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WJA 7.8 SP3 Xerox package installation instructions
This document will help you to install the WJA 7.8 package bundle that has a dependency on the
WJA 7.8 SP3
SP3 (Service Patch 3) Installation Steps:
*If you don’t have installed the wja78_releasepatch3_bundle.fpb, please follow these steps
before installing the XeroxBundle:
1. Select the General Settings in the left menu tree inside the Navigation area.
2. Click on the Setup Wizard option.
3. On that screen, click on the Next Button until the Setup Wizard – Page 4 of 11 appear.
4. Make available the Allow HTTP Downloads checkbox.
5. Fill the HTTP PROXY SERVER and the HTTP PROXY PORT fields with the IP address of
the Proxy server in your company. The HTTP port is 80.
6. Click the Done button and select the Product Update in the left menu tree inside the
Navigation area.
7. Click on the Install option.
8. Click the Check HP Web Site for New Updates button. (WJA will search for the new
updates and then WJA display a list with the new ones).