4. Voltage & Power Selection
After deciding on a 70.7 or 100 volt system, determine the maximum power in watts
needed at each speaker location. The Tannoy THP30 transformer can be tapped at
30w, 15w, 7.5w, & 3.75 w. When the relevant tappings have been selected add the
individual wattages required at all speakers and select an amplifier with a rating equal
to or exceeding the total wattage required. All of the transformer primaries should be
connected in parallel to the output of this amplifier. If for example, you select the 7.5-
watt transformer tap, it means that at full rated amplifier output the speaker will
receive the full 7.5 watts. If the amplifier gain is reduced each speaker will receive a
proportional amount of power, maintaining the overall system balance.
When calculating amplifier wattage requirements for a system, it is recommended that
a generous wattage safety margin (3dB of headroom) be left so that the system does
not have to operate continuously at its full rated output.
THP30 transformer
Make sure the red cable (amplifier
end) is connected to the respective
voltage rating on the primary. The
black cable is connected to the
‘common’ on the transformer
When you have selected the desired
operating wattage, the brown wire
connected to the positive terminal of
the loudspeaker should be connected
to the relevant wattage tapping on
the transformer secondary. The blue
wire connected to the negative
terminal of the loudspeaker drive unit
is connected to the ‘common’ on the
transformer secondary.
Low impedance operation - If
required the CMS55 ICT can be used
as a conventional loudspeaker by
simply bypassing the THP30
transformer and connecting the
amplifier output to the loudspeaker
In order to comply with relevant fire safety regulations (i.e. BS 5839:1998), it
is required that in the event of fire, that failure of the circuit to which the
loudspeaker is connected does not occur before evacuation of the building is
complete. Suitable measures include: -
a) use of terminal blocks (for connection to primary) with a melting point of
not less than 650°C, for example constructed from ceramic materials;
c) use of terminal blocks of a lower melting point but protected with thermal
d) use of terminal blocks such that, on melting, an open-circuit or a short-
circuit does not occur.