maximize uptime, and all
connectivity modules and power
supplies are hot-swappable, includ-
ing fans.
The Ethernet bridge module
provides the hub with affordable
segmentation to boost performance
on the floor. For high-speed floor
connectivity, FDDI concentrator
modules support FDDI using MIC
connectors and CDDI using RJ-45
connectors. FDDI RingBuilder mod-
ules build a single FDDI ring from
multiple FDDI concentrator modules.
In Token Ring LANs, the
LinkBuilder MSH features Phase-
Locked Loop retiming for reliable sig-
nals over larger rings, and Zero Delay
Lockout and Advanced Distributed
Recovery Intelligence to isolate faulty
stations from the network.
The LinkBuilder MSH hub
includes integrated support for
Ethernet RMON network manage-
ment. RMON agents and ASICs on
each connectivity module collect and
compile RMON data, providing pow-
erful monitoring capabilities for every
segment on the network. Because
RMON intelligence is integrated into
the connectivity modules, RMON
functionality scales easily as your
network grows. An RMON module
is also available for Token Ring.
A single management module
manages the entire multi-technology
hub. Using 3Com’s Distributed
Management Architecture, manage-
ment functions are shared between the
management module and SmartAgent
management agents in the connectiv-
ity modules.
The hub’s unique, high-speed pas-
sive bus can support up to 17 separate
services at data rates up to 155 Mbps
each. This technology-independent bus
will also handle 100 Mbps Ethernet
and Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(ATM) in the future, without the need
to upgrade the chassis or backplane.
The LinkBuilder MSH does offer
a full range of workgroup switching
options. The LinkSwitch 1200
Ethernet-to-FDDI switching module
is available now, letting you place
servers on an FDDI ring while users
remain in Ethernet workgroups on
the floor. Switching modules are
also planned for Ethernet-to-ATM,
100BASE-T Fast Ethernet, and Token
Ring connectivity.
LinkBuilder MSH Chassis (3C18040)
LinkBuilder MSH Chassis with FDDI
Backplane (3C18041)
Each chassis comes with 11 slots that accom-
modate “smart” connectivity modules and an
optional Management Module. A single power
supply can be used; two provide resiliency.
375W Power Supply (3C18011)
525W Power Supply (3C18012)
Choose the 375W or the 525W power supply
to power the LinkBuilder MSH. Installing
two provides load-sharing resilience for
increased reliability.
Management Module (3C18500)
Provides SNMP management of all technolo-
gies and workgroups in the hub using 3Com’s
Distributed Management Architecture.
LinkBuilder MSH provides state-of-the-art
Ethernet support with connectivity modules
for the full range of media types and security
needs. Modules designated “smart” imple-
ment 3Com’s Distributed Management
13-Port 10BASE-T Repeater Module
Smart, secure module providing connections
for 12 UTP users via a Telco connector, with a
13th port for a transceiver interface module.
12-Port 10BASE-T Repeater Module
Smart, secure module providing connections
for 12 UTP users via RJ-45 connectors.
24-Port 10BASE-T Repeater Module
Smart, secure module providing connections
for 24 UTP users via two Telco connectors.
7-Port 10BASE-T Repeater Module
Smart, secure module providing connections
for six UTP users via RJ-45 connectors and
one optional transceiver interface module.
3C18121A3C18120A 3C18122A 3C18140A3C18124A 3C18135A
Hub Chassis
Power Supplies