TE10P User manual
Identifying the controller
Nominal current (at 45°C) 16Ato 400Adepending on product code
Nominal voltage 100Vto 500V(+10%, -15%) depending on product code
Inhibition below 80% of calibrated voltage.
Supply frequency Between 40Hz and 70Hz, automatic selection.
Inhibited outside 40Hz to 70Hz.
Dissipated power 1.3W(approx.) per amp
Cooling Natural convection: ≤ 100A. Permanently fan cooled: ≥ 125A.
Fan (≥ 125A) 25VAconsumption
Supply voltage 115Vor 230Vdepending on product code
Load Single phase: resistive, short-wave infrared, transformer primary,
inductive, or temperature dependent loads
Not suitable for purely capacitive loads
Control signals
Power supply Self-supplied from main supply, or separate power supply of 115Vor
230V(+10%; -15%)
Consumption: 10VA
Control type Analogue, Logic or Digital communications
Analogue signals Remote analogue setpoint and limiting signals
0-5Vor 0-10V(input impedance ≥ 100kΩ),
0-20mAor 4-20mA(input impedance 250Ω)
Local setpoint: 0-5V(input impedance ≥ 100kΩ) and / or manual
control potentiometer.
Logic signals Max values: 5V, 10Vor 20mAin Logic mode only; ‘on’state ≥ 50%;
off state ≤ 25%.
Enable, Reset, Default type: 5V(10kΩ input)
‘active’state > 4V; ‘non-active’state < 1V.
User output 5Vdc (5mAmax).
Firing modes
Initial start-up Safety ramp by means of selectable phase angle
start (not availablr for Advanced Single-cycle).
Zero crossing firing · Burst-firing 1, 8, 16, or 128 cycles
· Logic (On/Off)
For these two modes, the following are available:
- elimination of momentary over-currents for inductive loads (delayed
firing at start of each cycle)
- soft-start (firing angle variation) adjustable at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64
· Advanced Single-cycle
Firing by whole cycles separated by half cycles of non-firing (without
DC component).
Firing angle variation · Phase angle
Alinear ramp (if selected) at setpoint change.
Duration of ramp is adjustable from 0 to 65s for a setpoint change
from 0 to 100% using potentiometer on front panel.