Overview 1–1
1 Overview of Transmitter 7500
of the Transmitter 7500 must be
carried out only by specially trained experts in ac-
cordance with the relevant regulations and the
instruction manual.
All parameters must be set
by a system adminis-
trator prior to first start-up.
Instrument Concept
Since we have largely followed NAMUR recom-
mendations and customer demands – especially
concerning safety, reliability and functional variety
– this instrument provides state of the art technol-
ogy showing a new standard for process instru-
User Interface
The display interface consists of a backlit high-res-
olution graphical display (240 x 64 pixels) and a
Each key has only one function and is definitely
assigned to a menu or an input function.
In measuring mode the graphical display allows
simultaneous readout of the currently measured
value via large numerals (25 mm) and of two fur-
ther values on additional displays, as well as dis-
play of status messages (to NAMUR) such as
warning (maintenance required) and failure, and
limit messages.
Depending on your application, the displays can
be assigned to different variables and output val-
ues: conductivity, resistivity, concentration, mea-
sured and manually entered temperature, time,
date, output current values 1 and 2, input current
in %, manipulated variable (controller output).
Operator guidance is supported by a 7-line plain-
text display with information texts. During opera-
tion, the currently measured value and active sta-
tus messages remain visible.
The keypad includes the keys (measure-
ment), (calibration), (maintenance),
(parameter setting), (diagnostics), a
cursor pad for selecting menu items or entering
alphanumeric characters and for confirming
your entry.