1. Once the file has been copied to the destination system, you should verify that it exists in the directory where you copied it.
There are various ls commands at the Linux level to verify directory contents. The command that is run in this example is ls
[root@localhost]# ls -lrt
total 48352
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 49512429 Dec 12 22:07 EMCPolicyManager.bin
2. You notice that in the previous example, the file exists in the destination directory. However, it is not in the executable
format that is needed to run a successful install in Linux. To make the file in exe format, please run the command that is
listed here. If you are using a 64-bit bin file, the proper file name would must be referenced when running the command.
[root@localhost]# chmod +x EMCPolicyManager.bin
3. Once the command has been run, you should verify that it is proper executable format.
rwxr-xr--. 1 root 90361344 Dec 12 22:07 EMCPolicyManager.bin
4. The binary can be installed in two ways:
●Without SSL: Go to step 5.
●With SSL: Follow the steps below.
a. Open the terminal window.
b. Create a directory as defined: /opt/EMC/ESRS/PolicyManager/
c. Change to the directory you created: cd /opt/EMC/ESRS/PolicyManager/
d. Type the command below and press Enter to create a keystore file:
keytool -genkey -alias sl-ssl -keyalg RSA -keystore esrskeystore.jks -validity
○If the keytool command is not working, and then sets your JAVA environment variable and try again.
○Remember the password that you have provided. You need this password during Policy Manager installation.
○Do not use special characters in password. You can use alphanumeric.
5. Once it has been verified that the file exists in the remote directory and is in executable, you are ready to perform the
installation. Before proceeding with the installation, you should have the IP address available from the interface that will be
accessing the application. Note the command that initiates the procedure. What will follow at this point is a screen by screen
procedure of the process. Also, putty was used in this example. There are some operating systems that have desktops. If you
are running this installation on desktop, the same file is used but in a graphical format.
[root@localhost]# ./EMCPolicyManager.bin
Preparing to install
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for the system's environment...
Launching installer...
6. This is an informational screen describing the features that will be installed.
Policy Manager Installation - Linux 13