Instructions Danfoss Air Flex
1 Before you start
3 Dimensioning
When dimensioning Danfoss Air Flex there are
few, but very important guidelines that must be
1) We recommend that the combined pressure
loss for fresh air intake + supply does not
exceed 100 Pa.
+ = 100 Pa
Fresh air intake Supply air
2) We also recommend that the pressure loss for
extract + outlet does not exceed 100 Pa.
+ = 100 Pa
Extract Outlet
3) Main rules when dimensioning:
Flow per pipe Max. pipe length
≤ 25 m
/h 16 m
25 - 30 m
/h 13 m
4) There should be no more than a 10 m differ-
ence between the shortest and longest pipes
connected to the same manifold.
5) Min. pipe length is 5 m.
Pressure loss values for the individual compo-
nents can be found in the Danfoss Air Flex
product catalogue.
2 Legislation
Please be aware that Danfoss Air Flex systems
are covered by applicable Danish legislation, and
reference is made to:
• Danish Standard DS 428: Code of practice for
technical measures for fire protection in ventila-
tion systems
• Danish Standard DS 447: Code of Practice for
mechanical ventilation installations.
4 Positioning manifold
Position the manifold (if possible) in the immedi-
ate proximity of the Danfoss Air ventilation unit,
or determine its position based on an accompa-
nying assembly drawing (if available).
An assembly drawing should be considered to
be a guide only; if the manifold in the drawing is
positioned unsuitably in relation to the construc-
tion or to other technical installations, move the
manifold so that the installation is not unneces-
sarily hindered.
The manifold can be mounted on walls or the
ceiling, or cast in concrete slabs depending on
what is most appropriate in relation to routing.
In the following pages we will take you through
the steps needed to properly install the duct
system and fittings. If you follow these instruc-
tions, you can rest assured that your house will
have a well-functioning and energy-efficient
ventilation system.
The installation manual for Danfoss Air units can
be found in separate material.
Please check the packing list to ensure that the
shipment is complete, and inspect to ensure that
no parts or components have been damaged.
Manifold placed in insulating material
on the floor before casting.
Manifold positioned beneath
ceiling inside climate shield.