Instructions for the User
The use of wood with high humidity content
(above 25%) and / or charges not proportional to
the system needs (Long stops with the wood
storage full) cause considerable condensation in
the inner wall of the wood storage.
Check, once a week, the steel walls of the wood storage.
They should be covered with a thin layer of dry tar, mat color,
with bubbles that tend to break and fall down. If, on the
contrary, the tar is shiny, runny and, if removed with the
poker, it shows the liquid: it is necessary to use less wet
wood and / or reduce the amount of charged wood.
If, in spite of these interventions tar does not dry out, the
anomaly is to be reported to authorized service center.
The Condensation inside the wood storage causes
corrosion of the steel plates. Corrosion which is not
covered by the warranty, because due to an abnormal
use of the boiler (wet wood, excessive charges, etc.).
The smokes are reach of water steam, due to the
combustion and the use of wood very wet.
If the smokes come in contact with relatively cold surfaces (ha-
ving a temperature below about 60 - 70 °C), the water steam
condensates and in combination with other combustion pro-
ducts originates corrosion phenomena of the metallic parts.
Inspect every day if there are signs of smoke condensation
(black liquid on the floor, behind the boiler). In this case a less
humid wood shall be used; check the operation of the recircu-
lation pump, the smoke temperature at part load, and increase
the working temperature. To control the room temperature it is,
then, necessary to install a mixing valve. The corrosion due
to condensation of the smokes is not covered by the gua-
rantee, because due to the wood humidity and to the way
of boiler operation.
After every adjustment of the air, wait 5 to 10 minutes before
proceeding for a new adjustment. Once established the
adjustment held optimal, check at the end of the day the
surfaces of the combustion chamber and the insulation of
the door that will have to be white.
Open always slowly the upper loading door.
If in despite of this prudence some blowback will occur, it will
be necessary to use thicker and a little more humid firewood
logs and to verify that the boiler does not stop working for a
long time, and check always the integrity of the grates.
The summer operation only for the domestic hot water
production is not suggested, unless the boiler is operated in
the meticulous respect of the following rules:
1) use very dry firewood
2) load the boiler with little firewood, effecting
small loadings, 2 or 3 per day according to
the needs.
It is absolutely wrong to load completely the
boiler and, so, to get very long autonomies
(for example 24 hours). Doing so the boiler
will produce a lot of acid condensate with
corrosion of the firewood storage walls.