Wave IP 2500 Installation Guide
• Chapter 4, Initial Configuration, explains the tasks required to set up the Vertical Wave IP
2500 system for initial configuration, including information about Ethernet port, modem,
and serial port connections.
• Chapter 5, Entering and Activating Wave Licenses explains how to enter and activate
your Wave licenses to enable full system functionality.
• Chapter 6, Installing Wave Workstation Applications explains how to install the Wave
workstation applications: ViewPoint, the TAPI Service Provider, the Contact Manager
Assistant, and the Wave Archived Recording Browser.
• Appendix A, Trunk and Station Ports and Pinouts, lists the port numbers, description, and
pinout pairs for RJ-21X interfaces on the ISC1, cards, and modules that provide trunk and
station resources on the Wave IP 2500.
• Appendix B, Wave IP 2500 Status LEDs, presents the potential settings of the System
Status LEDs located on the front of the ISC1.
• Appendix C, Using Wave Workstation Applications with Microsoft Terminal Services or
Citrix MetaFrame, explains how to use Microsoft Terminal Services or Citrix®
MetaFrame with Wave.
• Appendix D, Performing Unattended Workstation Installations, explains how to install
the Wave workstation applications unattended (silently), so that your organization can
perform automatic software updates or use a network maintenance system that performs
remote installations.
• Appendix E, Configuring Wave for the Windows Firewall, contains important
information about Windows firewall exceptions and Wave.
• Appendix F, Upgrading Redboot, explains how to upgrade the Redboot boot loader for
the Integrated Services Card (ISC1).
• Appendix G, Troubleshooting, contains information that may be helpful when you are
troubleshooting problems that occur during installation or initial configuration of your
Wave system.
• Appendix G contains a copy of the Vertical End User Software License Agreement.
For Review Only - Draft Document 09/07/07