iv ADS RainAlert III Manual
Securing the Sun Shield .......................................... 4-6
Mounting the Sun Shield to a Pole .......................... 4-7
Mounting the Tipping Bucket ...................................... 4-12
Leveling and Calibrating the Tipping Bucket............... 4-23
Leveling the Tipping Bucket ................................. 4-23
Performing a Tip Test ........................................... 4-26
Installing the RainAlert III ........................................... 4-28
Installing the Monitor in the Sun Shield ................ 4-29
CHAPTER 5 Communication
Connecting Directly to the Monitor ................................ 5-2
Cellular-Based Wireless Communication ....................... 5-4
Setting Up Wireless Communication ............................. 5-6
Activating the SIM Card ......................................... 5-7
Installing the SIM Card ........................................... 5-9
CHAPTER 6 Modbus
Establishing a Modbus Connection ................................ 6-2
Setting Up a Wireless Connection ........................... 6-2
Configuring the Monitor for Modbus Applications ........ 6-4
Modbus Data Registers .................................................. 6-5
Register Addresses for Entity Data ......................... 6-5
CHAPTER 7 Maintenance and
Maintaining the System Components ............................. 7-2
Gathering Replacement Parts and Supplies ............. 7-2
Inspecting the Monitor ............................................ 7-3
Checking the Tipping Bucket ................................ 7-11
Checking the Antenna Cable ................................. 7-12
Replacing the SIM Card in the Monitor ................ 7-12
Interpreting the LEDs on the PCB ........................ 7-18
Viewing Monitor Activity Logs ............................ 7-20
Upgrading the Monitor Firmware ......................... 7-22
Upgrading Modem Firmware
(p/n 9000-RA3-4VZ only) ............................... 7-24
Running Diagnostics on the Rain Device ..................... 7-27