Unpacking and installing the disks ..................................................................... 2
Installing the RAID ........................................................................................ 2
Configuring the RAID ................................................................................... 2
Connecting the RAID to the digital recorder.......................................................... 3
Connecting the RAID model R6: ...................................................................... 3
Connecting the RAID model R8: ...................................................................... 3
Recording to the RAID on a Digital Sprite based product ........................................... 4
Recording only to the RAID (optional)............................................................... 4
Operation ................................................................................................ 5
Recording to the RAID on a DVIP........................................................................ 5
Operation ................................................................................................ 6
Rackmounting the RAID .................................................................................. 7
Unpacking and installing the disks
The disk caddies are sent in a separate box to the main RAID unit, each disk caddy is
labelled 1 thru 6 for the R6 RAID and 1 thru 8 for the R8 RAID. Details of installing the disk
caddies is detailed on page 10 of the User Reference Manual.
TIP: If you are rack mounting the RAID, it is advisable that the RAID is rack mounted before
fitting the disk caddies. Details of rack mounting the RAID are on page 7
Installing the RAID
Configuring the RAID
The RAID comes pre-configured for use with DM digital recorders, there are two models of
RAID device - R6 (6 bay) and R8 (8 bay) configured as follows:
R6 R8
0 0 and 1
RAID level
5 5
If you have no other storage attached, then there should be no need to change the ID
number. However, if there are other external devices connected to the system such as CDRs
or other RAIDs, the SCSI ID may need to be adjusted if the address is the same as another
device. The corresponding SCSI addresses to drive letters ID0 is drive letter L, up to ID6,
which is drive letter R.
The SCSI ID can be changed on the front panel of the RAID if required, details of changing
the SCSI ID can be found in the RAID User Reference Manual.
Note: DM digital recorder only recognizes SCSI ID0 thru ID6.
There is a limitation of the total cabling between the RAIDs and the digital recorder, which
must total less than 3 meters (10 feet) including the internal 60cm (1.8 feet) cabling in the