rich HTML format, e-mail, 161
rich text (RTF) format, e-mail attachments, 170
Rich Text Documents, viewing les, 6
movie DVDs, 66–69
music CDs, 125–128
music les, 14
Rogue Amoeba, Airfoil speaker app, 132
RSS readers, comic strips, 103
checking webmail, 174
Web browsing, 178–181
Saved Photos folder, screen captures, 140
Scosche IDR305me Increased Dynamic Range Ear-
phones w/Remote and Mic, 263
screen brightness, battery life extending tips, 262
screen captures, image sharing, 140
Search bar
iBooks Store, 46
iBooks Store app, 45
searches, comic book les, 99
season pass, TV Shows, 32, 36–37, 81–82
Select Photos screen, Photos app, 147
Sennheiser PXC 450 Travel headphones, 263
server app, streaming videos, 72–73
Server Direct, GoodReader app le transfers, 225–228
Settings panel, e-mail preferences, 167
shared contacts, address book, 197–198
shared documents, Pages app, 216–217
shared les
Keynote app, 243–244
Numbers app, 235
shared images, screen captures, 140
shared libraries, music les, 129–130
shelf view, iBooks Store app, 48–49
slide shows, Photos app, 145, 148
Slingbox, streaming TV shows, 87
SlingPlayer app, streaming TV shows, 87
Smart Playlists, creating in iTunes, 15–16
social networking, Flipboard app, 60–61
Solo Slingbox, streaming TV shows, 87
sorts, iBooks Store app bookshelf, 48–49
speakers, iPad accessories, 263
Sports Illustrated magazine, virtual newsstand, 59
spreadsheets. See also Numbers app
GoodReader, 239
Mariner Calc, 237–239
viewing les, 5–6
stand-alone apps, 101–102
stands, iPad accessories, 261
Stanza app, electronic book reader, 52–53
music les, 132–134
self-made movies, 72–73
television shows, 85–88
StreamToMe app, videos, 72–73
bookmarks, 56, 183–184
calendars and contacts, 193–196
iBook bookmarks, 44–45
iTunes, 12–14
iTunes backup and restore, 19–20
iTunes-to-iPad image transfers, 138–139
Kindle eBooks, 50
music les, 130–131
versus data transfer, 8–9
Table of Contents/Bookmark list, iBooks Store app, 45
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), viewing images, 3–4
television shows
ABC Player app, 83–84
acquisition methods, 78
Adobe Flash Player, 85
le transfers, 80
free TV players, 82–84
iTunes app, 36–37
iTunes Store division, 32
Net ix, 22
pricing structure, 78
re-downloading previously purchased, 38–39
rentals, 82
season pass purchase, 81–82
single episode purchase, 78–80
streaming, 85–88
viewing, 82
televisions, movie projections, 73–74
Bento app, 254
Numbers app, 235–236
Pages app documents, 213
Terms & Conditions, iTunes Store, 26–27
text (TXT) format les
e-mail attachments, 170
viewing, 6
ings for iPad app, list-making, 207–208
3G, disabling to extend battery life, 262
3G iPad, versus Wi-Fi, 178
thumbnails, Keynote app controls, 246
Time Magazine app, 59
Todo app, list-making, 206–207
Top Charts button, iBooks Store, 47
Transformers Comics app, 97
Trashcan, deleting e-mail messages, 169–170
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