ZTE Prestige User manual

User manual
Available applications and services are subject to change at any time.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
AbouttheUserGuide 1
GetStarted 2
PartsandFunctions 2
nano-SIMCard 3
SDCard 6
InsertSDCard 6
UnmounttheSDCard 8
RemoveSDCard 10
FormatSDCard 12
BatteryUse 15
InserttheBattery 15
RemovetheBattery 16
ChargetheBattery 17
TurnYourPhoneOnandOff 19
UsetheTouchscreen 20
ActivationandService 23
CompletetheSetupScreens 24
BasicOperations 27
Basics 27
HomeScreenandApplications(Apps)List 27
PhoneSettingsMenu 29
PortraitandLandscapeScreenOrientation 30
CaptureScreenshots 31
Applications 31
LaunchApplications 31
AppsList 33
PhoneNumber 35
AirplaneMode 36
EnterText 36
TouchscreenKeyboards 36
GoogleKeyboard 37
Swype 38
TouchPalX 40
TipsforEditingText 43
GoogleAccount 43
CreateaGoogleAccount 44
SignIntoYourGoogleAccount 46
GooglePlayStore 48
FindandInstallanApp 49
RequestaRefundforaPaidApp 50
UpdateanApp 50
UninstallanApp 54
GetHelpwithGooglePlay 56
LockandUnlockYourScreen 56
UpdateYourPhone 57
UpdateYourPhoneSoftware 57
UpdateYourProfile 60
UpdateYourPRL 60
YourPhoneInterface 61
HomeScreenBasics 61
HomeScreenLayout 61
ExtendedHomeScreens 62
StatusBarandNotificationPanel 63
StatusBar 63
NotificationPanel 65
CustomizetheHomeScreen 67
ChangetheWallpaper 67
AddShortcutstotheHomeScreen 68
AddWidgetstotheHomeScreen 69
AddFolderstotheHomeScreen 69
PhoneApp 71
PlaceandAnswerCalls 71
CallUsingthePhoneDialer 71
CallEmergencyNumbers 73
AnswerPhoneCalls 74
In-CallScreenLayoutandOperations 78
PlaceaCallfromContacts 80
CallfromCallLogs 81
OptionalServices 82
VoicemailSetup 82
VisualVoicemail 83
SetUpVisualVoicemail 83
ReviewVisualVoicemail 84
ListentoMultipleVoicemailMessages 85
VisualVoicemailOptions 86
ConfigureVisualVoicemailSettings 87
CallerIDBlocking 90
CallWaiting 91
CallForwarding 92
CallSettings 92
Contacts 94
AddaContact 94
ViewContacts 96
ContactsScreenLayout 98
EditaContact 99
DeleteaContact 100
ShareaContact 101
ImportContacts 102
BackUpContacts 103
MessagingandInternet 105
TextandMultimediaMessaging 105
SendaTextMessage 105
SendaMultimediaMessage(MMS) 106
SaveandResumeaDraftMessage 108
NewMessagesNotification 109
ManageMessageConversations 109
TextandMMSOptions 111
Gmail 112
CreateandSendaGmailMessage 113
CheckReceivedGmailMessages 114
UseGmailLabels 115
ArchiveGmailThreads 116
MuteGmailThreads 117
DeleteGmailThreads 118
SearchGmailMessages 119
ReportSpamorPhishingGmail 121
AddAnotherGoogle(Gmail)Account 122
SwitchingbetweenGmailAccounts 125
Email 125
SetUpanEmailAccount 125
AddanEmailAccount 126
AddanExchangeActiveSyncAccount 129
ComposeandSendEmail 130
OpenEmailMessages 130
DeleteanEmailAccount 131
ManageYourEmailInbox 132
ExchangeActiveSyncEmailFeatures 133
Browser 134
UsetheBrowser 135
AddaBookmark 136
ViewBrowserHistory 138
OpenNewBrowserTabs 139
BrowserSettings 140
GetChromeSupport 141
CameraandVideo 143
TakePicturesandRecordVideos 143
TakeaPicture 143
ViewfinderScreen 144
RecordVideos 145
ViewPicturesandVideosUsingGallery 146
EditPictures 147
SharePicturesandVideos 152
SendPicturesorVideosbyEmail 152
SendaPictureorVideobyMultimediaMessage 154
SendPicturesorVideosUsingBluetooth 156
SharePicturesorVideosviaAdditionalAppsorSocialMedia 158
ShareVideosonYouTube 160
SwitchCameras 162
CameraModes 162
CameraSettings 163
UsefulAppsandFeatures 165
Calculator 165
Calendar 165
AddanEventtotheCalendar 165
ViewCalendarEvents 167
SyncCalendars 167
SynchronizeanExchangeActiveSyncCalendar 169
Clock 170
SetAlarms 171
AdditionalClockFeatures 172
Facebook 173
InstalltheFacebookApponYourPhone 173
UseFacebook 174
FileManager 174
GoogleSearch 174
GoogleVoiceSearch 175
Google+ 176
Hangouts 177
GoogleMaps 179
MusicPlayer 181
ListentoMusicUsingtheMusicPlayer 181
ThePlaybackScreen 182
CreateaPlaylist 183
ManagePlaylists 184
ManageSongsinaPlaylist 185
SetaSongasRingtone 186
GooglePlayMusicApp 187
PlayMusicwithGooglePlay 187
GooglePlayMusicScreenLayout 188
CreatePlaylistsinGooglePlayMusic 189
SoundRecorder 191
VoiceDialer 192
Twitter 192
InstalltheTwitterApponYourPhone 192
TweetonTwitter 193
LinkedIn 193
InstalltheLinkedInApponYourPhone 193
SignIntoYourLinkedInAccount 193
YouTube 194
ViewYouTubeVideos 194
PostaVideotoYouTube 194
GoogleWallet 194
Connectivity 196
TransferFilesBetweenYourPhoneandaComputer 196
Wi-Fi 197
TurnWi-FiOnandConnecttoaWirelessNetwork 197
Wi-FiSettings 198
DisconnectWi-Fi 199
Wi-FiDirect 200
MobileHotspot 202
Tethering 202
Bluetooth 203
BluetoothInformation 203
EnabletheBluetoothFeature 203
PairBluetoothDevices 204
ConnecttoaPairedBluetoothDevice 205
SendInformationUsingBluetooth 205
ReceiveDataviaBluetooth 206
Settings 208
AirplaneMode 208
Wi-FiSettingsMenu 209
BluetoothSettings 210
MobileNetworksSettings 212
DataUsageSettings 212
MobileHotspotSettings 213
MoreSettings 214
VirtualPrivateNetworks(VPN) 215
PrepareYourPhoneforVPNConnection 215
SetUpSecureCredentialStorage 215
AddaVPNConnection 215
ConnecttoorDisconnectfromaVPN 216
DefaultSMSAppSettings 218
BluetoothTetheringSetting 218
Sound&NotificationsSettings 218
DisplaySettings 219
Date&TimeSettings 220
Language&InputSettings 221
StorageSettings 222
BatterySettings 222
AppSettings 223
ConnecttoPCSettings 223
NavigationKeySetting 224
LocationAccessSettings 224
SecuritySettings 225
Backup&Reset 226
Accounts 228
AccessibilitySettings 229
Printing 230
ConnectYourPrintertoYourGoogleAccount 231
UseCloudPrintonYourPhone 231
ActivateThisDevice 232
SystemUpdates 233
AboutPhone 233
ForAssistance 234
Troubleshooting 234
Specifications 235
BoostAccountInformationandHelp 236
ManageYourAccount 236
Re-Boost 237
Index 238
Introduction 1
About the User Guide
Before Using Your Phone
Descriptions in the User Guide
tappingtheHome key .Someoperationdescriptionsmaybesimplified.
Screenshots and Key Labels
Other Notations
Get Started 2
Get Started
Parts and Functions
Phone Layout
Part Description
Indicator light Displaysaphonenotification,chargingstatus,oralert.
Volume keys Allowyoutoadjusttheringtoneormediavolumeoradjustthevoice
Touchscreen Displaysalltheinformationneededtooperateyourphone,suchasthe
Back key
Earpiece Letsyouhearthecallerandautomatedprompts.
Front camera lens Takespicturesandrecordsvideoswhilefacingthescreen,andallows
Get Started 3
Part Description
Power/Lock key Letsyouturnthephoneonorofforturnthescreenonoroff,orswitch
Recent Apps key
Home key
Back camera lens Letsyoutakepicturesandvideos.
Flash Helpsilluminatesubjectsinlow-lightenvironmentswhenthecamerais
Charging/micro-USB jack AllowsyoutoconnectthephonechargerortheUSBcable(included).
3.5 mm headset jack Allowsyoutoplugineitherastereoheadsetoranoptionalheadsetfor
Speaker Letsyouhearthedifferentringtonesandsounds.Thespeakeralsolets
nano-SIM Card
Handling a nano-SIM Card
n Customerisresponsibleforanydamagecausedbyinsertingnano-SIMcardinanother-brand
n AlwayskeeptheICchipclean.
n Wipecleanwithadry,softcloth.
n Avoidapplyinglabels.Maydamagenano-SIMcard.
n Seeinstructionsincludedwithnano-SIMcardforhandling.
n nano-SIMcardisthepropertyofBoostMobile.
n nano-SIMcardisreplaceable(atcost)incaseofloss/damage.
n Returnnano-SIMcardtoBoostMobilewhencancelingsubscription.
n Returnednano-SIMcardsarerecycledforenvironmentalpurposes.
n Notethatnano-SIMcardspecificationsandperformancemaychangewithoutnotice.
n Itisrecommendedthatyoukeepaseparatecopyofinformationthatisstoredonnano-SIM
Get Started 4
n Alwaysfollowemergencyprocedurestosuspendserviceifyournano-SIMcardorphone
n Alwayspoweroffphonebeforeinserting/removingnano-SIMcard.
Insert nano-SIM Card
1. Removethebatterycover.
l Liftgentlyinthedirectionshown.
2. Removethebattery.
Get Started 5
l Liftupwardgentlyasshown.
3. Insertthenano-SIMcard.
l InsertgentlywithgoldICchipfacingdownward.
4. Insertthebattery.
l Alignthecontactsofthebatterywiththecontactsinthephone.
Get Started 6
5. Attachthebatterycover.
l Makesureallthetabsaresecureandtherearenogapsaroundthecover.
SD Card
SD Card Cautions
Reading/Writing Data:NeverpowerofforremoveBatterywhilereadingorwritingdata.
Battery Level:Alowbatterychargemaypreventreading/writingtoSDCard.
Handling SD Card:Use/storeSDCardsawayfromthereachofinfants.Maycausechokingif
Insert SD Card
Get Started 7
1. Removethebatterycover.
l Liftgentlyinthedirectionshown.
2. Removethebattery.
3. InsertSDcard.
l InsertSDCardallthewaygentlywithoutbendingandwithterminalsfacingdown.
l InsertonlySDCards.
Get Started 8
4. Insertthebattery.
l Alignthecontactsofthebatterywiththecontactsinthephone.
5. Attachthebatterycover.
l Makesureallthetabsaresecureandtherearenogapsaroundthecover.
Unmount the SD Card
Get Started 9
Fromhome,tapApps >Settings >Storage.
Get Started 10
2. TapUnmountSD Card>OK.
ThemenuoptionnamechangesfromUnmount SD CardtoMount SD Card.Thecardis
Remove SD Card
Get Started 11
1. Removethebatterycover.
l Liftgentlyinthedirectionshown.
2. Removethebattery.
3. RemoveSDcard.
4. Insertthebattery.
l Alignthecontactsofthebatterywiththecontactsinthephone.
Get Started 12
5. Attachthebatterycover.
l Makesureallthetabsaresecureandtherearenogapsaroundthecover.
Format SD Card
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ZTE Prestige User manual

User manual

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