- 17 -
Once you have communication be-
tween your PC and the system/com-
ponent, you can begin to verify sys-
tem functions and feedback. Please
note, that the feedback will fill in on
the TS-3000 software window but,
its font and size may not quite match
that of the actual TS-3000. Further-
more, as buttons are pressed, only
one feedback will appear. The only
time multiple levels of feedback are
displayed is during a change of
screens. This is because, as
screens are changed, the software
asks for feedback from several de-
vices at once. When functions are
accessed, only their specific
component’s feedback is displayed.
Unlike the TS-3000, the simulator
erases all prior feedback prior to dis-
playing the latest feedback.
The white area below the TS-3000
software screen displays the hex
codes that are being sent, the hex
codes that are being received, and
the words that will display in the
feedback windows. This information
can be useful to determine if the
proper code string is being sent.
The simulator even allows you to
change rooms on the fly, by select-
ing Room under the Option pull
down window. In the simulator, the
Room number always begins with
the number 0. This applies only to
the simulator and corresponds to
ADA Bus addresses as they all be-
gin with 0. As such, room 1 on the
system, is address 0, room 2 is address 1, etc. In the simulator, you will need to stick to this
room addressing format. When asked for room numbers during download, use their real
numbers (room 1 is room 1, room 2 is room 2, etc.).
When you are finished working in the simulator, under the File pull down window, select exit
and the software will return you to the Screen builder program.