AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) Encoder, 111
AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format, 12
Abby Monkey - Animal Games for Kids app, 272–273
accessibility options, 7–9
AccuWeather app, 239–240
Add to Library command, iTunes, 20
Adobe Flash, 185–186
Adobe Photoshop Express app, 47–48
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) Encoder, 111
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) format, 12
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), 12
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) Encoder, 111
airlines. See travel
AirPlay, 9, 115–116
Airport Express, 115
AirPrint, 9, 204–205
alternate e-mail, 141–142
Amazon Kindle App, 81–83
Amazon MP3 Store, 109
AnyDVD program (PC), 102
AOL Mail, 140
APOD button, NASA HD app, 276
App Store, 28–29, 32–33
Apple Airport Express, 115
Apple Digital AV Adapter, 196
Apple ID, 24–26
Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter, 196
Apple Lossless Encoder, 111
Apple Lossless format, 12
Apple TV, 9
Apps tab, 22
arrangements, iBooks library, 80
aspect ratio, 94
attachments, e-mail, 146–150
Audible format, 12
audio fi les, 12, 115
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF), 12
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) Encoder, 111
audiobooks, 29
Auto-Hyphenation function, iBook, 87
background music, 65
backups, iTunes, 35
BBC news app, 133
Bing, 183
BitTorrent sites, 114
Blackboard Mobile Learn app, 280–281
blend modes, Brushes app, 247
book fi les, 11
bookmarks, 86–87, 180–183
Bookmarks menu, Skyfi re browser, 187
Books Made Into Films category, iTunes Store, 29
Books tab, 23
browser alternatives, 184–185
Brushes app, 246–248
business fi les, 10–11
business page, Facebook, 168–169
movies, 96–98
music, 109
television, 103–107
CalDav technology, 157
Calendars app, 154–159, 161, 271
Calibre, 90
Camera Connection Kit, 52–53
cameras, 40
CBS Sports Pro Football app, 264
CDs, ripping, 110–113
Chapters view, movies, 95
Chemical Equation Toolbox app, 277–278
City Transit – Offi cial NYC Subway Guide app, 238
CNN for iPad, 126–128
collections, iBooks library, 80–81
college apps, 278–281
contacts, 70–71, 159–161
Contacts app, 237
Control Panel button, Epicurious
Recipes & Shopping List app, 245
cooking apps, 243–246
Country Maps, 239
Daily newspaper, 123–126
default search engine, 183–184
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 100
Digital Rights Management (DRM), 12
djay app, 255–256
DOC fi les, 11, 146
document apps, 207–217
documents, sharing via iWork.com, 200–201
Documents To Go app, 203–204
DOCX fi les, 11, 146
drawing apps, 246–251
DRM (Digital Rights Management), 12
Dropbox, 208–209, 271
DVDs, ripping, 102–103
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