ANKEWAY AW1005 User manual

  • Hello! I'm a chat assistant and I've reviewed the user manual for the ANKEWAY AW1005 Car Radio. This document contains detailed instructions on its features, including wiring, settings, button calibration, Bluetooth, GPS navigation, steering wheel controls and mirror link. I am ready to answer any questions you have about using your new ANKEWAY car radio.
  • What is the Bluetooth connection PIN?
    What is the password for factory settings?
    How do I debug the side buttons?
    How do I perform SWC debugging?
Wiring Diagram and Define
Instructions for use
Instructions for use
User Manual (English )
R L / R R / F L / F R : t o 4 s p e a k e r s .
A N T- C O N T: t o A n t e n n a ( N o
antenna no wiring).
L a m p C o n t r o l : t o c a r f r o n t
s m a l l l i g h t .
B a c k : t o r e a r c a m e r a s i g n a l i n p u t
c a b l e .
K E Y 1 ( K E Y 2 ) : U s e o n l y o n e o f t h e
c a b l e s t o c o n n e c t t h e s i g n a l
o u t p u t c a b l e o f t h e c a r ' s S W C . I f
" K E Y 1 " i s n o t c o m p a t i b l e ,
s e l e c t " K E Y 2 " .
G N D : t o b a t t e r y n e g a t i v e / i r o n /
B + : t o c a r b a t t e r y p o s i t i v e .
ACC: t o c a r i g n i t i o n d e t e c t i o n
c a b l e .
Main Cable Wiring Diagram
FRONT R/L OUT: Connect to the
amplifier Audio Input
Special Note: Whether you need
the Rear Camera or not, you
must connect the "CAMERA"
Cable to the 10-pin port on the
back of the radio to ensure that
the radio gets better WiFi and
Bluetooth signals.
Reversing Camera Wiring Diagram
Wi r i n g A : C o m b i n e t h e
" s h o r t r e d c a b l e " w i t h t h e
B a c k c a b l e a n d c o n n e c t
t o t h e c a r r e v e r s e
d e t e c t i o n c a b l e .
Wi r i n g B : C o m b i n e t h e
t w o " s h o r t r e d c a b l e s "
and connect to the
p o s i t i v e p o l e o f t h e c a r ' s
t a i l l i g h t .
Wi r i n g C : Connected to
t h e r a d i o r e v e r s i n g v i d e o
i n p u t p o r t ( 1 0 - p i n )
Must be corrected when first used or the buttons
Debugging Method:
Step 1: Turn on the radio, press and hold the screen with 5 fingers until 4
"round options" appear. Then click on the 4 "round options" (from 1 to 4).
Step 2: Click the Start option will turn red and start calibration.
Step 3: Click the "Power" option will turn red and then click the power button
on the left side of the screen. If "Power" returns to black, the calibration was
successful. Then use the same method to correct the remaining buttons. Click
the "Close" option after the calibration is completed.
Side Button Debugging & Calibration
Side Button Debugging and Calibration
单击此处添加正文 Tips for 4 - 5- 6- 7- 8
Click the "Power" option will turn red and then click the
power button on the left side of the screen. If "Power"
returns to black, the calibration was successful. Then
use the same method to correct the remaining buttons.
Click the "Close" option after the calibration is
Android Settings
Android Settings:
G o t o s e tti n g s f o r “ L a n g u a g e / D a Te & Ti m e / Wi F i / . . . ”
Sprach- und Zeiteinstellungen
Schritt-1, halten Sie die gewünschte
Sprachoption gedrückt.
Schritt-2, ziehen Sie es nach oben.
Wählen Sie die von GPS
bereitgestellte Zeit
How to Connect Bluetooth
Radio Bluetooth Name: Car BT
BT connection Pin: 0000
Connected: "Red" phone name
Failed: "Blue" phone name
Search / Remove connectable devices
EQ & Speakers Settings
EQ: Pop / Jazz / Rock / Classic / Custom
Speakers Settings: Custom / Default
GPS Navigation
• iGO
Google Maps
"iGO" App
Europe Map Offline Data
SWC Settings / Learning / Correction
SWC Debugging:
Step 1: Click "Settings" to find the
"Steering Learn" for the SWC
Step 2: Press the control button
on your car's steering wheel and
don't let go, then click the
corresponding control button on
the screen to complete the
debugging. Then debug the next
Step 3: After you finish debugging
all the keys, your steering wheel
controls will work.
Just select one of the cables "KEY1" and
"KEY2" to connect to the SWC (Select a
compatible cable). You need to connect the
two cables if you have two SWC.
ANKEWAY External Steering Wheel Control
an external Steering Wheel Control
that is perfectly compatible with
Android radio.
We recommend you to buy it and fix it
on the steering wheel.
Connect the "KEY1" and "KEY2"
cables of the external steering wheel
control to the "KEY1" and "KEY2" of
the radio.
The red cable is connected to the
"ACC" of the radio, and the black
cable is connected to the "GND" of the
Easy Connection for Mirror-link
Download and
install App "Easy
Connection" for
Android phones
(Google Play).
iPhone does not
need to install this
How to Connect and Use
(for Android Phone)
Step-1, Install Google Assistant for
voice command.
Step-2, Connect the radio and
mobile phone via USB (or WiFi) to
play video.
Step-3, Connect the radio and
mobile phone via Bluetooth to play
Step-4, Click App "Easy
Connection" on the phone and
Step-5, Follow the App operation
prompt to complete Mirror-link.
Step-1, Connect the radio and mobile
phone via USB (or WiFi).
Step-2, Click App "Easy Connection"
on the radio.
Step-3, Follow the operation prompt to
complete Mirror-link.
How to Connect and Use (for iPhone)
Trust Enter the Screen Password