Cutlery with wooden, horn china or
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast ic ite ms t hat are n ot h eat resis tant
Older cut ler y w ith glue d parts t hat are n ot
temperature resistant
Bonded cutl er y item s or dishes
Pewter or coo per i tems
Crystal glass
Steel items subj ect to r usting
Wooden p latters
Items made from synthetic fibres
So me ty pes of glasses can b ecome
dull aft er a large number of washes
Silv er an d alumi num par ts have a
tendency to discolour during washing
Glazed patterns may fade if machine
washed frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie inside one another, or cover each other.
To av oid d a ma ge to gl asse s, th ey m us t not touc h.
Lo ad larg e ite ms w hic h ar e most difficult to clea n in to the lowe r basket.
The upper basket is de sig ned to ho ld m ore d eli cate and ligh ter d ishware suc h as glasses , coffee
and tea cups
Lo ng blad ed k nives st ored in an uprigh t pos it io n are a p otenti al haza rd !
Lo ng and/ or s harp item s of cut lery such as carv ing kniv es must be p ositi one d
h orizon ta lly i n t he upp er b asket .
P lease do not ove rload yo ur dishwashe r. T his is i mp ort ant for g ood results and f or
r easonab le consu mpt ion of ener gy.
Load holl ow i tems suc h as cups , gl asse s, p ans etc. With t he opening facing downwards s o t hat
w a t er c ann o t c o l l ec t in t he c onta in e r or a de ep ba se.
Consider buying utensils which are identified as dishwasher-proof.
Use a mild detergent that is described as 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For particular items, select a pro gr am w ith a s lo w a temperat ure as po ss ible.
To pr event da mage, do not take gla ss a nd c utlery out of the dishwashe r i mmed iately
aft er the p r ogram me has e nde d.
(For best per formance of the di shwasher, fol low the se l oading guide lines.
Featu res and ap peara nce of baske ts and cutler y ba skets may vary from your mod el.)
Scrape off any larg e amo unts o f left over foo d. Soften r emnants of b urnt f ood i n pa ns.
It is no t necess ary to ri nse t he d ishes u nder running water.
Pl ace objects in t he dis hwasher i n fol lowing wa y:
1.Item s su ch as cups, glasses, pots /pans, etc. a re faced downwards.
2.Curved items, or ones with recess es, should b e loade d a slant s o th at water can run off.
3.All utensils are st acked secu rely and can not ti p o ver.
4.All utensils are placed in t he way t hat the spr ay ar ms can rotate freely during washin g.
Ve ry small items s hould n ot b e washe d in the dish washer as they could easily f all out of th e basket.
To pre ven t wat er drippi ng f rom t he uppe r ba sket into the lower basket, w e re commend th at you
empty the lower ba sk et f irst an d t he n t he upp er ba sket.