Adobe Presenter
Last updated 9/12/2015
Note: If you have already published the presentation to the server, you are prompted to save over the previous version or to
save the presentation to a new location.
1 In the Adobe Connect Publish screen, navigate to a folder within your Connect Pro Content library in which to store
the presentation.
• To open a folder and display its contents, click the name of a folder. The folders and files within that folder are
displayed. The navigation path of links near the top of the browser window is updated to indicate the directory
path to the selected folder.
• To publish changes to a presentation already located in the folder, click Update Existing Presentation. The new
version of the presentation overwrites the existing presentation.
• To create a new folder, navigate to the location where you want to add a new folder, click the New Folder button,
enter a name for the new folder, and click Save.
Note: You can create folders only if you have manage permissions for the parent folder.
• To move up to the parent folder (the folder one level above the current folder), click the Up One Level button in
the navigation bar above the content list.
2 Click Publish To This Folder.
The next section explains how to enter descriptive information for the presentation.
Enter presentation information
The fourth step in publishing a presentation is to provide identification information about the presentation. You must
specify a title for the presentation.
1 In the Content Information dialog box, enter a unique name for the presentation in the Title text box.
2 (Optional) In the Custom URL text box, you can create your own URL to view the presentation. This option is useful
if you want to create a URL to view the presentation that can be remembered easily. If you leave this text box blank,
Connect Pro automatically creates a generic, but unique, URL for the presentation.
3 (Optional) In the Summary text box, type a short description of the presentation. (The maximum length of the
summary is 750 characters.)
4 Click Next.
The final step in the publishing process is to set permissions for who can view the presentation.
Set permissions
The final step in the publishing process is to set permissions for the presentation. This establishes who is able to view
the presentation. You have several options available.
1 On the Set Permissions screen, select a permission setting.
• The default permission setting is Same As Parent Folder. If you select this option, the presentation automatically
inherits the same permission profile as the parent folder in which it is published. For example, if the parent folder
has permission for public viewing, the presentation will also have permission for public viewing.
• To change the permission setting, click Customize. To create a public presentation, select Yes next to the Allow
Public Viewing option. To create a private presentation with a custom permission profile that is different from
that of its parent folder, make sure the Allow Public Viewing option is not selected. Then, create a list of users
and groups with specific permission types. In the Available Users And Groups list on the left, select a group or
individual and click Add. The new user or group now appears in the Current Permissions list on the right.
Continue adding or removing users or groups as necessary.