MAHA MGH-E Operating instructions

  • Hello, I'm your chat assistant and I've reviewed the Original Operating Instructions for the MAHA MGH-E series Pit Jacks, including the models MGH-E 11.0/75, MGH-E 14.5/75, and MGH-E 16.5/75. This document provides crucial information regarding the safe operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of these hydraulic lifting devices. It emphasizes the importance of proper training, regular checks, and adherence to safety guidelines. I am ready to answer any specific questions you may have about using these pit jacks.
  • What is the intended use of this pit jack?
    What are the requirements for operating personnel?
    What should I do in case of an accident?
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Pit Jack
Original Operating Instructions
Pos: 1 / Technisc he D okumen tation/Heb etec hnik/5 5 H eber/0 001 H eber A lle/Tite ltexte/ Titeltex t: MGH -E - Al le Ver s ione n @ 21\mod_1279869201323_0.docx @ 871026 @ @ 1
MGH-E 11.0/75
MGH-E 14.5/75
MGH-E 16.5/75
Pos: 2 /-----F or m at---- -/MA NUELLER UMBRUCH Seitenum bruch @ 0\m od_11 34403 5776 87_0.d ocx @ 1 277 @ @ 1
Pos: 3 /-----F or ma t-----/ Inha ltsv er zeic hnis - 3 Ebene n @ 5\mod_ 11688 67441 046_ cx @ 729 20 @ @ 1
1 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Symbols .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Intended Use ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Inappropriate Use ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel ............................................................................. 3
1.5 Safety Instructions for Operation ......................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Safety Instructions for Handling Hydraulic Fluid ................................................................................... 6
1.7 What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions ............................................................................. 6
1.8 What to Do in the Event of an Accident ............................................................................................... 6
2 Description ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Design and Operating Principle ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Compressed Air Supply ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Sample Nameplate .............................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Accessories ......................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Transport and Storage ........................................................................................... 10
4 Installation and Initial Operation .............................................................................. 10
5 Operation ............................................................................................................... 12
5.1 Controls ............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.2 Raising and Lowering ........................................................................................................................ 13
5.3 General Operating Instructions for Lifting Accessories ....................................................................... 14
6 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 15
6.1 Annual Inspection .............................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Care Instructions ............................................................................................................................... 15
6.3 Maintenance by the Operator ............................................................................................................ 16
6.4 Refilling with Hydraulic Fluid .............................................................................................................. 17
6.5 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................................................... 19
7 Service Lifetime ...................................................................................................... 19
8 Dismantling ............................................................................................................ 19
9 Disposal ................................................................................................................. 20
10 Contents of the Declaration of Conformity .............................................................. 20
11 Company Information ............................................................................................. 21
Pos: 4 /-----F or m at---- -/MA NUELLER UMBRUCH Seitenum bruch @ 0\m od_11 34403 5776 87_0.d ocx @ 1 277 @ @ 1
Pos: 5 / Technisc he D okumen tation/A lle Gerä te/ Überschrif ten/Über schr iften 1/S/ Über schrift 1: Sicherheit @ 6\mod_1174482399906_75.docx @ 76962 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 6 / Te chnisc he D okum entat ion/A lle G erä te/In halte/ Sic herhe it/In halt : Einf ühru ng Si cher heit_ 12p t @ 25\mod_1324455248318_75.docx @ 1138886 @ @ 1
Thoroughly read this manual before operating the equipment and comply with the
instructions. Always display the manual in a conspicuous location.
Personal injury and property damage incurred due to non-compliance with these
safety instructions are not covered by the product liability regulations.
Pos: 7 / Technisc he D okumen tation/A lle Gerä te/ Überschrif ten/Über schr iften 1 .1/S/ Überschri ft 1.1: Symb ole @ 6\mod_1174482270875_75.docx @ 76865 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 8 / Technisc he D okumen tation/A lle Gerä te/In halte/S icherhe it/Inha lt : Sym bo le Si cher hei t_ 12p t @ 25\mod_1324456650897_75.docx @ 1139046 @ @ 1
Important safety instructions. Failure to comply with instructions could result in
personal injury or property damage.
Important information.
Pos: 9 /Te chn isc he Dokum entati on/Alle Ger äte/ Überschr iften/ Übersc hriften 1.1/B/ Übersc hrift 1 .1: Bes timmu ngsgemä ßer G ebrauc h @ 6\m od_11 76734 02220 3_75. docx @ 88746 @ 2 @ 1
Intended Use
Pos: 10 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 B estimmun gsgemä ßer G ebrauc h Grube nheb er @ 2 6\mod_1326364428768_75.docx @ 1504213 @ @ 1
The lift is intended for use in automotive workshops. Use in potentially explosive
areas and outdoors is prohibited. Use in wet or flammable areas is only permitted
with the express written permission of the manufacturer.
Pit jacks and transmission jacks are lifting devices and are not suitable for holding
the load safely over a longer period. Raised loads must be safely supported in a
suitable manner.
For vehicles that need to be lifted at two points, attachable axle crossmembers
are to be used.
Observe the maximum load carrying capacity set out on the lift’s rating plate.
Pos: 11 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/Über schrift 1.1: Bestimm ungsw idriger Gebrauc h @ 18\mod_1255530265027_75.docx @ 471571 @ 2 @ 1
Inappropriate Use
Pos: 12 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Best immungswid riger Gebrau ch Grubenheber @ 26\mod_1326364499251_75.docx @ 1504257 @ @ 1
Use in any manner other than that intended is prohibited, such as:
Walking or climbing on the load carrying equipment
Using the load carrying equipment to transport personnel
Use for other lifting work
Pos: 13 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/A/Über schr ift 1. 1: Anf orderun gen a n das Bed ienun gs - und Serv iceper sonal @ 34\mod_1380637497630_75.docx @ 1835413 @ 2 @ 1
Requirements on Operating and Service Personnel
Pos: 14 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/Si cher heit/In halt: Anf orderun gen a n das B edienu ngs- u nd Servi ceperso nal_1 2pt @ 4 7\mod_1482392891402_75.docx @ 2803198 @ @ 1
All persons employed in the operation, maintenance, installation, removal and
disposal of the device must
be mentally and physically suited for these activities,
be at least 18 years old,
be trained and instructed in writing,
have read and understood the operating instructions, especially the instructions
what to do in the event of defects or malfunctions,
be on record as having been instructed in safety guidelines,
have practical experience in working with vehicle lifts and the hazards inherent
in such equipment.
Pos: 15 / Tec hnis che Dokum entat ion/Alle Gerät e/Übersc hriften/ Über schrifte n 1.1/ S/Übersc hrif t 1.1: S icherhe itsvors chrift en für d en Betr ieb @ 6\mod_1174482268953_75.docx @ 76826 @ 2 @ 1
Safety Instructions for Operation
Pos: 16 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 S icherhe itsvor schrifte n für d en Be trieb Gr ubenheb er @ 43\mod_1448291966282_75.docx @ 2345842 @ @ 1
All loose parts within the package must be safeguarded by trained personnel
and work plans must be adhered to.
Observe transport guidelines. The lifting points are defined and indicated on the
Work plans for packaging, suitable transport equipment and lifting accessories
must be available and used during final assembly.
Transport must be by trained personnel using the right special tools.
Note the instructions on the packaging concerning hazards during assembly
and proper handling.
The lift may only be operated by trained personnel over 18 years of age.
The employer is responsible for ensuring that the operator is trained and familiar
with the operating instructions.
The employer must check the safety equipment before use.
The load rating on the identification plate must not be exceeded.
No personnel are allowed in the danger zone when a vehicle is being raised or
lowered above the lift pit.
The positioning of the lift under the load must be carried out by trained
The vehicle or vehicle components may only be raised using the designated
Shortly after lifting the vehicle, check the lifting points are secure.
Both load and lift are to be monitored by the operator during lifting and
Personnel are prohibited from travelling on the load or the load carrying
If the operator is unable to see all parts of the danger zone, a trained second
person must monitor such areas.
During lifting and lowering, no personnel are allowed in the area where either
the lift or the load are in motion.
After the lifting operation has stopped, remove the operating lever of the pump
(if any) and place it in the space provided.
The load should only be raised on its centre of gravity; the vehicle must be able
to reposition itself during lifting and lowering. In this way the load can centre
itself above the lift.
Loads are to be placed on the load carrying equipment so as to prevent any
unintended changes in position.
If adjustable pads are present, compensate for any height differences between
the lifting points.
It is not allowed to work under the lifted load until it has been secured by
suitable means (EN 1494).
The lift must always be moved using both hands. If one person is unable to
provide the manual force required, another person should be called upon.
Operators must pay attention to all movements of the pit lift so that they neither
endanger themselves or others.
If the ground is uneven in the area where the lift is being used, secure it to
prevent it from rolling away.
The use of the lift on a surface where the inclination is greater than 6° is
No tools or other objects should be left on the loading equipment.
Only move the lift in a retracted state when it is carrying a load. Ensure that the
load is lifted at its centre of gravity and is appropriately secured to the load
lifting equipment (e.g. by lashing).
When installing or removing heavy vehicle components (engine / powertrain),
the centre of gravity can change. In such circumstances appropriate action
should be taken before using the lift to raise it again, such as determining the
centre of gravity and checking the loading point.
Before lowering, the operator should ensure that there are no objects in the
area where the lift and the load are moving.
Do not deliberately swing the lifting equipment.
Because the chassis on the ground is not secured to prevent tipping, placing
loads at the sides is prohibited.
The oil level in the hydraulic system must be regularly inspected by trained staff.
The safety instructions on the lift should be examined annually for
completeness and legibility.
In the event of a fault occurring, secure the area in which the lift and load are
moving. Take the lift out of use and advise the customer service department.
The user must provide suitable lighting at the workplace.
In order to prevent the load from being lifted whilst unattended (possibly as a
result of a leaky valve), when the lift is no longer in use, disconnect the lift from
the compressed air supply or shut off the compressed air supply line.
The hydraulic components must be inspected annually.
The pressure relief valve must not be adjusted to be above the manufacturer's
specified value, and may only be altered by authorized personnel.
The system pressure should be monitored regularly using a pressure gauge.
Fault finding and rectification may only be carried out by authorised personnel.
Observe the instructions concerning proper removal in the manual.
Pos: 17 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/S/Über schr ift 1. 1: Sicher heits vorschr iften f ür den Um ga ng m it H ydr au liköl @ 1 6\mod _1 24660 77295 23_75.d ocx @ 4 01284 @ 2 @ 1
Safety Instructions for Handling Hydraulic Fluid
Pos: 18 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/Si cher heit/In halt: Si cherhei tsvorsc hriften für de n Umgan g m it Hydrau likö l_12p t @ 25\mod_1324456399127_75.docx @ 1139012 @ @ 1
Neutralize hydraulic fluid spills with binder.
Remove contaminated clothing immediately.
Inhalation: If symptoms persist, seek medical treatment.
Skin contact: Wash skin immediately with soap and water. If skin irritation
persists, seek immediate medical advice.
Eye contact: Rinse thoroughly with water and seek medical advice.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention.
Pos: 19 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/V/Übers chrift 1.1: Verh alten im Störfall @ 6\mod _ 11 780 9 7008375_75.docx @ 90829 @ 2 @ 1
What to Do in the Event of Defects or Malfunctions
Pos: 20 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Ver halten im St örfall Gr uben heber @ 26\mod_1326366841236_75.docx @ 1504653 @ @ 1
If defects occur, such as the lift raising and lowering itself on its own or
distortion of the supporting components, immediately lower the lift or provide
Turn off the main switch and secure to prevent unauthorized use. Contact the
Service Department.
Pos: 21 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/V/ Übersc hrift 1.1 : Verh alten b ei Unfä llen @ 19\mod _126 71772 45337_ 75.d ocx @ 79 4600 @ 2 @ 1
What to Do in the Event of an Accident
Pos: 22 / Tec hnis che Do kume nt ation/Al le Ger äte/Inh alte/Si cherhe it/Inhal t: Ver halten be i U nfällen_ 12pt @ 34\mod_1381128863435_75.docx @ 1837175 @ @ 1
The injured person is to be removed from the danger area. Find out where
dressing and bandages are kept. Seek first-aid.
Provide first-aid (stop bleeding, immobilise injured limbs), report the accident
and seal off the accident site.
Immediately report any accident to your supervisor. Make sure a record is kept
of every occasion first-aid is provided, e.g. in an accident book.
Remain calm and answer any questions that may arise.
Pos: 23 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 24 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/B/Überschr ift 1: Beschre ibung @ 6\mod_1174482271453_75.docx @ 76889 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 25 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/A/Über schr ift 1. 1: Aufba u und A rbeitsp rinz ip @ 15\mod_1245311386403_75.docx @ 390861 @ 2 @ 1
Design and Operating Principle
Pos: 26 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Au fbau und Arb eitspr inzip Gr ubenheb er @ 26\mod_1326283956510_75.docx @ 1152235 @ @ 1
These manually operated hydraulic, combined hydraulic / pneumatic or pneumatic
pit jack / axle and transmission jacks are lifting devces for lifting vehicles and
power trains. The pit jacks can be moved in the longitudinal and transverse
direction on a chassis, the axle and transmission jack using a chassis running on
the ground using rollers.
The pump unit includes load valves, suction valves and overload valves. High and
low pressure hand pumps are installed according to the type as per the list of
spare parts. The self-closing countersunk screw is also mounted on the pump
block. An overload system is installed for automatic venting.
The load carrying equipment consists of a supporting plate attachment (support
plate / gearbox support). For more specific loading points on vehicles, other
adaptors from our range of accessories can be attached.
In hydraulic-pneumatic pit jacks with rapid lift control, the oil in the tank is
pressurised with compressed air. The oil is thus displaced and the piston rises
quickly to the point of load.
In the version using an air motor (LM), the motor is positioned on the right on the
high pressure side. It is powered by compressed air and pumps the oil.
Pos: 27 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/D/Über schrift 1.1: Druck luftversor gung @ 19\mod_1266323861249_75.docx @ 741779 @ 2 @ 1
Compressed Air Supply
Pos: 28 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Dr uckluf tversorg ung Gr uben heber (a ußer 5 504) @ 26\mod_1326364584601_75.docx @ 1504301 @ @ 1
Connect pneumatically controlled jacks to a suitable compressed air supply. They
may only be operated with dry, lubricated air; install a service unit in the
compressed air line close to the equipment. Centralised systems in the
compressor are not enough.
Pos: 29 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/T/Über schrift 1.1: Type nschild-M uste r @ 1 1\mod _122 76222 06096_ 75.d ocx @ 27 5574 @ 2 @ 1
Sample Nameplate
Pos: 30 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb e r Al le/I nha lte/ In halt : 5500 Type ns chi ld-Mus ter MAHA Grub enheber @ 34\mod_1384337862751_75.docx @ 1853835 @ @ 1
Ser. No. / Date of Production: ***
Project: ***
Type: ***
Load Capacity: ***
Max. Hoisting Height: ***
Net Weight: ***
Pos: 31 /----- Forma t-----/ MA NUE LL ER UM BR UCH Se iten um bru ch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 32 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/T/Über schrift 1.1: Tech nische Daten @ 7\mod_1184075526343_75.docx @ 99711 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 33 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/BA/Inhalt: 5509 Technische Daten (Tabelle) @ 33\mod_1372687614404_75.docx @ 1802148 @ @ 1
Load capacity 11 000 kg 14 500 kg 16 500 kg
Full travel 750 mm
Raising time (loaded) per 100 m travel 4.4…4.5 s
Lowering time per 100 mm travel 3.2…3.3 s
Ram diameter 90 mm 90 mm 100 mm
Support hole diameter 45 mm
Working pressure 250 bar
Motor power 2.5 kW
Power supply 3 x 400 V, 50 Hz, 16 A time-delay
Cable length 5 m
Ambient temperature 5…40 °C (41…104 °F)
Noise emission < 70 dB(A)
Pos: 34 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/Z/Über schrift 1.1: Zube hör @ 7\mod_ 11970 21536 541_7 5.doc x @ 13679 0 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 35 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/ BA/ Inh alt: 5 509 Zu be hör @ 2 7\mod_1328697300687_75.docx @ 1542611 @ @ 1
MGH-E 11.0/75
MGH-E 14.5/75
MGH-E 16.5/75
Extra wide suspended jack carriage VZ 975255 X X X
Special carriage rollers VZ 975562 X X X
Height adjustment VZ 975564 X X X
Redundant rollers VZ 975605 X X X
SAT support system VZ 975622 X X X
AT 15 axle crossmember VZ 975263 X X X
AT 20 axle crossmember VZ 975565 X X X
ATY 13 axle crossmember VZ 975518 X X X
VG 06-20 front axle fork VZ 975288 X X X
MGH-E 11.0/75
MGH-E 14.5/75
MGH-E 16.5/75
AT 4.5 axle crossmember VZ 975606 X X X
ABT 15 support system VZ 975269 X X X
ABT 20 support system VZ 975271 X X X
ABAY 13 support bridge VZ 975264 X X X
ABAY 15 support bridge VZ 975266 X X X
ABTY 13 support system VZ 975520 X X X
ABTA 15 support system VZ 975275 X X X
AB 13 support bridge VZ 975325 X X X
AB 15 support bridge VZ 975326 X X X
AB 20 support bridge VZ 975526 X X X
Support 45 VZ 975278 X X X
Wooden support VZ 975409 X X X
Support with rubber pad VZ 975287 X X X
Stroke extension 100 VZ 975289 X X X
Stroke extension 150 VZ 975290 X X X
Stroke extension 200 VZ 975410 X X X
Gear plate 536x366 VZ 975315 X X X
Gear plate 536x366 VZ 975416 X X X
Gear plate VZ 975607 1 1 1
Gear plate VZ 975608 1 1 1
Lift scale VZ 975573 X X X
Pos: 36 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0401 MG H/ BA/Inhal t: 550 4 Zubeh ör Er gänzung SAT @ 34\mod_1384336622724_75.docx @ 1853791 @ @ 1
Please note when using axle crossbar SAT (VZ 975622):
With a pit width (dimension "B") of less than 945 mm (SAT 910) or 795 mm (SAT
760), pit jacks with suspended jacking beam require special rollers (VZ 975562,
part # N02.31-13).
Pos: 37 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 38 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1/T/Über schri ft 1: Tra nsport und La gerun g @ 2 0\mod_1268732488860_75.docx @ 826153 @ 1 @ 1
Transport and Storage
Pos: 39 / Tec hnis che Do kume nt ation/ Alle Gerä te/Inh alte/Inh alt: Tra nsport und La gerung _12pt @ 26\mod_1324468980166_75.docx @ 1141285 @ @ 1
Check package to ensure it is complete, in accordance with the order
confirmation. Report any transport damage to the carrier immediately.
During loading, unloading and transport always use suitable lifting equipment,
material handling equipment (e.g. cranes, forklifts, etc.) and the right load handling
attachments and slings. Always ensure that the parts to be transported are
suspended or loaded properly so that they cannot fall, taking into account size,
weight and the centre of gravity.
Store the packages in a covered area, protected from direct sunlight, at a low
humidity and with temperatures between 0...+40 °C (32…104 °F). Do not stack
When unpacking, take care to avoid any possibility of injury or damage. Keep at a
safe distance when opening the package strapping, do not allow any parts to fall
Pos: 40 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/M/Übersc hrift 1: Mont age und Er stinb etr iebna hme @ 18\mod_1255417443299_75.docx @ 463797 @ 1 @ 1
Installation and Initial Operation
Pos: 41 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Mo ntage ( Text) Hänge nde Grubenheber @ 26\mod_1326365657645_75.docx @ 1504477 @ @ 1
Installation instructions for type "H" jacking beam
1 Securely attach the jacking beam to the motor crane and slide on to the lift.
2 Push on the second side panel with a second crane or by hand.
3 Push both sides together as closely as possible.
Position the pit jack in the centre and attach it to the crane
May tip over!
5 Slide the pit jacks onto the U-rails above the pit and attach them.
6 Position the side plates to position and move them until they are the same
distance apart.
7 Tighten the clamps.
Torque: 85 Nm
8 Slide the lift through the entire pit once again.
The play between the roller collar and the edge of the rail must be 5 mm at the
widest part of the pit.
Dismantle in reverse order.
Pos: 42 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 43 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt: 5500 Mo ntage ( Bilder ) Hän gende Gr ubenh eber @ 19\mod_1259589044244_0.docx @ 554078 @ @ 1
Pos: 44 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/B/Überschr ift 1: Bedienu ng @ 6\mod_1174482271218_75.docx @ 76877 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 45 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/B/Über schrift 1.1: Bed ienelemente @ 1 3\mod_12 37975 0991 77_7 5.docx @ 35900 8 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 46 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/ BA/Inhalt: 5 509 Bedienelem ente (Bild) @ 20\mod_1269859878717_0.docx @ 830597 @ @ 1
Pos: 47 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/ BA/Inhalt: 5 509 Bedienelem ente (Legend e) @ 27\mod_1328697821134_75.docx @ 1542699 @ @ 1
Main switch
"Raise" button
"Lower" button
Pos: 48 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 49 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/H/ Überschr ift 1 .1: Hebe n und Se nken @ 6\mod_1178521944593_75.docx @ 91237 @ 2 @ 1
Raising and Lowering
Pos: 50 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/ BA/I nhal t: 5 509 Heb en und S enken @ 3 3\mod_1372686379934_75.docx @ 1802099 @ @ 1
Main Switch
Before raising or lowering, turn the main switch (
) to position "1". The jack is
ready for operation.
Raising / Lowering
Push and hold button (
) to raise, button (
) to lower the jack. Once any button is
released, the function is disabled (dead man's type control). Before operating the
jack, make sure the raising/lowering speed is not set too high (see
The potentiometer (
) is used to set the lowering speed. The rotating direction for
increasing or reducing the lowering speed depends on the polarity of the electrical
Determine the rotating direction first without load at initial operation!
Pos: 51 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 52 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1.1/A/Übersc hrift 1.1: Allgem eine Bedien ungshinweis e für Lastaufnahm emittel @ 29\mod_1339752194845_75.docx @ 1608540 @ 2 @ 1
General Operating Instructions for Lifting Accessories
Pos: 53 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetechnik/55 Heber/1101 AB / ABA / ABT / AT-N B / A TV / SA T/BA/ I nhalt : 551 1 Bed ienu ng All g LA M @ 29\mod_1339752500818_75.docx @ 1608634 @ @ 1
Support tubes must not be extended. Risk of tilting!
Danger of crushing at the edge of the pit and support bridge!
The support system shall only be removed if the vehicle is in a secure stable position.
Beware of changes in the centre of gravity of the load, e.g. in case of different amounts
of fuel in asymmetric fuel systems. If necessary, use suitable lifting accessories.
Take note of the operating instructions of all equipment and tools used.
Check lifting accessories carefully for operational safety.
Pre-position the lift and lifting accessory at the lift points.
Always take up the load securely, without risk of slipping and central to the centre of
Position actuators, supports and bases at the support points and depending on type,
fix support pipes with pins and secure with cotter pins or wooden blocks with a
minimum spacing of 500 mm.
Slowly raise or lower the load, watching it continuously.
Set down the load without risk of slipping and central to the centre of gravity.
Pos: 54 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /1101 A B / AB A / A BT / A T-NB / ATV / S AT/ BA/Inha lt: 5511 Ver längeru ng bei Hubg eräten und LAM (Tex t) @ 27\mod_ 132 878 776 377 6_75.d oc x @ 154 395 4 @ @ 1
Permissible Extension for Pit Jack and Support Systems
Pos: 55 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /1101 A B / AB A / A BT / A T-NB / ATV / SA T/BA/I nha lt: 5511 V erlän geru ng b ei Hub ger äten und LAM ( Bilder ) @ 24\mod_1310629438481_0.docx @ 1023877 @ @ 1
Pos: 56 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 57 / Techn ische Do kument ation/P apierk orb/Über schr iften/Üb erschrif t 1: I nstandh altung @ 11\m od_12 3131 87366 29_75. docx @ 28 9550 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 58 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Papi erkorb/Über schriften/ Überschrif t 1.1: Jährliche Überprüfun g @ 6\mod_11 744 82 2 4571 8_7 5.docx @ 76817 @ 2 @ 1
Annual Inspection
Pos: 59 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nfo!/Inh alt: I nfo - J ährliche Üb erprüf ung_1 2pt @ 25\mod_1324460481075_75.docx @ 1139412 @ @ 1
The maintenance interval prescribed by the manufacturer is
12 (twelve) months
This maintenance interval refers to normal workshop usage. If the equipment is
used more frequently or under severe operating conditions (e.g. outdoors), the
interval must be reduced accordingly.
Maintenance work shall be done only by authorized and trained service
technicians provided by the manufacturer, licensed dealers or service partners.
In case of non-compliance the manufacturer's warranty becomes void.
Pos: 60 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 00 HBZ Al le/In halte/ Info! /In halt: Info - DGUV Rege l 100-500 / DGUV Grundsatz 308-003_12pt @ 47\mod_1483611185270_75.docx @ 2804763 @ @ 1
Pos: 61 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/P/Über schr ift 1. 1: Pfle gehinwe ise @ 15\mod _ 1245912234854_75.docx @ 395780 @ 2 @ 1
Care Instructions
Pos: 62 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Inhal te/Inhalt: Pfl egehinweis e - Alle Geräte_1 2pt @ 26\mod_1324468886116_75.docx @ 1141252 @ @ 1
Periodically clean the equipment and treat it with a care product.
Repair damage to the paintwork immediately to prevent corrosion.
Usage of caustic cleaning agents or high pressure and steam jet cleaners may
lead to equipment damage.
Pos: 63 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nfo!/Inh alt: I nfo - Pflegehinweise_12pt @ 26\mod_1324461215655_75.docx @ 1139602 @ @ 1
Regular care and maintenance is the key condition for functionality and long life
expectancy of the equipment!
Pos: 64 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 65 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Papier korb/Über schr iften/ Überschrif t 1.1: I nstand haltu ng dur ch den Betreiber @ 6\mod_1178543544390_75.docx @ 91370 @ 2 @ 1
Maintenance by the Operator
Pos: 66 / Tec hnis che Dokum entat ion/Heb etechni k/55 Heb er/0 001 Heb er Alle/ Inha lte/Inha lt: 55 00 Instand haltu ng durch den Betre iber Gr ubenheber @ 26\mod_1326364790778_75.docx @ 1504433 @ @ 1
The pit jack must be extended to its full height at least 1 x per week and
pumped through a few times with the release spindle closed. This automatically
bleeds air from the system and any accumulated leaked oil is eliminated.
After washing, oil all bright and moving parts.
The ram, the load bearing pivot, rollers and other moving parts must always be
lightly oiled.
Periodically lubricate the carriage using the lubricator nipples at the rollers
(8 pcs).
Underseal residues and other types of dirt can destroy the seals. Clean the
piston rod regularly! Damage to the piston rod must be ground away
immediately, ensuring there is a soft transition at the edges. Detergent and salt
water can freely penetrate and cause considerable damage on the inside.
Water is dangerous! A compressed air service unit, consisting of air filter, water
separator and oil mister, must be present in the compressed air system near to
the lift (max. distance: 5 m). Drain the service unit weekly, check the level of the
oil and that it functions properly. Clean the service unit.
A so-called refrigeration dryer is not adequate as a compressed air service unit! A
refrigeration dryer cannot filter out the dirt in the line and does not deliver the oil
film necessary for the correct functioning of the equipment.
Failure to observe these rules shall invalidate any guarantee by the
manufacturer in the event of damage caused by rust, dry running and
contamination of the pipework.
Pos: 67 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 6 8 /Tec hn ische Dokum ent ation/ Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/Üb erschrifte n 1.1/H/Überschr ift 1.1: Hydr auliköl nachfül len @ 6\mod_1180614998015_75.docx @ 94590 @ 2 @ 1
Refilling with Hydraulic Fluid
Pos: 69 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0001 Heb er Alle/In halte/In halt : 5500 Ölf ülls tand m ess en ( Tex t) @ 34\mod_1384328426268_75.docx @ 1853529 @ @ 1
Before checking and topping up the fluid level, make sure the piston rod is fully
and the jack is disconnected from the air and power supply. The fluid
level must be between the two notches on the screwed-in dipstick.
If the dipstick has only one notch, this indicates the maximum fluid level and the
lower end of the dipstick the minimum fluid level.
Pos: 70 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /000 1 Heb er Al le/I nha lte/ Inh alt : 55 00 Ö lfü lls tand m esse n (B ild ) @ 34\mod_1384330273472_0.docx @ 1853619 @ @ 1
Pos: 71 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 00 HBZ Alle/In halte/Inf o!/In halt: Inf o - Ta usch v on Ö l und Druc ksch läuc hen Grube nheber_ 12pt @ 27\mod_1328528775384_75.docx @ 1539813 @ @ 1
Replace the hydraulic fluid according to age, the amount of water absorbed
and degree of contamination, but in any event after six years.
When filling up, only use hydraulic fluid of the same specification HLPD 22.
If the system was filled with rapeseed oil at the factory, only top up with
rapeseed oil designated BIO HY-FLUID HV 34.
If the lift is permanently operated at a temperature of <15 °C, a hydraulic fluid
with lower viscosity must be used.
The pressure hoses
be replaced as required, but in any event
replaced within six years.
Pos: 72 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1
Pos: 7 3 /Tec hn ische Dokum ent ation/ Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/Üb erschrifte n 1.1/F/Über schrift 1.1: Fehl erbehebung @ 8\mod_1206714646748_75.docx @ 179620 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 74 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MGH-E / BA/Inh alt: 550 9 Feh lerbe hebu ng @ 27\mod_1328698767670_75.docx @ 1542873 @ @ 1
Possible Cause
Pit jack does not
respond Power supply interrupted Check connection to mains supply
Check fuses inside control box
Ram does not
Pump / motor defective Check pump for running noise
Control defective
Check connections inside control box
Replace control box (Contact service)
Ram extends only
in unloaded
Potentiometer defective or
incorrectly positioned
Check potentiometer position
Check connections inside control box
Replace potentiometer (Contact
Air in hydraulic system
Open bleeder screw (beneath head
plate) and push Raise button for
approx. 1 min
Hydraulic valve/block defective
(occurring in rare cases)
Remove hood, turn potentiometer to
rightmost position, push Raise button
and check valve coil using a metal
object for presence of magnetism.
Turn potentiometer to the left and
check if magnetic effect is increasing.
If not, check connections and control,
replace valve coil if necessary
Replace hydraulic block (Contact
does not respond
(Check with load)
Potentiometer defective
Check connections inside control box
Replace potentiometer (Contact
Amplifier card defective
Check connections inside control box
Replace amplifier card (Contact
Valve / coil defective
Check connections inside control box
and at solenoid valve
Slightly unfasten the valve and
retighten carefully
Possible Cause
Replace valve / coil (Contact service)
Wrong valve being used Check model name (EMP = prop.
Ram retracts
sluggishly or not at
Wrong valve being used Check model name (EMP = prop.
Hydraulic valve/block defective
(occurring in rare cases) See above
Mech. damage at pit jack
Check ram and guide bushing for
visible damage
Open bleeder screw and check if ram
is lowering. Try to turn ram. If ram is
lowering and can be turned, it is
Contact service
Seal defective, leakage at
guide bushing Contact service
Ram extends
Fluid level too low Top up hydraulic fluid (HLP-22)
Air in hydraulic system See above
Pos: 75 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1.1/E/ Übersc hrift 1.1 : Ers atz teile @ 1 8\mod_ 125 55968 47002 _75.d ocx @ 474 414 @ 2 @ 1
Spare Parts
Pos: 76 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nhalt: Er satzte ile - Al le Ger äte_12pt @ 2 6\mod_1324468768120_75.docx @ 1141219 @ @ 1
To ensure safe and reliable operation, only use original spare parts supplied by the
equipment manufacturer.
Pos: 77 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/L/Überschr ift 1: Lebensdau er @ 19\mod_ 12663 3676 1550_7 5.d ocx @ 74242 3 @ 1 @ 1
Service Lifetime
Pos: 78 / Tec hnis che Dokume ntatio n/Hebet echnik/ 00 HBZ Alle/I nhalte/I nhalt: Lebensd auer H BZ_1 2pt @ 26\mod_1325656335645_75.docx @ 1146173 @ @ 1
In its standard version, this product is designed for 22,000 load cycles based on
EN 1493. The maximum period of normal use in relation to the possible product
life expectancy shall be evaluated and scheduled by a qualified person during the
annual safety inspection.
Pos: 79 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/D/Überschr ift 1: Demontag e @ 19\mod_1266336822863_75.docx @ 742452 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 80 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Inhal te/Inhalt: Dem ontage - Alle Gerä te_12pt @ 26\mod_1324466078229_75.docx @ 1140857 @ @ 1
Decommissioning and dismantling of the equipment may be done only by
specially authorized and trained personnel provided by the manufacturer, licensed
dealers or service partners.
Pos: 81 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Übersc hriften/ Überschrifte n 1/G/Übersc hrift 1: Geräteen tsorgung @ 6\mod_1174482271625_75.docx @ 7690 1 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 82 /Techn ische Dokument ation/Alle Ger äte/Inhal te/Inhalt: Ger äteentsor gung (ohne RiLi)_ 12pt @ 26\mod_1324467454724_75.docx @ 1140930 @ @ 1
If you want to dispose of the equipment, please contact your MAHA dealer or the
following address, indicating equipment type, date of purchase and serial number:
MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
Hoyen 20
87490 Haldenwang
Phone: +49 (0) 8374 585 0
Fax: +49 (0) 8374 585 500
Pos: 83 / Tec hnis che Dokume ntation/Alle Ger äte/Inhal te/Inhalt: Ger äteentsor gung über Fachbetr ieb (alterna tiv)_12pt @ 26\m od_1 324 468 1208 52_ 75.d ocx @ 114 102 2 @ @ 1
Alternatively, you may take the equipment to a specialised waste management
plant to ensure that all components and operating liquids are properly disposed
Pos: 84 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/Über schr iften/ Überschri ften 1/I/Über schr ift 1: In halt der Konf ormitätser kläru ng @ 2 2\mod_ 12928 56748 432_7 5.docx @ 95861 6 @ 1 @ 1
Contents of the Declaration of Conformity
Pos: 85 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Alle Ger äte/I nhalte/I nhalt: I nhalt d er Kon formi tätserkl ärung a llg_1 2pt @ 26\mod_1324468436145_75.docx @ 1141120 @ @ 1
MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
herewith declares as a manufacturer its sole responsibility to ensure that the
product named hereafter meets the safety and health regulations both in design
and construction required by the EC directives stated below.
This declaration becomes void if any change is made to the product that was not
discussed and approved by named company beforehand.
Pos: 86 / Techn ische Dokument ation/ Hebetech nik/ 55 Heber /0901 MG H-E/ BA/ Inh alt: 5 509 I nha lt d er K onf ormi täts er kläru n g @ 4 5\mod_1470915952932_75.docx @ 2551817 @ @ 1
Rated Load Capacity 11 000 / 14 500 / 16 500 kg
2006/42/EC; 2014/30/EU
DIN EN 1494
Pos: 87 /----- Form a t-----/ MAN UE LLE R UM BR UCH Sei ten umb ruch @ 0\mod_1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1