Proxim 7920 User manual

User manual

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© 1998 Proxim, Inc., Mountain View, CA. All rights reserved. This manual and
the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a
retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means
without the written permission of Proxim, Incorporated.
RangeLAN, the RangeLAN logo, RangeLAN2, and Proxim are trademarks of
Proxim, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Limited Warranty, Disclaimer, Limitation Of Liability
For a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase by the retail customer,
Proxim warrants the RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter against defects in materials
and workmanship. Proxim will not honor this warranty if there has been any
attempt to tamper with or remove the Ethernet Adapter's external foil label.
This warranty does not cover and Proxim will not be liable for any damage or
failure caused by misuse, abuse, acts of God, accidents, or other causes
beyond Proxim's control, or claim by other than the original purchaser.
If, after inspection, Proxim determines there is a defect, Proxim will repair or
replace the Adapter at no cost to you. To return defective merchandise to
Proxim, please call Proxim Technical Support at: 650-526-3640 to obtain a
Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) Number.
In no event shall Proxim, Incorporated be responsible or liable for any damages
From the use of the product;
From the loss of use, revenue, or profit of the product; or
As a result of any event, circumstance, action, or abuse beyond the control
of Proxim, Incorporated.;
Whether such damages be direct, indirect, consequential, special or otherwise
and whether such damages are incurred by the person to whom this warranty
extends or a third party.
Part # 7360.0099
Rev B
Warranty Return Policy
If you have a problem with your RangeLAN2 product, please call Proxim
Technical Support at 650-526-3640. Proxim Technical Support will assist with
resolving any technical difficulties you may have with your Proxim product.
If your product is found to be defective, you may return the product to Proxim
after obtaining an RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number from Proxim
Technical Support. The product must be returned in its original packaging. The
RMA number should be clearly marked on the outside of the box. Proxim cannot
be held responsible for any product returned without an RMA number, and no
product will be accepted without an RMA number.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class
B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
1. Introduction .................................................................1
The RangeLAN2 Family ......................................................................... 2
System Requirements .............................................................................. 3
The Product Package ............................................................................... 3
2. Quick Installation ........................................................5
3. Wireless Topologies ...................................................9
Ad Hoc ..................................................................................................... 9
Infrastructure.......................................................................................... 10
Workgroup Concentrator ....................................................................... 14
Repeating ............................................................................................... 16
4. Understanding the Hardware ...................................17
Rotary Switches ..................................................................................... 17
LED Indicators....................................................................................... 18
10BASE-T Connector Specification ..................................................... 22
Serial Port Specification ........................................................................ 23
Antenna Options .................................................................................... 25
Mounting Options .................................................................................. 25
5. Software Configuration ............................................27
Displaying the Configuration Menu...................................................... 27
6. Radio Configuration Menu .......................................31
Radio Parameters Menu......................................................................... 32
7. Advanced Configuration Menu................................39
Advanced Parameters ............................................................................ 40
8. Display Parameter Values .......................................43
9. View Statistics ..........................................................45
Synchronized To Statistic...................................................................... 46
Ethernet Statistics .................................................................................. 46
Radio Statistics ...................................................................................... 46
10. Performance Hints ..................................................47
Microwave Ovens .................................................................................. 47
Range...................................................................................................... 47
11. Troubleshooting......................................................49
How to Obtain Help with Your Product Installation ............................ 49
Fixed Node Filtering on RangeLAN2 Access Points ........................... 49
LED Error Codes ................................................................................... 52
Commonly Asked Technical Support Questions .................................. 53
A. Menu Structure .........................................................55
B. Parameters ................................................................59
Radio Parameters ................................................................................... 59
Advanced Configuration Parameters..................................................... 60
C. Procedure for Downloading New Software............61
D. Glossary ....................................................................63
E. How to Reach Technical Support ...........................65
F. U.S. Specifications....................................................66
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of the RangeLAN2 792x
Ethernet Adapter, a member of the RangeLAN2 family. As with
all members of the RangeLAN2 family, the Ethernet Adapter is a
long range, high performance LAN product that allows Ethernet-
ready devices to communicate wirelessly with networked com-
The RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter was designed to be a
“plug and play” product. External rotary switches allow you to
configure your Ethernet Adapter manually. In many cases, you
will not even need to run any software to configure it. However,
if you need to change the software parameters, you will find the
configuration tool easy to use. In no time, you will have a
wireless connection to your network’s application software,
printing, e-mail, and other network services!
This wireless adapter allows for easy expandability of your
wireless network, increasing range and facilitating mobility
applications. It operates at the Data Link level (layer 2) of the
OSI model providing an Ethernet-ready device with protocol-
independent access into an existing RangeLAN2 network.
Proxim is the leading supplier of spread spectrum radio network-
ing technology for local area environments. Proxim’s un-
matched spread spectrum networking expertise, combined with
the company’s extensive experience serving the communication
needs of the mobile computing user, have kept Proxim at the
forefront of the emerging wireless market.
The RangeLAN2 Family
RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter is part of a family of high-
performance products that provides a complete wireless net-
working solution.
RangeLAN2 7100 is a wireless LAN adapter that fits
into a standard PC/AT ISA bus slot.
RangeLAN2 7400 is a wireless LAN adapter which fits
into a PCMCIA Type II slot on a portable notebook,
laptop, or pen-based computer.
RangeLAN2 7510/752x Access Points allow
RangeLAN2 products to seamlessly connect to a wired
Ethernet network.
RangeLAN2 753x Access Point allows RangeLAN2
products to seamlessly connect to a wired Token Ring
RangeLAN2 754x Extension Point extends the cover-
age area of an existing RangeLAN2 network.
RangeLAN2 791x Serial Adapter is a wireless serial
device which acts as a replacement for an RS-232 cable.
System Requirements
To begin using your RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter, you
need the following minimum system requirements:
An Ethernet-ready device such as a computer or
Ethernet hub.
At least one other RangeLAN2 product installed on the
The Product Package
Each RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter comes with:
One (1) RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter.
One (1) 1 dBi omnidirectional antenna.
One (1) 12 Volt, 1 Amp power adapter.
One (1) RS-232 serial cable.
One (1) switch setting tool.
Two (2) plastic plugs to cover the Domain and Station
Type rotary switches.
One (1) RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter User’s
If any of these items are missing or damaged, please contact
your reseller or Proxim Technical Support.
Figure 1
RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter Components
2. Quick Installation
You may follow the quick installation and configuration steps,
listed below, if all of the following conditions are true:
You will use all of the software default values.
You intend to use the Ethernet Adapter to connect an
Ethernet-ready device to an existing RangeLAN2
The existing network uses a Domain number between 0
and 9.
You do not intend to set Security IDs on your network.
You do not intend to configure the Ethernet Adapter
with an IP address.
Follow the steps below to install the RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet
1. Firmly screw the antenna onto its connector in a clock-
wise rotation. The antenna connector is located on the
side of the unit as shown in Figure 2.
Government regulatory agencies mandate that the
antenna not be alterable. Therefore, the RangeLAN2
Ethernet Adapter uses a custom antenna connector.
Do not attempt to use a non-certified Proxim antenna,
or you may damage the connector and the Ethernet
Figure 2
Attachment of the RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter Antenna
2. Each RangeLAN2 792x Ethernet Adapter is
preconfigured to use Domain 0. If the existing wireless
network is not using Domain 0, use the Domain rotary
switch on the underside of the RangeLAN2 Ethernet
Adapter to set the Domain number to a value between
0 and 9. If the existing network is using a Domain
number between 10 and 15, you must set the Domain
number within the software configuration menu. See
Chapter 5 for information on how to access the Ethernet
Adapter’s configuration menu.
3. Plug the power supply into the RangeLAN2 Ethernet
Adapter DC power jack, located on the rear panel, and
plug the power supply into an AC outlet. Upon com-
pleting this step, the LED indicator on the top panel of
the unit will glow yellow and then turn green, indicating
that the unit is ready for operation.
4. Connect one end of a standard 10BASE-T cable to an
Ethernet-ready device and the other end to the Ethernet
Adapter. If you are connecting the Ethernet Adapter to
a cabling hub, you must use a 10BASE-T cross-over
cable. See Chapter 4 for information on the pinout
specification of a 10BASE-T cross-over cable.
When the cable is correctly connected to both units, the
Link LED to the right of the Ethernet Adapter’s
10BASE-T connector will glow steady green.
5. Confirm that the yellowSync LED, located between the
serial port and the DC power jack, is on. This light
indicates that the Ethernet Adapter has synchronized to
a RangeLAN2 product acting as a Master. If this LED
light is not on, recheck the location and software set-
tings of your Master unit.
6. Confirm that the software setting, “Filter Fixed Nodes,”
is set to “Not Filtering” on all RangeLAN2 Access
Point on the network to which the Ethernet Adapter
may roam. This step is not necessary if you are using a
RangeLAN2 Access Point model 7510, 7520, or 7521
with revision 1.4 or greater of the Access Point flash
code image installed.
The RangeLAN2 Access Point is shipped with Filter
Fixed Nodes set to “Filtering” by default. Unless you
are using an Ethernet Access Point (model 7510,
7520, or 7521) with revision 1.4 or greater of the
Access Point flash code image installed, this param-
eter must be set to “Not Filtering” in order for the
Ethernet-ready device attached to the Ethernet Adapter
to communicate with the wired network. For more
information on this requirement, please refer to Chap-
ter 11.
7. Your RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter is now ready for
operation, and the Ethernet-ready device should be able
to communicate with the wired and wireless network
through the Ethernet Adapter.
If you cannot communicate between the Ethernet-ready device
and the RangeLAN2 network, compare your network settings
with the RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter’s default values. You
may need to adjust the Ethernet Adapter’s software parameters.
Please consult Chapter 5 for information on how to customize
the configuration of the RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter and
Chapter 11 for troubleshooting suggestions.
3. Wireless Topologies
RangeLAN2 products look and operate similar to Ethernet
products. The only difference is that a radio replaces the wire
between various nodes. This means that all of your existing
applications that operate over Ethernet will work with
RangeLAN2 without any special wireless networking software.
Wireless products are typically used in several network topolo-
gies described in this chapter.
Ad Hoc
With wireless LANs, one or more computers easily establish an
ad hoc network when the units are in range of each other. Each
computer can dynamically connect and reconnect to the others
with no additional configuration, using off-the-shelf peer-to-peer
network operating systems. With this capability, many compa-
nies are developing applications optimized for ad hoc networks.
With the addition of the Ethernet Adapter to the RangeLAN2
family, you may now connect resources to your wireless network
that previously did not support a Proxim device driver such as
printers, UNIX-based systems, and Macintosh computers.
Figure 3
Ad Hoc
Many companies have an existing Ethernet or Token Ring LAN
infrastructure and want to be able to extend that capability to
wireless nodes. This is accomplished by attaching an Access
Point to the wired LAN. This allows the wireless clients to
access the network resources.
Figure 4
Single Ethernet AP
For larger environments, RangeLAN2 products support the
ability to roam from one wireless cell to another while maintain-
ing the same network connection. The Access Points establish
coverage areas or cells similar in concept to those of a cellular
phone network. The mobile clients will connect with any Ac-
cess Point that is within range.
Figure 5
Roaming on Ethernet LAN - Light Overlap
With RangeLAN2’s multi-channel architecture, Access Points
can be placed within the same cell area to increase the aggregate
throughput supported by the network. In addition, the overlap-
ping cells offer redundancy of coverage required in networks
where downtime is not tolerable.
Figure 6
Roaming on Ethernet LAN- Heavy Overlap
Each RangeLAN2 Access Point within a roaming network must
be configured as a Master on a unique Channel/Subchannel pair,
but all Access Points must have the same Domain number and
Security ID. In addition, mobile clients, such as the Ethernet
Adapters or laptops with 7400 PC cards, are set to the same
Domain and Security ID as the Access Points. As the
RangeLAN2 mobile clients seamlessly switch from cell to cell,
the network connectivity is preserved.
The user can move freely between the RangeLAN2 Access
Points in the network. When the roaming unit leaves the trans-
mission range of one RangeLAN2 Access Point, the software
automatically polls the other RangeLAN2 Access Point in the
same Domain to continue the network connection.
Note that the cells must overlap to ensure that there are no gaps
in coverage, and that the roaming PC will always have a connec-
tion available.
The RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter allows you to add printers,
computers in locations which are difficult to wire, and other
Ethernet-ready devices to the wired LAN by synchronizing to a
RangeLAN2 Access Point connected to the wired backbone.
If the Ethernet Adapter roams between Access Points
on the same network, then each Access Point must
have the “Filter Fixed Nodes” parameter set to “Not
Filtering.” However, this does not apply to RangeLAN2
Ethernet Access Points with revision 1.4 or greater of
the Access Point flash code image installed. Please
refer to Chapter 11 for details.
Workgroup Concentrator
In small networks, the RangeLAN2 Ethernet Adapter may be
used as a workgroup concentrator to connect up to 8 Ethernet
devices to a RangeLAN2 wireless network.
However, the Ethernet Adapter can NOT support more than 8
devices on its Ethernet port, as shown in Figure 7. The Ethernet
Adapter filters at a rate less than full Ethernet speed. This will
not pose a problem for a small network with a minimal amount
of Ethernet traffic; however, if your network has a significant
amount of Ethernet traffic or more than 8 Ethernet devices, use a
RangeLAN2 Access Point in place of the Ethernet Adapter.
Figure 7
Workgroup Concentrator
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Proxim 7920 User manual

User manual
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