Barco service bulletin
Serial Number: InfoT654
Date: 09/06/2006
Product: iCon H600
Priority code*: D
This is not a must upgrade ! No need to upgrade to V1.24 if not necessary !
As explained in InfoT 6 41 , the server files include the firmware and the
iCon Server software. To upgrade to 1.24 both firmware and Server soft-
ware must be upgraded.
1.1 Overview
Overview of the changes
• DVI Output frequency is locked to the input : this can be enabled or disabled through
a new menu item Full screen synchronous representation. Disabling this will prevent
external monitors (connected via DVI out) to fail to synchronize due to changing number
of lines.
RS232 command added to enable or disable Full screen synchronous representation.
• Driver:reddishimagedisplayedafterstartup(duetoI2Cerrors)solved.
• Image file settings : settings are restored after the sync is disconnected - reconnected
to the input.
• Aspect ratio : shown as custom even when 4:3, 5:4 or 16:9 was selected. This is now
• New FPGA code to solve 1 pixel missing in the DVI output
1.2 Upgrade procedure
How to upgrade the firmware and server software ?
1.See the service ma nu al for a detailed description.
Barco nv Presentations
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8520 Kuurne
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