Fit the silencer on to the end ol the exhaust
bracket. Secure the brackets tosether at the
to the exhaust pipe.
Tl-re brackets are held at the front bv the
pipe and locate its fixing bracket behind the pillion footrest
rear by one nut and bolt and tighten the silencer end clip on
pillion footrest anchor bolt.
The pillion footrests are pre-assembled to their anchor bolts and should each be secured to the brackets
by one nut with spring washer. The plain washers should be fitted betrveen the anchor bolt and its bracket.
Note that the right-hand footrest bolt also retains the siler-rcer bracket.
Fit the front footrests on to the fran-re lugs. On the right-hand side the firing is by one long bolt with
washers and a ltut. A special lockwasher, spring washer and a nut (left-hand thread) is used qn the left-
hand side to secure the footrest on to its stud. Set both footrests to the desired height before tightening
the nuts.
Take out and discard the plastic plug fron-r the sparking plu-e hole. fit the sparking plug and connect the
high-tension lead. The type of plug supplied with the machine is best suited to ail-rounci operatin-s conditions
and should not be changed without the advice of a plug specialist.
Place the tools. instruction manual and other literature into the toolbox.
fhe battery is supplied in a dr-v charged conditior.r and must not be filled unless it is known that the machile
is to be sold within a few davs.
Only half a turn is required to release the sidecover lasteners and on removal of the cover, it will
seen that the battery is secnrely mounted in a carrier alongside the toolbox.
To FilI and Charge the Battery
A11 plates in the battery have been char-qed fully and dried completely by special process. The tape across
the vent holes prevents the ingress of moistr-rre or air aud insures perfect condition ol the plates dgring
transportation and storage. This tape must only be removed immediately before the battery is brought
into service. Dilute sulphuric solution S.G. 1.260 can be prepared by slowly pouring 1 part of concentrated
sulphuric acid into 3 parts of distilled water (by voiume) or of S.G. 1.210 by adding I part olconcentrated
sulphuric acid to 4 parts of distilled water (by volume).
A glass, earthenware or lead vessel should be used and the mixture well stirred. Aiiow to cool to the
temperature of the surrounding atmosphere before using.
Il,tpoRraNr:-On dry charged batteries the filling of each cell with acid must be completed in one
operation and levels restored after standing by syphoning off excess acid"
Pase 13