object that is managed by Junos Space Plaorm, such as a device, service, or customer. Typical jobs in
Junos Space Network Management Plaorm include discovering devices, deploying services, prestaging
devices, and performing funconal and conguraon audits.
You can trigger jobs immediately or schedule jobs for a later date and me. Junos Space Plaorm
maintains a history of job statuses for all scheduled jobs. When a job is scheduled from a workspace,
Junos Space Plaorm assigns a job ID that serves to idenfy the job on the Job Management page. For
more informaon about jobs, see
Jobs Overview
Secure Console
The Secure Console feature on the Devices workspace provides a secure remote access connecon to
managed and unmanaged devices. Secure Console iniates an SSH session from the Junos Space user
interface by using the SSH protocol. Secure Console is a terminal window embedded in Junos Space
Plaorm that eliminates the need for a third-party SSH client to connect to devices. Secure Console
provides addional security while connecng to your devices by iniang an SSH session from the
Junos Space server rather than from your Web browser. You can access the Secure Console feature
either from the Device Management page or the Secure Console page. For more informaon about
Secure Console, see
Secure Console Overview
Looking Glass
You use the Looking Glass feature from the Devices workspace to view device conguraons by
execung basic CLI commands from the Junos Space user interface. You can execute these commands
on mulple devices and compare the conguraons and runme informaon of these devices. You can
execute the following types of commands by using Looking Glass: show, ping, test, and traceroute. The
commands that are supported and stored in the Junos Space Plaorm database are displayed on the
Looking Glass page. When you type the rst few leers of the command, the suggeson list displays the
commands that are supported, are stored, and begin with the leers that you typed. For more
informaon about Looking Glass, see
Looking Glass Overview
With the Reports workspace of Junos Space Plaorm, you can generate customized reports for
managing the resources in your network. You can use these reports to gather device inventory details,
job execuon details, user accounts, and audit trails. You rst create a report denion to specify what
informaon to retrieve from the Junos Space Plaorm inventory database. You then use this report
denion to generate, export, and print the reports. Junos Space Plaorm provides some predened
categories to create report denions. You can combine mulple categories to create a report denion.
By default, a predened set of aributes is included in a report denion. You can choose to add or
remove the aributes according to what informaon you want from the nal generated report. You can