Not available if “GE Type ” ( ☞p.4) = 1: Generated-
Gated .
1: TS-Time Signature
Makes the Time Signature parameters (“Tsig Numerator/
Denominator” ☞p.11) available in the Phase Specific
Parameter area of each Phase (described below). These
allow setting each Phase to various time signatures, which
cause the Phase to playback a certain number of beats
regardless of any other circumstances which might trigger a
Phase Change. When moving through the Note Series, if
either end of the playback portion is reached (specified by
the “Phase Beginning/End Of fsets” ☞p.11) before the
amount of beats specified has occurred, then the movement
either freezes and repeats at that point, or cycles back and
continues (depending on the setting of the “Cycle
Mode”parameter, described below). Useful for groove
generation and constraining ef fects to certain time signa-
2: EV-Events
Makes the "Events" parameter available in the Phase
Specific Parameter area of each Phase (described below).
This is used to set the Phase to perform a certain number
of events before changing Phases (an event being a note or
cluster). When moving through the Note Series, if either
end of the playback portion is reached (specified by the
“Phase Beginning/End Offsets” ☞p.11) before the number
of events specified has occurred, then the movement
either freezes and repeats at that point, or cycles back and
continues (depending on the setting of the “Cycle Mode”
parameter, described below). Useful for constraining
effects to a certain number of specific events, such as 4
strums per Phase.
Cycle Mode [0…3]
0: OFF
1: B-Beginning Of Phase
2: E-End Of Phase
3: BE-Beginning & End Of Phase
Determines what will happen when either end of the
playback portion of the Phase (specified by the “Phase
Beginning/End Offsets”) is reached during note generation.
This has a dif ferent ef fect depending on the setting of the
Phase “Length Mode” (above). If 1: TS-Time Signature or 2:
EV-Events Mode, “cycling” can be allowed to occur; if 0: AC-
Actual, an immediate Phase Change will occur .
Not available if “GE Type” (☞p.4) = 1: Generated-
Gated . If 2: Generated-Drum , the Note Series can be
applied as pitch bend, discussed elsewhere.
0: OFF
If the Phase “Length Mode” is 1: TS-Time Signature or 2:
EV-Events, when either end of the playback portion of the
Phase is reached, the movement freezes and repeats at
that point until the specified number of events or beats of
a time signature are generated; then a Phase Change
occurs. Settings of the Index Pattern which would cause
movement beyond that point have no effect. If the Phase
“Length Mode” is 0: AC-Actual, then when the end of the
playback portion is reached no Phase Change occurs. Note
that this means the Phase will never change, and has
mainly been allowed only for completeness with the more
normal uses below.
1: B-Beginning Of Phase
If the Phase Length Mode is 1: TS-Time Signature or 2: EV-
Events, allows “cycling” to occur at the beginning of the
playback portion of the Phase. For example, if the movement
specified by the Index Pattern causes the index to go
backwards beyond the beginning of the playback portion,
“cycling” will occur (the index will automatically be jumped
back into the playback portion by a calculated amount). If
the Phase “Length Mode” is 0: AC-Actual, then if the
movement specified by the Index Pattern causes the index to
go backwards beyond the beginning of the playback portion,
a Phase Change will immediately occur .
2: E-End Of Phase
If the Phase “Length Mode” is 1: TS-Time Signature or 2:
EV-Events, allows “cycling” to occur at the end of the
playback portion of the Phase. For example, if the movement
specified by the Index Pattern causes the index to go
forwards beyond end of the playback portion, “cycling” will
occur (the index will automatically be jumped back into the
playback portion by a calculated amount). If the Phase
“Length Mode” is 0: AC-Actual, then if the movement
specified by the Index Pattern causes the index to go
forwards beyond the end of the playback portion, a Phase
Change will immediately occur . This is probably the most
“normal” and easily understood setting.
3: BE-Beginning & End Of Phase
Allows the behaviour described above at both ends of the
playback portion of the Phase.
Phase Specific Parameters
For each of the 2 Phases, a group of Phase Specific
Parameters allow control of some performance character-
istics within each Phase. If settings of the Phase Pattern
indicate a particular Phase is not being used, the Phase
Specific Parameters for that Phase will not be available.
Direction [0, 1]
0: Forward 1: Backward
Selects the direction for general movement through the
Note Series in a particular phase. Works in conjunction
with the parameters in the Index Group, which control
how the index(es) move through the Note Series. For
example, when the Direction is 0: Forward , the Index
Pattern values are added to the index to move it through
the Note Series from left to right; when Direction is 1:
Backward , the Index Pattern values are subtracted to
move the index through the Note Series from right to left.
Not available when “GE Type” ( ☞p.4) = 1: Gener-
ated-Gated . If 2: Generated-Drum , the Note Series
can be applied as pitch bend, discussed elsewhere.
Transpose [–36…+36 (semitones)]
Allows each Phase to be transposed individually. Has no
effect on Direct Indexing effects, which have a separate
Transpose parameter (see Direct Index Group).
Not available when “GE Type”(☞p.4) = 2: Generated-
Drum .