9. Safe Mode
Your device will get restarted with safe mode when the device is not booted completely three
files. The errors are mainly caused by these two factors: power source unplugged or damage
occurred on
firmware file during the system boot.
You will see the page indicating that your device is in safe mode like below.
Please follow the steps below when your device turns into safe mode.
1. Turn off the device, and turn it on again.
2. Wait until the device completely reboots.
3. Refresh the webpage to check out if the webpage is displayed in normal.
What if your device still remains at safe mode after the above procedure?
It means that some parts of your firmware files on the device are damaged and are not
available anymore.
Then, follow the steps below to recover the firmware file.
1. Click Browse on the screen, and select the appropriate firmware file available.
2. Click START to restore the firmware to the device.
3. Check if the webpage appears normal.
There is another method to update firmware, which is using
Please refer to ‘IPAdminTool User’s Manual.pdf’ for the detailed
If your device is still at safe mode after trying to update firmware,
please contact your local agency to get further assistance.
More Information
To learn more about using other features of your devices, refer to the manuals as
“RIVA Web Interface Manual Full HD Series” or “VCAsys Manual Full HD Series”, which
is available on www.rivatech.de homepage.