APDTY-133775 Replacement Key Fob Programming Instructions (Do-It-Yourself Version)
Please read and thoroughly understand before attempting to program
Tips to success: All currently programmed and new remotes must be reprogrammed to your vehicle
during the same programming cycle. Please have all remotes in hand at time of programming. If you
program the 1 new remote and not your current remotes, the current remotes will stop working.
Once plugging the programmer in you will have 2 minutes to program all new and existing remotes to
the vehicle. After 2 minutes your session will time out and your vehicle will no longer be in programming
mode. Programmer will work for no more than 3 successful sessions.
Verify no check engine light or dashboard service light is on before attempting to program. All door lock
actuators, latches and door ajar switches must be in good working order. Diagnose and repair these
problems prior to programming as they work directly with the keyless entry system.
1. Get in the vehicle, shut the door and wait for the interior dome light to go out
2. Insert the programmer into your vehicle’s OBD port. This port can may located in 2 different places.
Under the dashboard on the driver’s side or behind a panel to the left of the steering wheel labeled
OBD. Remove the panel to access the port. DO NOT INSERT A KEY INTO THE IGNITION!!!
2. Once the programmer is inserted into the OBD port there will be a chime and a green light on the
programmer. This indicates programming mode is active. If programming mode is not active, something
in the vehicle software is preventing the vehicle from entering programming mode. **If the vehicle will
not go into programming mode (no green light after inserting the programmer) and all above is in good
working order, then an automotive scan tool will be required to look into the vehicle software and find
what is preventing it.
3. Once in programming mode, Press and hold the lock button on the remote until the hazard lights flash
and the door locks cycle.
4. Perform step 3 for all additional remotes immediately after the hazard lights flash and the door lock
5. When all remotes have been programmed, remove the programmer and test each remote. If remote
programming was unsuccessful but you are certain he vehicle went into programming mode, repeat the
process from the beginning. It may take 3 complete cycles to program.