Logging In to Junos Space
You can connect to the Junos® Space UI by using your Web browser. The minimum browser
requirements supported by Junos Space Network Management Plaorm are Google Chrome version 22,
and Mozilla Firefox version 45.
We recommend a screen resoluon of 1280 x 1024 pixels or higher.
WARNING: To avoid a Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS (BEAST) aack, whenever you
log in to Junos Space through a browser tab or window, make sure that the tab or
window was not previously used to access a non-HTTPS website. Best pracce is to
close your browser and relaunch it before logging in to Junos Space.
NOTE: The Network Monitoring Topology feature of Junos Space Plaorm is not supported on
Internet Explorer.
To access and log in to Junos Space:
1. In the address bar of your browser window, enter hps://
/mainui/, where
is the previously congured virtual IP (VIP) address that is used for Web access to Junos
2. Press Enter or click Search.
The Junos Space login page appears.
3. In the Username text box, enter your username. The default username is super. For informaon
about how to change your username, consult your system administrator.
4. In the Password text box, enter your password. The default password is juniper123. For informaon
about how to change your password, see "Changing Your Password on Junos Space" on page 98.
5. (Oponal) If the remote authencaon server is congured for Challenge/Response, you are
presented with challenge quesons. Provide valid responses to the challenge quesons to log in
successfully. For more informaon, see
Remote Authencaon Overview
in the
Junos Space
Network Management Plaorm
Workspaces User Guide.
6. Click Log In.
The Junos Space home page appears. If the home page is not set, the Junos Space Dashboard page is
displayed. If the home page is inaccessible due to role or domain restricons, a warning message is
displayed and the Junos Space Dashboard page is loaded.