MiniOS7 API Functions Reference Manual, version 1.17 Jan 2015
This manual is to develop user‟s own application programs with those embedded controllers listed above.
This manual introduces what kinds of functions a library has, what kinds of libraries can be used with a
embedded controller, and detail descriptions of those libraries and their corresponding functions.
If you have any problem, please contact: service@icpdas.com.
1. Library Selection for All i-7188/i-8000/μPAC-7186/PDS-700
Series Modules
For i-7188XA/ i-7188XB/ i-7188XC/ i-752N(i-7521,i-7522, i-7523, i-7522A, i-7524, i-7527)/
i-7188EX/ i-7188EA/ i-7188EN (i-7188E1, i-7188E2, i-7188E3, i-7188E4, i-7188E5, i-
7188E8)/ PDS-720/ PDS-721/ PDS-732/ PDS-734/ PDS-742/ PDS-743/ PDS-752/ PDS-
755 / PDS-762/ PDS-782/ μPAC-7186EX(D)/ μPAC-7186EX(D)-FD/ μPAC-7186EX(D)-FM
/ μPAC-7186EX(D)-SM
Supports a single memory model:
(1) 7188EL.LIB, 7188XAL.LIB, 7188XBL.LIB, 7188XCL.LIB, 7186EL.LIB is for LARGE Memory MODEL.
All function declarations are included in the 7188x.h/7186x.h file, so the following line should be added
to the beginning of the program:
for i-7188EX/ i-7188EA/ i-7188EN
for PDS-700 series, μPAC-7186EX series
for i-7188XB/ i-7522A/ i-7524/ i-7527
for i-7188XC/ i-7521/ i-7522/ i-7523
For i-8000 series modules
Supports a single memory model:
(1) 8000E.LIB is for LARGE Memory MODEL. (TC/BC++/MSC/MSVC++)
All function declarations are included in 8000E.h file, so the following line should be added to the
beginning of the program:
#include "8000E.h"
(8000E.LIB and 8000E.h are located in the following directory:
Companion CD:\Napdos\8000\841x881x\Demo\Lib or