achieved and debris removed. Centrifugal Separators do not have any moving parts but do require
an additional debris purging system.
CHC Chamber- The chamber is made up of many parts and normally consist of a common
manifold (linking pump to chamber), riser tubes, end caps, nozzles, and chamber. Most CHC
chambers assemblies utilize Groove lock fittings for connecting the components. The chambers are
specified by their GPM flow rate. Chambers can be designed to increase their bacterial kill rates
for specific applications. All current production chambers contain components that are made of
stainless steel. Older systems could utilize plastic, nylon, or stainless steel construction. Chambers
can be made to connect directly to a pump or even remotely. The remote chambers differ in their
construction, due to the pump being placed remotely to the chamber. Each chamber requires
specific applied pressures to perform appropriately. Some chambers allow for the monitoring of
created vacuum by a vacuum gauge. The back pressure of the chamber must be verified and should
not exceed 5 mmHg. The CHC sizing reflects the water analysis as well as the overall volume of
the system being treated. It is important to understand this when sizing a CHC treatment system.
Normally the CHC system is sized to see the entire system water at least seven times each 24 hour
period. There are several parts that make up a chamber, they include the center weldment, nozzles,
end caps (ends of nozzles) and end bells (covers for the nozzles that attach to the center weldment.
CHC Control Station or CCS- This is a Programable Logic Controler (PLC) who’s software was
made by EcoWater CHC to control and monitor the filtration and CHC skid’s operation.
Chemical treatment- Chemical treatments are costly and must be maintained continuously. From
making sure chemicals are on site at all times, to making sure that bacteria does not become
resistant to the treatment, Chemical treatment regimens must be continuously monitored and
adjusted for the changing conditions. It is this service that makes most customers loyal to chemical
systems, while it is also the need for this service that make most customers wish they had a reliable
non-chemical treatment system.
Chloride (Cl
): Like Sodium (Na), most chloride salts are very soluble in water. They can cause
corrosion at high levels. Chloride is used to calculated cycles of concentration because it is stable in
cooling water systems.
Clearance for Electrical Panels- In general we must meet the local regulations at the customer
site. However EcoWater CHC recommends at least 36” clearance in front of the motor starter for
electrical servicing.
Cooling Towers- A cooling tower is part of a system that uses water as a cooling agent within a
larger system. This system, as in air conditioning, passes this cool water from the cooling tower to
a chiller that is the similar to a heat exchanger. The chiller is the link between the cooling tower
water, and the water used within the building’s for air conditioning. The chiller uses a refrigerant
like FREON, to remove the heat from the buildings cooling water and passes that heat back to the
cooling tower’s water. Within this type of system, the customers want to decrease their water
usage by increasing the recycling rate of water within the cooling tower. But as they increase the
times water is reused, the dissolved solids within the system increase due to evaporation. These
dissolved solids are what is left behind as the water evaporates out of the system. Traditionally,
chemicals were used to control scale and corrosion and reduce any bacterial growths. The only
problem with chemical treatment programs is, in many cases, it takes one chemical to dissolve the