Step 1. Install and Claim the Hub
A. Connect the Hub to the LAN.
B. Log in to your account at or the
OvrC iOS or Android mobile application.
C. Open the Customer Location where the Hub
will be installed.
D. Click +Device in the Device List and follow the
prompts to claim the Hub.
Note: On rst claim, the Hub will automatically scan for other devices on the network. The
Hub’s default setting is to scan for net new devices once an hour and check scanned devices
every 5 minutes.
Step 2. Congure Hub Settings
Congure the Hub settings from OvrC once the hardware is up and running. Click on the
Hub from the Device List view of the location to access the hub settings, then click on the
Congure tab as shown.
Click on Connect to access the local interface of the Hub. Type “ovrc” in both the Username and
Password elds, then change the default password as a security best practice.
Congure Tab
A. IP Settings B. VLAN Settings C. Port Scan Settings D. Scan Frequency
For the best
performance and
reliability, leave
the Hub set to
DHCP mode and
reserve its system
IP address in the
Congure your Hub to scan
across multiple VLANs (in
addition to the VLAN the Hub
is on). Enter the VLAN ID, a
static IP address for the Hub
to use on that VLAN, and
nally, the VLAN ID’s subnet
mask (usually
Use a unique IP address to
avoid conicts.
Manage the ports the
Hub scans for to give
you additional access
to LAN devices. To add
a new port in addition
to the default set, enter
a description, the port
number, and select which
access protocol to use.
Select how often you
want the Hub to scan
for new devices on the
network and check the
status of the scanned
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