8. Carefully position all W-3 and W-4 ribs into position on the main spar. Use a small square to align the W-3 ribs 90 degrees
to the main spar and then pin them to the wing jig. The outboard face of the ribs W-4 should be flush with the edge of the
step in the wing jig. Pin the W-4 ribs to the wing jig. When you are sure that all of these ribs are aligned properly, glue them
Place ribs W-6, W-7, W-8, W-9 and W-10 into position on the main spar. Support the bottom of the spar with your finger
while pressing these ribs into position so you do not break the spar. Align these ribs 90 degrees to the main spar and pin
them to the wing jig. When you are sure that all of these ribs are aligned properly, glue them to the main spar.
Working slowly and carefully cut, position, fit and pin the seven 3/32"x1/4" trailing edge pieces into position. The outboard
pieces should be left a little long. These will be trimmed to final size and shape after the wing tips are glued into position.
When you are happy with the fit of the trailing edge pieces you may glue them to the wing ribs.
Repeat the above procedure to attach the 1/8" sq. leading edges to the wing assembly.
Carefully pin the wing tips into position and glue them to the main spar, the leading edge and the trailing edges.
Glue the W-5 ribs together and position them on the wing assembly. Once they are in the proper position you may glue
them to the spar and the leading edge.
Carefully cut, fit and glue the 1/16" sq. leading edge spars into position. Bevel the outboard ends to fit the angle of the wing
Now that the wing assembly is complete, go back and add an extra fillet of glue to each rib where they attach to the main
spar. When all of the glue is dry you may remove the wing from the plan and trim the leading and trailing edges of the wing
tip. Now carefully sand the leading edges round and taper the trailing edges. Sand the remainder of the wing smooth.
Use a 1/16" drill bit to drill a hole in the W-5 ribs for the removable landing gear wire. Put a small drop of CA glue into each
hole to harden the wood. When this glue is dry you can run the drill bit back into the hole to clear out any excess glue.
Set the wing aside until it is time to fit the wing to the fuselage in a later step.
Building the Fuselage
4 into position on the plan. Glue F
Pin formers F-5, F-6, F-7, F-8, F-9, F-10, F-11, F-12, F-13 and F-14 into position. Formers F-5 and F-6 have a small "x" on
them to designate the top. All of these formers are to be aligned 90 degrees to the building board. When you are happy with
the position of these formers you may glue them into position.
Carefully press the master stringer F-15 into position. The small "x" is on the front of this piece. Make sure that all of the
formers are still 90 degrees to the building board and then glue F-15 to the formers.
Fit and glue the F-16 wing saddle into position. The top of this piece should be against F-15. The front should be on top of
former F-6 and the rear should rest on top of former F-16. Brush a small amount of hot water on the outside of the wing
saddle if needed to allow it to curl and contact the curved formers easier.
Sand a bevel on the inside of the rear of part F-
17 and test fit it to the rear of the fuselage assembly. Once the proper fit has
been achieved you may glue F
Cut, fit and glue the 3/32" sq. stringers into position on the fuselage. The top stringers between F-8 and F-
to allow proper alignment.
When the glue is dry, remove the fuselage from the plan and add the pieces for the opposite side using the same sequence
that you used for the first side. Use care to maintain a straight assembly as you build the opposite side.
Carefully sand the fuselage smooth. Cut away former F-14 in the area of the stabilizer slots in parts F-17. Cut away the
support legs on formers F-7, F-8, F-9 and F-10 as these tabs are no longer required and will interfere with the rubberband
motor after the model is finished. Now set the fuselage aside.