Multilevel Switch Report Command:
Report OFF:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value=0]
Report ON:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value
Upon receipt of the following commands from a Z-Wave Controller, the load
attached to the dimmer will turn on or off.
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0] : the load attached to the
dimmer turns off.
[Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 1~99] : the attached load dim on as the
[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Set, Value=0, Duration =
0~255] : the load attached to the dimmer turns off.
[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Set, Value =1~99, Duration =
0~255] : the attached load dim on as the level.
1. Z-Wave’s Groups
The Switch can be set to send reports to associated Z-Wave devices. It supports
one association group with five nodes support for grouping 1. For group 1, the
2-1 Grouping 1 Lifeline(Maximum 5 nodes)
2-1-1 Device reset locally notification :
When PAD09 is reset manually, it will send a DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY_
NOTIFICATION to the nodes of group 1.
2-1-2 On/Off Event Report
When “on” or “off ” state has been changed, it will send Multilevel Switch Report to
the nodes of Grouping 1.
Multilevel Switch Report
ON:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value
OFF:[Command Class Multilevel Switch, Multilevel Switch Report, Value =0(0x00)]
2-1-3 Overload Notification report
When PAD09 detects the Overload, it will send Notification Report to Group 1 nodes.
After detecting overload state and sending this Notification report, PAD09 will turn off
the dimmer automatically and lockout the On/Off button. The only thing to do is
unplug PAD09 and reduce the load. Then re-power on PAD09 and it will work again.
The content of Notification Report
Notification report command: [Command_Class_Notification, Notification_Report,
Notification Status= 0xFF, Notification Type = 0x08, Event = 0x08]
2-2 Grouping 2 Control_Key1 : (Maximum 5 nodes)
When the On/Off status changes or the dim level is achieved manually, it will send
BASIC_SET command to group 2 nodes to make them unanimous.
Dimmer Off : [Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 0]
Dimmer On : [Command Class Basic, Basic Set, Value = 1~99]
3. Z-Wave’s Configuration
Function Size
Value Unit
Default Description
1 Dimmer Level
Report mode
1 0-1 1 0 : Disable
1 : Enable
1 1-3 1 1: Show dimmer state
2 : Show night mode
3: One flash mode
4 Restore
dimmer state 1 0-2 1 0 : Dimmer off
1 : Last dimmer state
2 : Dimmer on
3-1 Dimmer level report mode :
Whenever dimmer on/off state changes, it will send MULTILEVEL_SWITCH_
REPORT to the nodes of group1. The default setting is Enable the function.
3-2 LED indication mode:
3-2-1 Show dimmer State:When dimmer is on, LED is on. When dimmer is off,
LED is off. The default setting is Show dimmer State.
3-2-2 Show Night mode:When dimmer is on, LED is off. When dimmer is off, LED
is on.
3-2-3 One flash mode:When dimmer on/off state changes, LED will light on one
second and then off.
3-3 restore dimmer state:
Whenever the AC power return from lost, PAD09 will restore the switch state which
could be Dimmer off、Last dimmer state、Dimmer on. The default setting is Last
dimmer state.
4. Firmware update over the air (OTA)
PAD09 is based on 500 series SoC and supports Firmware Update Command
Class, it can receives the updated firmware image sent by controller via the Z-
wave RF media. It is a helpful and convenient way to improve some function if