ITALFARAD PFC144evo, PFC96evo Operating and Installation manual

  • Hello! I'm your chat assistant and I've read the Italfarad user manual for PFC96evo and PFC144evo power factor correction equipment. This document provides detailed information on installation, operation, and maintenance of these devices, including their automatic reactive power regulation, capacitor bank switching, and various safety features, alarm system and available parameters. I'm here to answer any questions you might have.
  • What is the purpose of automatic power factor correction equipment?
    How is the regulation of reactive power obtained?
    What happens if the temperature inside the cabinet exceeds the limit?
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail:
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 2
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 13
1. General remarks
The automa•c power factor correc•on equipments type PF
are used to keep the power factor to an average value higher
than an expected one.
The regula•on is obtained by means of a suitable electronic
regulator of reac•ve power with high sensibility and
The equipment consist of capacitors banks which are
connected and disconnected automa•cally, depending on
the reac•ve power required by the load, by mean of special
The capacitors are single phase or three phase type,
provided with discharge resistors and overpressure safety
device, in compliance with the IEC Standards.
The enclosure is of steel cabinet, painted with epoxy resins
with minimum protec•on degree IP30.
2. Connec•on to the network
The three phases of the network must be connected
respec•vely to R (L1), S (L2) and T (L3) terminals onto the
main switch.
For earthing the bar on the right side of the equipment, or
the earth terminal, must be used.
Terminals K (S1) and L (S2) must be connected to the
secondary of a Current Transformer (CT) with secondary
current 5A connected on the phase R (L1) (see Fig.1).
In order to work properly the equipment must be connected
as indicated in Fig.1; on the same page some typical
connec•on mistakes are shown.
Index Page
General remarks 13
Connec!on to the network 13
Start and use 13
Control of the automa!c opera!on 14
Maintenance 14
Connec!on diagram 15
CT Connec!on place 15
Power factor controller PFC96evo 16
Power factor controller PFC144evo 19
Maintenance log 22
3 Start and use
Before switching to the equipment on, check the correct
•ghtening of all the connec•ons. Repeat this opera•on
At the first switch on, the controller will show the indica•on
Press “+“ and - (controller type PFC) or “↑” and
“↓” (controller type PFCevo) to set the value of the primary
current of the CT. Press manual/automa•c bu#on to validate
the value.
If regulator is correcty installed the equipment connects and
disconnects automa•cally the capacitor banks according to
the load varia•on; in this case the number of banks
connected is evidence by the leds STEP on the regulator.
If during the first installa•on, the regulator of reac•ve power
would show a capaci•ve load and no banks have been
connected, the CT has been installed on the wrong phase
(see fig. 1 and 2).
In order to avoid that the limits of overtemperature are
passed inside the cabinet, the reac•ve power regulator starts
the fan when temperature is higher than the threshold.
If the temperature inside the cabinet, in spite of the cooling
due to the fan opera•on, reaches 50°C, all the banks are
disconnected and a remote signal alarm is ac•vated.
In the equipments which are equipped with SPC2 device, the
ven•la•on and the alarm signal are generated by SPC2.
Using the manual control please wait at least 1 minute
before connec•ng the same bank again.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 14
4. Control of the automa•c opera•on
The check of the correct opera•on of the automa•c
regulator can be effected by modifying the load condi•ons in
a suitable way.
If the opera•on is not correct the reason should be founded
among one of the following errors:
· CT connected on the wrong phase (see Fig.2).
· CT installed between the equipment and the load (see
· CT inserted on the supply cables of the power factor
correc•on equipment (see Fig.2).
· Defec•ve or unsuitable CT.
5.1 Connec•on in installa•on provided with power
generator (PV or co-generator)
Before carry out the verifica•on in accordance with point 5,
it is necessary to follow the following indica•ons:
1. change the se#ng parameters:
· For controller type PFC, P12 parameter, set “Dir” or
“Inv” (the value which give the correct measurement
of the Power Factor).
· For controller type PFCevo, P04 parameter, set “Dir”
or “Inv” (the value which give the correct
measurement of the Power Factor).
2. switch off the power generator un•l the verifica•on of the
PFC equipment has been completed.
3. A$er the comple•on of the PFC equipment verifica•on,
the power generator can be switched on.
5. Maintenance
Periodical check must be carried out on:
· Current drawn by every single step, in order to keep the
opera•ng condi•ons of the equipment always under
· All electronic parts (reac•ve power regulator and
protec•on module, if present) in order to check their
· Protec•on fuses on the auxiliary circuits.
· Protec•on fuses on the capacitor banks (provided with
· The efficiency of the coolong system, checking that the
fans are not defec•ve or mechanically blocked and
cleaning with an air jet the relevamt grilles.
· The efficiency of the contactors, by replacing those which
are defec•ve and periodically checking the •ghtening of
the terminals.
· The presence of capacitors with overpressure device
tripped (these single phase units must be replaced to do
not jeopardize the performance of the complete
This last check is par•cularly important for .../A and ../HA
where checking that the tuning frequency of the filter does
not change in the •me, is basical; even using high quality
components, it can occur that some capacitor fails causing
the trip of the overpressure safety device.
The consequent loss of capacitance may cause a change of
the tuning frequency of the filter with consequent dangerous
In view of the above, a periodical test has to be carried out
to check the presence of capacitors with tripped
overpressure device (these have an expansion of the upper
part of the case) replacing them with new capacitors.
In order to prevent possible reduc•on of the original
capacitance values (this phenomena can involve more than a
capacitor) it is useful to check during the installa•on, a$er
the first month of opera•on and then two or three •me a
year, the current adsorbed by the banks, connec•ng them
manually with no load condi•on and taking note of the
results on the maintenance form.
Big differences in measures or eventual unbalances of the
three phases show the need of a special maintenance.
Further to the check of the correct thighteing af all the
connec"on, periodically clean the equipment inside by
removing possible dust not compa"ble with the good
opera"on of the equipment.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 15
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 16
Power Factor Controller PFC96evo
Front keyboard
Key - Used to select among available measurements. Used also to access programming menus.
keys - Used to set values and to select steps.
key - Used to select opera!ng mode between manual and automa!c.
Display indica!ons
Cooling fan
Induc!ve /
Opera!ng modes
There are two possible opera!ng modes, listed below:
MAN and AUT modes
· The icons AUT and MAN indicate the opera•ng mode automa•c or manual.
· To change the mode, press and hold the bu!on for 1 sec.
· The opera•ng mode remains stored even a"er removing and reapplying the power supply voltage.
MAN mode
· When the unit is in manual mode, you can select one of the steps and manually connected or
disconnect it.
· In addi•on to the specific icon, the alphanumeric display shows MAN in order to highlight the
manual mode condi•on. Press to view the other measurements as usual.
· While the display shows MAN, it is possible to select the step to be switched on or off. To select a
step, use the or bu!ons. The selected step will flash quickly.
· Press to ac•vate or deac•vate the selected step.
· If the selected step has not yet exhausted the reconnec•on •me, the icon will flash to
indicate that the transac•on has been accepted and will be conducted as soon as possible.
· Manual configura•on of the steps is maintained even when the power supply voltage is removed.
When the power returns, the original state of the steps is restored.
Tot kvar
inserited in
Manual step
Select step Change step status
AUT mode
· In automa•c mode, the controller calculates the op•mum configura•on of capacitor steps in order
to reach the set cosø.
· The selec•on criteria takes into account many variables such as: the power of each step, the
number of opera•ons, the total •me of use, the reconnec•on •me, etc.
· The controller displays the imminent connec•on or disconnec•on of the steps with the flashing of
their iden•fica•on number (le"). The flashing can last in cases in which the inser•on of a step is
not possible due to the reconnec•on •me (discharge •me of the capacitor).
· The device ini•ates automa•c correc•ons when there is an average reac•ve power request (delta-
kvar) higher than 50% of the smallest step, and the measured cosø is different from the setpoint.
Voltage V RMS voltage of the plant current.
V HI Maximum voltage value measured.
Measure Icon Descrip!on
Delta-kvar Δkvar Kvars needed to reach the cosø setpoint. If delta-kvar is posi•ve cpacitors
need to be inserted, if nega•ve to be disconnected.
kvar Total kvar of the plant.
ΔSTEP Number of equal steps to achieve the target power factor.
Current A RMS current of the plant voltage.
A HI Maximum current value masured.
Weekly PF WPF Weekly average power factor.
PF Instantaneous total power factor.
THD cap. THDC Capacitors total harmonic distor•on (THD) in current.
TC.HI Maximum THD value measured.
Temperature °C °F Temperature of internal sensor.
°FHI Maximum temperature value measured.
Voltage THD THDV Total harmonic distor•on % (THD) of plant voltage.
...VH15 % voltage harmonic content from 2.nd up to order
Current THD THDI Total harmonic distor•on % (THD) of plant current.
IH15 % Current harmonic content from 2.nd up to order
Cosø setpoint IND
CAP Se'ng of desired cosø setpoint (same as P.19).
Step power
% Step residual power, as a percentage of the set rated power.
Step counter
OPC Opera•on counter of the step.
Step hours
H Hour meter of the step inser•on.
These measures are shown only if the Step trimming func•on is enabled (P.25=ON) and the
advanced password is enabled and entered.
Keypad lock
· A func•on to exclude all modifica•on to opera•ng parameters can be enabled; measurement
viewing is s•ll provided in any case.
· To lock and unlock the keypad, press and keep key pressed. Then press the key
three •mes and the key twice and a"er that release
· The display will show LOC when the keypad is locked and UNL when it is unlocked.
· When the lock is enabled, it is not possible to make the following opera•ons:
à Opera•on between automa•c and manual mode
à Access to set-up menus
à Change of cosø set-point
· By a!emp•ng to conduct the above opera•ons, the display will view LOC to indicate the locked
· The PFC96evo controller provides a set of measurements displayed on the alphanumeric display, in
conjunc•on with the current cosø that is always displayed on the main display.
· Press the key to scroll through the measures in rota•on.
· A"er 30 seconds without pressing any bu!ons, the display automa•cally returns to the default
measurement defined by P.47.
· If P.47 is set on the ROT, then the measures rotate automa•cally every 5 seconds.
· At the bo!om of the list of measures it is possible to set the setpoint of the cosø, ac•ng on the
same value set with P.19.
· Below is a table with the measurements displayed.
Parameter se"ng (SETUP) from panel
To access the programming menu (setup) :
· To enter parameter programming the unit must be in TEST mode (first programming)
of steps
or in MAN mode.
mode icon
Tot kvar
inserited in
· From the normal measurement display, press and hold for 3 seconds to recall the main
menu. SET is displayed on the main display.
· If you have set the password (P.21 = ON) instead of SET the display shows PAS (password entry
request). Set the numeric password using and then press to move to next
· If the password is correct the unit will show OK U or OK A depending on the entered password is
user or the advanced level. The password can be defined with parameters P.22 and P.23. Factory
default is 001 and 002 respec•vely.
· If the entered password is wrong the unit will show ERR.
· A"er having entered the password, the access is enabled un•l the unit is re-ini•alized or for 2
minutes without pressing any key.
· A"er having entered the password, repeat the procedure to access the parameter se#ng.
· Press to select the desired submenu (BASà ADVà ALA ... ) that is shown on the
alphanumeric display.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 17
· The following table lists the available submenus:
Cod Descrip on
BAS Access to Base menu
ADV Accesso to Advanced menu
ALA Accesso to Alarm menu
CMD Access to Command menu
CUS Access to Custom menu
SAVE Exits saving modifica"ons.
EXIT Exits without saving (cancel)
· Press to access the submenu.
· When you are in a submenu, the main display shows the code of the selected parameter (eg P.01 ),
while the numeric/alphanumeric displays at the bo#om of the screen shows the parameter value
and / or descrip"on.
· Press to advance in the selec"on of items (such as scroll through parameters P.01 à P02 à
P03… ), or press to go back to the previous parameter.
· While a parameter is selected, with you can increase/decrease its value.
Backward Decrement/increment Forward
· Once you reach the last parameter of the menu, by pressing once more will return you to
the submenu selec"on.
· Using select SAVE to save the changes or EXIT to cancel.
· Alterna"vely, from within the programming, holding for three seconds will save the
changes and exit directly.
· If the user does not press any key for more than 2 minutes, the system leaves the setup automatically and
goes back to normal viewing without saving the changes done on parameters (like EXIT).
· N.B.: a backup copy of the setup data (se$ngs that can be modified using the keyboard) can be
saved in the eeprom memory of the PFC96evo regulator. This data can be restored when necessary
in the work memory. The data backup 'copy' and 'restore' commands can be found in the
Commands menu.
· Below are listed all the programming parameters in tabular form. For each parameter are indicated
the possible se$ng range and factory default, as well as a brief explana"on of the func"on of the
parameter. The descrip"on of the parameter shown on the display can in some cases be different
from what is reported in the table because of the reduced number of characters available. The
parameter code can be used however as a reference.
· Note: the parameters shown in the table with a shaded background are essen!al to the opera"on
of the system, thus they represent the minimum programming required for opera"on.
P.01 CT primary Usr A OFF OFF / 1...10.000
P.02 CT secondary Usr A 5 1 / 5
P.03 CT read phase Usr L1 L1 - L2– L2
P.04 CT wiring polarity Usr Aut Aut - Dir - Inv
P.05 Voltage read phase Usr L2-L3 L1-L2 L2-L3 L3-L1 L1-N L2-N L3-N
P.06 Smallest step power Usr Kvar 1.00 0.10 ... 10000
P.07 Rated installa"on voltage Usr V 400V 50 ... 50000
P.08 Nominal frequency Usr Hz Aut Aut - 50Hz - 60Hz - Var
P.09 Reconnec"on "me Adv sec 60 1 … 30000
P.10 Sensi"vity Usr sec 60 1 … 1000
P.11 Step 1 func"on Usr OFF OFF - 1…32 - ON - NOA - NCA - FAN
MAN - AUT - A01…A12
P.12 Step 2 func"on Usr OFF =
P.13 Step 3 func"on Usr OFF =
P.14 Step 4 func"on Usr OFF =
P.15 Step 5 func"on Usr OFF =
P.16 Step 6 func"on Usr OFF =
P.17 Step 7 func"on Usr OFF =
P.19 Cos-phi setpoint Usr 0.95 IND 0.50 Ind – 0.50 Cap
P.20 Alarm messages language Usr ENG ENG - ITA - FRA - SPA - POR - DEU
P.01 - The value of the primary current transformer. Example: with CT 800/5 set 800. If set to OFF,
a&er the power-up the device will prompt you to set the CT and allow direct access to this
P.02 - Value of the secondary of the current transformers. Example: with CT 800/5 set 5.
P.03 – It defines on which phase the device reads the current signal. The wiring of current inputs must
match the value set for this parameter. Supports all possible combina"ons of parameter P.05.
P.04 - Reading the connec"on polarity of the CT.
AUT = Polarity is automa"cally detected at power up. Can only be used when working with
only one CT and when the system has no generator device.
Dir = Automa"c detec"on disabled. Direct connec"on.
Inv = Automa"c detec"on disabled. Reverse wiring.
P.05 - Defines on which and on how many phases the device reads the voltage signal. The wiring of
voltage inputs must match the se$ng for this parameter. Supports all possible combina"ons
of parameter P.03.
P.06 - Value in kvar of the smallest step installed (equivalent to the step weight 1). Rated power of the
capacitor bank provided at the rated voltage specified in P.07 (exemple: step 10kvar-460V
supplied 400V → 10 x (400)2/(460)2 → set 7,5kvar).
P.07 - Installa"on rated voltage, which is delivered in specified power P.06.
P.08 - Working frequency of the system:
Aut = automa"c selec"on between 50 and 60 Hz at power on.
50Hz = fixed to 50 Hz.
60Hz = fixed to 60 Hz.
Var = variable, measured con"nuously and adjusted.
P.09 - Minimum "me that must elapse between the disconnec"on of one step and the subsequent
reconnec"on both in MAN or AUT mode. During this "me the number of the step on the main
page is blinking.
P.10 - Connec"on sensi"vity. This parameter sets the speed of reac"on of the controller. With small
values of P.10 the regula"on is fast (more accurate around the setpoint but with more step
swithchings). With high values instead we’ll have slower reac"ons of the regula"on, with fewer
switchings of the steps. The delay "me of the reac"on is inversely propor"onal to the request
of steps to reach the setpoint: wai"ng "me = (sensi"vity / number of steps required).
Example: setting the sensitivity to 60s, if you request the insertion of one step of weight 1 are
expected 60s (60/1 = 60). If instead serve a total of 4 steps will be expected 15s (60/4 = 15).
P11 ... P18 - Func"on of output relays 1 ... 8:
OFF = Not used .
1 .. 32 = Weight of the step. This relay drives a bank of cpacitors which power is n "mes (n =
1…32) the smallest power defined with parameter P.06.
ON = Always on.
NOA = Alarm normally de-energized. The relay is energized when any alarm with the Global
alarm property arises.
NCA = Alarm normally energized. The relay is de-energized when any alarm with the Global
alarm property arises.
FAN = The relay controls the cooling fan.
MAN = Relay is energized when device is in MAN mode.
AUT = Relay is energized when device is in AUT mode.
A01 ... A12= The relay is energized when the alarm specified is ac"ve.
P19 - Setpoint (target value) of the cosø. Used for standard applica"ons.
P20 - Language of scrolling alarm messages.
Advanced menu
P.21 Password enable Adv OFF OFF
P.22 User password Usr 001 0-999
P.23 Advanced password Adv 002 (*) 0-999
P.24 Wiring type Usr 3PH 3PH three-phase
1PH single-phase
P.25 Step trimming Usr ON ON Enabled
OFF Disabled
P.26 Setpoint clearance + Usr 0.00 0 – 0.10
P.27 Setpoint clearance - Usr 0.00 0 – 0.10
P.28 Step inser"on mode Usr STD STD Standard
LIN Linear
P.29 Cogenera"on cosø setpoint Usr OFF OFF /
0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P.30 Disconnec"on sensi"vity Usr sec OFF OFF / 1 – 600
P.31 Step disconnec"on passing in MAN Usr OFF OFF Disabled ; ON Enabled
P.32 Capacitor current overload alarm threshold Adv % 50 OFF / 0...150
P.33 Capacitor overload immediate
disconnec"on threshold Adv % 83 OFF / 0.. 200
P.34 VT primary Usr V OFF OFF / 50-50000
P.35 VT secondary Usr V 100 50-500
P.36 Temperature UoM Usr °C °C °Celsius ; °F °Fahrenheit
P.37 Fan start temperature Adv ° 25 0 .. 100°C ; (32...212°F)
P.38 Fan stop temperature Adv ° 20 0 .. 100°C ; (32...212°F)
P.39 Temperature alarm threshold Adv ° 55 50 .. 100°C ; (122...212°F)
P.41 Maximum voltage alarm threshold Adv % 110 OFF / 90...150
P.42 Minimum voltage alarm threshold Adv % 90 OFF / 60..110
P.43 THD V alarm threshold Adv % 6 OFF / 1..250
P.44 THD I alarm threshold Adv % 12 OFF / 1..250
Power Factor Controller PFC96evo
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 18
Power Factor Controller PFC96evo
P.45 Maintenance interval Adv h 9000
8760(**) 1 - 30000
P.46 Bar-graph func!on Usr Kvar ins/tot
Kvar ins/tot
Corr a"/nom
Delta kvar a"/tot
P.47 Default auxiliary measure Usr Week TPF
Week TPF
Cap. Current
P.48 Backlight flashing on alarm Usr OFF OFF
P.49 Serial node address Usr 01 01-255
P.50 Serial speed Usr bps 9.6k
P.51 Data format Usr 8 bit – n
8 bit, no parity
8 bit, odd
8bit, even
7 bit, odd
7 bit, even
P.52 Stop bits Usr 1 1-2
P.53 Protocol Usr Modbus
Modbus RTU
Modbus ASCII
P.54 Number of inser!ons for maintenance Adv kcnt OFF OFF/1...60
P.21 If set to OFF, password management is disabled and anyone has access to the se"ngs and
commands menu.
P.22 With P.21 enabled, this is the value to specify for ac!va!ng user level access. See Password
access chapter.
P.23 – As for P.22, with reference to Advanced level access.
(*) Available value only if the controller is not installed on the ITALFARAD cabinet
P.24 – Number of phases of the power correc!on panel.
P.25 - Enables the measurement of the actual power of the step, performed each !me they are
switched in. The measure is calculated, as the current measurement is referred to the whole
load of the plant. The measured power of the steps is adjusted (trimmed) a#er each switching
and is displayed on the step life sta!s!c page. When this func!on is enabled, a 15 sec pause is
inserted between the switching of one step and the following, necessary to measure the
reac!ve power varia!on.
P.26 P.27 - Tolerance around the setpoint. When the cosø is within the range delimited by these
parameters, in AUT mode the device does not connect / disconnect steps even if the
delta-kvar is greater than the smallest step.
P.28 - Selec!ng mode of steps inser!on.
Standard mode - Normal opera!on with free selec!on of the steps
Linear mode - the steps are connected in progression from le# towards right only following
the step number and according to the LIFO (Last In First Out) logic. The controller will not
connect a step when the system steps are of different ra!ngs and by connec!ng the next step,
the set-point value would be exceeded.
P.29 - Setpoint used when the system is genera!ng ac!ve power to the supplier (with nega!ve ac!ve
power / power factor ).
P.30 - Disconnec!on sensi!vity. Same as the previous parameter but related to disconnec!on. If set
to OFF the disconnec!on has the same reac!on !me of connec!on set with the previous
P.31 - If set to ON, when switching from AUT mode to MAN mode, steps are disconnected in
P.32 – Trip threshold for the capacitors overload protec!on (alarm A08), that will arise a#er a
integral delay !me, inversely propor!onal to the value of the overload.
Note: You can use this protec!on only if the capacitors are not equipped with filtering
devices such as inductors or similar.
P.33 - Threshold beyond which the integral delay for tripping of the overload alarm is zeroed,
causing the immediate interven!on of the A08 alarm.
P.34 – P.35 – Data of VTs eventually used in the wiring diagrams.
P.36 – Unit of measure for temperature.
P.37 P.38 - Start and stop temperature for the cooling fan of the panel, expressed in the unit set
by P.36. The cooling fan is started when the temperature is >= to P.37 and it is stopped
when it is < than P.38.
P.39 - Threshold for genera!on of alarm A08 Panel temperature too high .
P.41 - Maximum voltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, beyond which
the alarm A06 Voltage too high is generated.
P.42 - Undervoltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, below which the
alarm A05 voltage too low is generated.
P.43 - Maximum installa!on voltage THD alarm threshold, beyond which the alarm A10 THDV too high
is generated.
P.44 Maximum installa!on current THD alarm threshold beyond which the alarm A11 Current THD
too high is generated.
P.45 Maintenance interval in hours. When it is elapsed, the alarm A12 Ordinary maintenance will
be generated. The hour count increments as long as the device is powered. (**) If the control-
ler is installed on the ITALFARAD cabinet
P.46 – Func!on of the semi-circular bar-graph.
Kvar ins/tot: The bar graph represents the amount of kvar actually inserted, with reference
to the total reac!ve power installed in the panel.
Curr act/nom: Percentage of actual plant current with reference to the maximum current of
the CT.
Delta kvar: bar graph with central zero. It represts the posi!ve/nega!ve delta -kvar needed to
reach the setpoint, compared to the total kvar installed.
P.47 Default measure shown on the secondary display. Se"ng the parameter to ROT, the different
measures will be shown with a sequen!al rota!on.
P.48 – If set to ON, the display backlight flashes in presence of one or more ac!ve alarms.
P.49 – Serial (node) address of the communica!on protocol.
P.50 – Communica!on port transmission speed.
P.51 – Data format. 7 bit se"ngs can only be used for ASCII protocol.
P.52 – Stop bit number.
P.53 – Select communica!on protocol.
P.54 - Defines the number of the step (considering the step that has the highest count) beyond which
the maintenance alarm A12 is generated. This parameter should be used as an alterna!ve to
P.45. If both P.45 and P.54 are set to a value other than OFF, then P.45 has priority.
· When an alarm is generated , the display will show an alarm icon, the code and the descrip!on of
the alarm in the language selected.
· If the naviga!on keys in the pages are pressed, the scrolling message showing the alarm indica!ons
will disappear momentarily, to reappear again a#er 30 seconds.
· Alarms are automa!cally rese&ed as soon as the alarm condi!ons that have generated them
· In the case of one or more alarms, the behaviour of the PFC96evo regulator depends on the
proper•es se"ngs of the ac!ve alarms.
A01 Undercompensa•on In automa•c mode, all the available steps are connected but the
cosø is s•ll more induc•ve than the setpoint.
A02 Overcompensa•on In automa•c mode, all the steps are disconnected but the cosø is
s•ll more capaci•ve than the setpoint.
A03 Current too low
The current !owing in the current inputs is lower than minimum
measuring range.
This condi•on can occour normally if the plant has no load.
A04 Current too high The current !owing in the current inputs is lower than minimum
measuring range.
A05 Voltage too low The measured voltage is lower than the threshold set with P.42.
A06 Voltage too high The measured voltage is higher than the threshold set with P.41.
A07 Capacitor current overload
The calculated capacitor current overload is higher than threshold
set with P.32 and P.33. A"er the alarm condi•ons have
disappeared, the alarm message remains shown for the following
5 min or un•l the user presses a key on the front.
A08 Temperature too high The panel temperature is higher than threshold set with P.39.
A09 No-Voltage release A no-voltage release has occurred on the line voltage inputs,
las•ng more than 8ms.
A10 Voltage THD too high The THD of the plant voltage is higher than the threshold set with
A11 Current THD too high The THD of the plant current is higher than the threshold set with
A12 Ordinary maintenance
The maintenance interval set with P.45 has elapsed. To reset the
alarm use the command C.01 (see Command menu).
For further information, the complete user manual is available in our web site.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 19
Power Factor Controller PFC144evo
Front keyboard
Key - Used to select among available measurements. Used also to access programming menus.
keys - Used to set values and to select steps.
key - Used to select automa!c opera!ng mode.
key - Used to select manual opera!ng mode.
Display indica!ons
Cooling fan
Induc!ve /
Opera!ng modes
There are two possible opera!ng modes, listed below:
MAN and AUT modes
· The icons AUT and MAN indicate the opera!ng mode automa!c or manual.
· To change the mode, press and hold the or bu"on for 1 sec.
· The opera!ng mode remains stored even a#er removing and reapplying the power supply voltage.
MAN mode
· When the unit is in manual mode, you can select one of the steps and manually connected or
disconnect it.
· In addi!on to the speci$c icon, the alphanumeric display shows MAN in order to highlight the
manual mode condi!on. Press to view the other measurements as usual.
· While the display shows MAN, it is possible to select the step to be switched on or o%. To select a
step, use the or bu"ons. The selected step will &ash quickly.
· Press to ac!vate or deac!vate the selected step.
· If the selected step has not yet exhausted the reconnec!on !me, the icon will &ash to
indicate that the transac!on has been accepted and will be conducted as soon as possible.
· Manual con$gura!on of the steps is maintained even when the power supply voltage is removed.
When the power returns, the original state of the steps is restored.
Tot kvar
in MAN
Manual step
Select step Change step status
AUT mode
· In automa!c mode, the controller calculates the op!mum con$gura!on of capacitor steps in
order to reach the set cosø.
· The selec!on criteria takes into account many variables such as: the power of each step, the
number of opera!ons, the total !me of use, the reconnec!on !me, etc.
· The controller displays the imminent connec!on or disconnec!on of the steps with the &ashing
of their iden!$ca!on number (le#). The &ashing can last in cases in which the inser!on of a step
is not possible due to the reconnec!on !me (discharge !me of the capacitor).
· The device ini!ates automa!c correc!ons when there is an average reac!ve power request
(delta-kvar) higher than 50' of the smallest step, and the measured cosø is di%erent from the
· The PFC144evo controller provides a set of measurements displayed on the alphanumeric
display, in conjunc!on with the current cosø that is always displayed on the main display.
· Press the key to scroll through the measures in rota!on.
· A#er 30 seconds without pressing any bu"ons, the display automa!cally returns to the default
measurement de$ned by P.47.
· If P.47 is set on the ROT, then the measures rotate automa!cally every 5 seconds.
· At the bo"om of the list of measures it is possible to set the setpoint of the cosø, ac!ng on the
same value set with P.19.
· Below is a table with the measurements displayed.
Voltage V RMS voltage of the plant current.
V HI Maximum voltage value measured.
Measure Icon Descrip!on
Delta-kvar Δkvar Kvars needed to reach the cosø setpoint. If delta-kvar is posi!ve
cpacitors need to be inserted, if nega!ve to be disconnected.
kvar Total kvar of the plant.
ΔSTEP Number of equal steps to achieve the target power factor.
Current A RMS current of the plant voltage.
A HI Maximum current value masured.
Weekly PF WPF Weekly average power factor.
PF Instantaneous total power factor.
THD cap. THDC Capacitors total harmonic distor!on (THD) in current.
TC.HI Maximum THD value measured.
Temperature °C °F Temperature of internal sensor.
°FHI Maximum temperature value measured.
Voltage THD THDV Total harmonic distor!on % (THD) of plant voltage.
...VH15 % voltage harmonic content from 2.nd up to order
Current THD THDI Total harmonic distor!on % (THD) of plant current.
…IH15 % Current harmonic content from 2.nd up to order
Cosø setpoint IND
CAP Se"ng of desired cosø setpoint (same as P.19).
Step power
% Step residual power, as a percentage of the set rated power.
Step counter
OPC Opera!on counter of the step.
Step hours
H Hour meter of the step inser!on.
These measures are shown only if the Step trimming func!on is enabled (P.25=ON) and the
advanced password is enabled and entered.
Keypad lock
· A func!on to exclude all modifica!on to opera!ng parameters can be enabled; measurement
viewing is s!ll provided in any case.
· To lock and unlock the keypad, press and keep key pressed. Then press the key
three !mes and the key twice and a&er that release
· The display will show LOC when the keypad is locked and UNL when it is unlocked.
· When the lock is enabled, it is not possible to make the following opera!ons:
à Opera!on between automa!c and manual mode
à Access to set-up menus
à Change of cosø set-point
· By a'emp!ng to conduct the above opera!ons, the display will view LOC to indicate the locked
keypad state.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 20
Power Factor Controller PFC144evo
Parameter se!ng (SETUP) from panel
To access the programming menu (setup) :
· To enter parameter programming the unit must be in TEST mode (first programming)
· From the normal measurement display, press and hold for 3 seconds to recall the main
menu. SET is displayed on the main display.
· If you have set the password (P.21 = ON) instead of SET the display shows PAS (password entry
request). Set the numeric password using and then press to move to
next digit.
· If the password is correct the unit will show OK U or OK A depending on the entered password is
user or the advanced level. The password can be defined with parameters P.22 and P.23.
Factory default is 001 and 002 respec!vely.
· If the entered password is wrong the unit will show ERR.
· A"er having entered the password, the access is enabled un!l the unit is re-ini!alized or for 2
minutes without pressing any key.
· A"er having entered the password, repeat the procedure to access the parameter se#ng.
· Press to select the desired submenu (BASà ADVà ALA ... ) that is shown on the
alphanumeric display.
of steps
revision Model
Tot kvar
inserited in
· The following table lists the available submenus:
Cod Descrip!on
BAS Access to Base menu
ADV Accesso to Advanced menu
ALA Accesso to Alarm menu
FUN Access to Ethernet menu
CMD Access to Command menu
CUS Access to Custom menu
SAVE Exits saving modifica!ons.
EXIT Exits without saving (cancel)
· Press to access the submenu.
· When you are in a submenu, the main display shows the code of the selected parameter (eg
P.01 ), while the numeric/alphanumeric displays at the bo%om of the screen shows the
parameter value and / or descrip!on.
· Press to advance in the selec!on of items (such as scroll through parameters P.01 à P02
à P03… ), or press to go back to the previous parameter.
· While a parameter is selected, with you can increase/decrease its value.
Backward Decrement/increment Forward
· Once you reach the last parameter of the menu, by pressing once more will return you
to the submenu selec!on.
· Using select SAVE to save the changes or EXIT to cancel.
· Alterna!vely, from within the programming, holding for three seconds will save the
changes and exit directly.
· If the user does not press any key for more than 2 minutes, the system leaves the setup automatically
and goes back to normal viewing without saving the changes done on parameters (like EXIT).
· N.B.: a backup copy of the setup data (se#ngs that can be modified using the keyboard) can be
saved in the eeprom memory of the PFC144evo regulator. This data can be restored when
necessary in the work memory. The data backup 'copy' and 'restore' commands can be found in
the Commands menu.
Parameter table
· Below are listed all the programming parameters in tabular form. For each parameter are
indicated the possible se#ng range and factory default, as well as a brief explana!on of the
func!on of the parameter. The descrip!on of the parameter shown on the display can in some
cases be different from what is reported in the table because of the reduced number of charac-
ters available. The parameter code can be used however as a reference.
· Note: the parameters shown in the table with a shaded background are essen!al to the opera-
!on of the system, thus they represent the minimum programming required for opera!on.
P.01 CT primary Usr A OFF OFF / 1...10.000
P.02 CT secondary Usr A 5 1 / 5
P.03 CT read phase Usr L1 L1 - L2– L3
P.04 CT wiring polarity Usr Aut Aut - Dir - Inv
P.05 Voltage read phase Usr L2-L3 L1-L2 L2-L3 L3-L1 L1-N L2-N L3-N
P.06 Smallest step power Usr Kvar 1.00 0.10 ... 10000
P.07 Rated installa!on
voltage Usr V 400V 50 ... 50000
P.08 Nominal frequency Usr Hz Aut Aut - 50Hz - 60Hz - Var
P.09 Reconnec!on !me Adv sec 60 1 … 30000
P.10 Sensi!vity Usr sec 60 1 … 1000
P.11 Step 1 func!on Usr OFF OFF - 1…32 - ON - NOA - NCA - FAN - MAN -
AUT - A01…A12
P.12 Step 2 func!on Usr OFF =
P.13 Step 3 func!on Usr OFF =
P.14 Step 4 func!on Usr OFF =
P.15 Step 5 func!on Usr OFF =
P.16 Step 6 func!on Usr OFF =
P.17 Step 7 func!on Usr OFF =
P.19 Cos-phi setpoint Usr 0.95
IND 0.50 Ind – 0.50 Cap
P.20 Alarm messages
language Usr ENG ENG - ITA - FRA - SPA - POR - DEU
Base menu
P.01 - The value of the primary current transformer. Example: with CT 800/5 set 800. If set to OFF, after the
power-up the device will prompt you to set the CT and allow direct access to this parameter.
P.02 - Value of the secondary of the current transformers. Example: with CT 800/5 set 5.
P.03 It defines on which phase the device reads the current signal. The wiring of current inputs must
match the value set for this parameter. Supports all possible combinations of parameter P.05.
P.04 - Reading the connec!on polarity of the CT.
AUT = Polarity is automa!cally detected at power up. Can only be used when working with
only one CT and when the system has no generator device.
Dir = Automa!c detec!on disabled. Direct connec!on.
Inv = Automa!c detec!on disabled. Reverse wiring.
P.05 - Defines on which and on how many phases the device reads the voltage signal. The wiring of
voltage inputs must match the se#ng for this parameter. Supports all possible combina-
!ons of parameter P.03.
P.06 - Value in kvar of the smallest step installed (equivalent to the step weight 1). Rated power of the
capacitor bank provided at the rated voltage specified in P.07 (exemple: step 10kvar-460V
supplied 400V $ 10 x (400)2/(460)2 $ set 7,5kvar).
P.07 - Installa!on rated voltage, which is delivered in speci"ed power P.06.
P.08 - Working frequency of the system:
Aut = automa!c selec!on between 50 and 60 Hz at power on.
50Hz = "xed to 50 Hz.
60Hz = "xed to 60 Hz.
Var = variable, measured con!nuously and adjusted.
P.09 - Minimum !me that must elapse between the disconnec!on of one step and the subsequent
reconnec!on both in MAN or AUT mode. During this !me the number of the step on the
main page is blinking.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 21
Power Factor Controller PFC144evo
P.10 - Connection sensitivity. This parameter sets the speed of reaction of the controller. With small values
of P.10 the regulation is fast (more accurate around the setpoint but with more step swithchings).
With high values instead we’ll have slower reactions of the regulation, with fewer switchings of the
steps. The delay time of the reaction is inversely proportional to the request of steps to reach the
setpoint: waiting time = (sensitivity / number of steps required).
Example: setting the sensitivity to 60s, if you request the insertion of one step of weight 1 are
expected 60s (60/1 = 60). If instead serve a total of 4 steps will be expected 15s (60/4 = 15).
P11 ... P18 - Func!on of output relays 1 ... 8:
OFF = Not used .
1 .. 32 = Weight of the step. This relay drives a bank of cpacitors which power is n !mes (n
= 1…32) the smallest power de"ned with parameter P.06.
ON = Always on.
NOA = Alarm normally de-energized. The relay is energized when any alarm with the
Global alarm property arises.
NCA = Alarm normally energized. The relay is de-energized when any alarm with the
Global alarm property arises.
FAN = The relay controls the cooling fan.
MAN = Relay is energized when device is in MAN mode.
AUT = Relay is energized when device is in AUT mode.
A01 ... A12= The relay is energized when the alarm speci"ed is ac!ve.
P19 - Setpoint (target value) of the cosø. Used for standard applica!ons.
P20 - Language of scrolling alarm messages.
Advanced menu
P.21 Password enable Adv OFF OFF
P.22 User password Usr 001 0-999
P.23 Advanced password Adv 002 (*) 0-999
P.24 Wiring type Usr 3PH 3PH three-phase
1PH single-phase
P.25 Step trimming Usr ON ON Enabled / OFF Disabled
P.26 Setpoint clearance + Usr 0.00 0 – 0.10
P.27 Setpoint clearance - Usr 0.00 0 – 0.10
P.28 Step inser!on mode Usr STD STD Standard / LIN Linear
P.29 Cogenera!on cosø setpoint Usr OFF OFF / 0.50 IND – 0.50 CAP
P.30 Disconnec!on sensi!vity Usr sec OFF OFF / 1 – 600
P.31 Step disconnec!on passing in MAN Usr OFF OFF Disabled / ON Enabled
P.32 Capacitor current overload alarm
threshold Adv % 50 OFF / 0...150
P.33 Capacitor overload immediate
disconnec!on threshold Adv % 83 OFF / 0.. 200
P.34 VT primary Usr V OFF OFF / 50-50000
P.35 VT secondary Usr V 100 50-500
P.36 Temperature UoM Usr °C °C °Celsius ; °F °Fahrenheit
P.37 Fan start temperature Adv ° 25 0 .. 212
P.38 Fan stop temperature Adv ° 20 0 .. 212
P.39 Temperature alarm threshold Adv ° 55 0 .. 212
P.41 Maximum voltage alarm threshold Adv % 110 OFF / 90...150
P.42 Minimum voltage alarm threshold Adv % 90 OFF / 60..110
P.43 THD V alarm threshold Adv % 6 OFF / 1..250
P.44 THD I alarm threshold Adv % 12 OFF / 1..250
P.45 Maintenance interval Adv h 9000
8760(**) 1 - 30000
P.46 Bar-graph func!on Usr Kvar ins/tot
Kvar ins/tot
Corr a"/nom
Delta kvar a"/tot
P.47 Default auxiliary measure Usr Week TPF
Week TPF
Cap. Current
P.48 Backlight #ashing on alarm Usr OFF OFF / ON
P.49 Serial node address Usr 01 01-255
P.50 Serial speed Usr bps 9.6k
P.51 Data format Usr 8 bit – n
8 bit, no parity
8 bit, odd
8bit, even
7 bit, odd
7 bit, even
P.52 Stop bits Usr 1 1-2
P.53 Protocol Usr Modbus RTU Modbus RTU / Modbus
P.54 Number of insertions for maintenance Adv kcnt OFF OFF / 1...60
P.55 Step 9 func!on Usr OFF =
P.56 Step 10 func!on Usr OFF =
P.57 Step 11 func!on Usr OFF =
P.58 Step 12 func!on Usr OFF =
P.59 Step 13 func!on Usr OFF =
P.60 Step 14 func!on Usr OFF =
P.21 If set to OFF, password management is disabled and anyone has access to the settings and commands menu.
P.22 With P.21 enabled, this is the value to specify for activating user level access. See Password access chapter.
P.23 – As for P.22, with reference to Advanced level access. (*) Available value only if the controller is
not installed on the ITALFARAD cabinet
P.24 – Number of phases of the power correc!on panel.
P.25 - Enables the measurement of the actual power of the step, performed each time they are switched in.
The measure is calculated, as the current measurement is referred to the whole load of the plant.
The measured power of the steps is adjusted (trimmed) after each switching and is displayed on the
step life statistic page. When this function is enabled, a 15 sec pause is inserted between the
switching of one step and the following, necessary to measure the reactive power variation.
P.26 P.27 - Tolerance around the setpoint. When the cosø is within the range delimited by these
parameters, in AUT mode the device does not connect / disconnect steps even if the
delta-kvar is greater than the smallest step.
P.28 - Selec!ng mode of steps inser!on.
Standard mode - Normal opera!on with free selec!on of the steps
Linear mode - the steps are connected in progression from le$ towards right only following
the step number and according to the LIFO (Last In First Out) logic. The controller will not
connect a step when the system steps are of di%erent ra!ngs and by connec!ng the next step,
the set-point value would be exceeded.
P.29 - Setpoint used when the system is genera!ng ac!ve power to the supplier (with nega!ve ac!ve
power / power factor ).
P.30 - Disconnection sensitivity. Same as the previous parameter but related to disconnection. If set to OFF
the disconnection has the same reaction time of connection set with the previous parameter.
P.31 - If set to ON, when switching from AUT mode to MAN mode, steps are disconnected in sequence.
P.32 – Trip threshold for the capacitors overload protec!on (alarm A08), that will arise a$er a
integral delay !me, inversely propor!onal to the value of the overload.
Note: You can use this protec!on only if the capacitors are not equipped with &ltering
devices such as inductors or similar.
P.33 - Threshold beyond which the integral delay for tripping of the overload alarm is zeroed,
causing the immediate interven!on of the A08 alarm.
P.34 – P.35 – Data of VTs eventually used in the wiring diagrams.
P.36 – Unit of measure for temperature.
P.37 P.38 - Start and stop temperature for the cooling fan of the panel, expressed in the unit set by P.36. The
cooling fan is started when the temperature is >= to P.37 and it is stopped when it is < than P.38.
P.39 - Threshold for genera!on of alarm A08 Panel temperature too high .
P.41 - Maximum voltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, beyond which
the alarm A06 Voltage too high is generated.
P.42 - Undervoltage alarm threshold, referred to the rated voltage set with P.07, below which the
alarm A05 voltage too low is generated.
P.43 - Maximum installa!on voltage THD alarm threshold, beyond which the alarm A10 THDV too high
is generated.
P.44 Maximum installa!on current THD alarm threshold beyond which the alarm A05 voltage too
low is generated.
P.45 Maintenance interval in hours. When it is elapsed, the alarm A12 Ordinary maintenance will
be generated. The hour count increments as long as the device is powered. (**) If the
controller is installed on the ITALFARAD cabinet
P.46 – Func!on of the semi-circular bar-graph.
Kvar ins/tot: The bar graph represents the amount of kvar actually inserted, with reference
to the total reac!ve power installed in the panel.
Curr act/nom: Percentage of actual plant current with reference to the maximum current of the CT.
Delta kvar: bar graph with central zero. It represts the posi!ve/nega!ve delta -kvar needed
to reach the setpoint, compared to the total kvar installed.
P.47Default measure shown on the secondary display. Se'ng the parameter to ROT, the di%erent
measures will be shown with a sequen!al rota!on.
P.48If set to ON, the display backlight #ashes in presence of one or more ac!ve alarms.
P.49 – Serial (node) address of the communica!on protocol.
P.50 – Communica!on port transmission speed.
P.51 – Data format. 7 bit se'ngs can only be used for ASCII protocol.
P.52 – Stop bit number.
P.53 – Select communica!on protocol.
P.54 - De&nes the number of the step (considering the step that has the highest count) beyond which
the maintenance alarm A12 is generated. This parameter should be used as an alterna!ve to
P.45. If both P.45 and P.54 are set to a value other than OFF, then P.45 has priority.
P.55...P.60 - Func!on of output relays 9...14. See descrip!on of parameter.
· When an alarm is generated , the display will show an alarm icon, the code and the descrip!on
of the alarm in the language selected.
· If the naviga!on keys in the pages are pressed, the scrolling message showing the alarm
indica!ons will disappear momentarily, to reappear again a$er 30 seconds.
· Alarms are automa!cally rese"ed as soon as the alarm condi!ons that have generated them
· In the case of one or more alarms, the behaviour of the PFC144evo regulator depends on the
proper•es se•ngs of the ac•ve alarms.
A01 Undercompensa•on In automa•c mode, all the available steps are connected but the
cosø is s•ll more induc•ve than the setpoint.
A02 Overcompensa•on In automa•c mode, all the steps are disconnected but the cosø is
s•ll more capaci•ve than the setpoint.
A03 Current too low
The current !owing in the current inputs is lower than minimum
measuring range.
This condi•on can occour normally if the plant has no load.
A04 Current too high The current !owing in the current inputs is lower than minimum
measuring range.
A05 Voltage too low The measured voltage is lower than the threshold set with P.42.
A06 Voltage too high The measured voltage is higher than the threshold set with P.41.
A07 Capacitor current
The calculated capacitor current overload is higher than threshold
set with P.32 and P.33. A"er the alarm condi•ons have disappeared,
the alarm message remains shown for the following 5 min or un•l
the user presses a key on the front.
A08 Temperature too high The panel temperature is higher than threshold set with P.39.
A09 No-Voltage release A no-voltage release has occurred on the line voltage inputs, las•ng
more than 8ms.
A10 Voltage THD too high The THD of the plant voltage is higher than the threshold set with P.43.
A11 Current THD too high The THD of the plant current is higher than the threshold set with P.44.
A12 Maintenance
The maintenance interval set with P.45 or P.54 has elapsed. To reset
the alarm see Command menu.
For further information, the complete user manual is available in our web site.
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 22
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6°
Installation site
Serial number
Banks power kvar
Power kvar
Voltage Volt
Bank 6
First installation date
PF controller
Bank 4
Bank 5
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank 3
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 23
Italfarad S.p.A. Via IV Novembre n.1 40061 Minerbio Bologna Italy Tel.+39 051 6618311 Fax +39 051 6605594 E-mail: 24
Via IV novembre, 1
40061 Minerbio Bo Italy
Tel. +39 051 6618311
Fax +39 051 6605594
Edizione 10-2015
ITALFARAD S.p.A., fondata nel 1950, è specializzata
nella produzione di condensatori elettrici per impieghi
generali in corrente alternata, quali il rifasamento
lampade, l’utilizzo permanente sui motori e il
rifasamento industriale (vedere cataloghi relativi).
L’ITALFARAD, inoltre, è specializzata nella produzione
di quadri fissi e automatici per il rifasamento industriale
in bassa tensione, con inserimento dei condensatori sia
elettromeccanico (teleruttori) che statico (triac).
Le apparecchiature dell’ITALFARAD sono costruite in
serie utilizzando linee automatiche e semiautomatiche e
questo, unitamente all’utilizzo di componenti di grande
affidabilità, ne garantisce un alto livello di qualità e, allo
stesso tempo, un prezzo estremamente competitivo.
La qualità è un imperativo costante ed irrinunciabile per
· i condensatori utilizzati sono conformi alla EN 60831-
1/2 (IEC 831-1/2)
· i quadri hanno superato le prove di tipo previste dalle
Norme CEI EN 60439-1 (CEI 17-13/1)
L’ITALFARAD S.p.A detiene, dal 1993, una
certificazione del Sistema di Qualità secondo le Norme
UNI EN ISO 9001, aggiornato con la certificazione UNI
EN ISO 9001:2008.
Founded in 1950, ITALFARAD S.p.A., specialises in
manufacturing electrical capacitors for A.C. general
applications, such as lighting, motor run and Power
Factor Correction (see relevant Catalogues).
ITALFARAD also produces L.V. fixed and automatic
P.F.C. equipment, switching the capacitors by electro
mechanic components (contactors) or by static system
ITALFARAD P.F.C. equipment is produced en masse
using automatic and semiautomatic machinery. The
utilisation of highly reliable components guarantees a
superior level of quality at extremely competitive prices.
Quality has always been the primary objective of
· Capacitors comply with the EN 60831-/2 (IEC 831-1/2)
· The P.F.C. equipment conform to tests carried out in
accordance with CEI EN 60439-1 (CEI 17-13/1)
In 1993, ITALFARAD was awarded a Quality System
Certificate according to UNI EN ISO 9001 Standards,
this certificate has been updated to UNI EN ISO