as the minimum current software requirements for the
3590 Models B11 and B1A or Models E11 and E1A. An
update of the open systems device drivers should be
obtained to ensure the Extended Length Cartridge is
Magstar 3590 Tape Drives with the
Extended Media Support can read or write on either the
new 3590 Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape or
the 3590 High Performance Cartridge Tape.
To use the new 3590 Extended High
Performance Cartridge Tape, the following features must
be installed:
• 3590 Tape Drives shipped prior to March 3, 2000
− Feature number 5780 (Extended Media Support
on the Magstar 3590 Model B11 or B1A
Tape Drive
− Feature number 5781 (Extended Media Support
on the Magstar 3590 Model E11 or E1A
Tape Drive
• Magstar 3494 Tape Library
− Feature number 9780 is required on the Magstar
3494 Tape Library Model D12 or D14 containing the
3590 Tape Drives with Extended Media Support and
also on the 3494 Model L10, L12, or L14
• Magstar 3590 Tape Subsystem
− Feature number 9780 is required on the Magstar
3590 Model A14, C12, or C14 frame
Many solutions require that all 3590 drives in the
subsystem have the Extended Media Support capability
to optimize drive/media allocation. If Extended Length
Cartridges are used, IBM recommends updating all tape
drives, to allow flexibility to mount Extended Length
Cartridges on any tape drive. However, if Extended
Length Cartridges are to be used only on tape drives that
are part of a defined subset, then all drives in that subset
must be updated. Some examples are:
• ESCON-attached tape drives in individual IBM Magstar
3494 Tape Libraries and StorageTek Automated
Cartridge Systems (ACS)
• 3590 stand-alone drives in an MVS complex
The Magstar 3590 Model E11 or E1A Tape Drives can only
read either type of cartridge written in 128-track format
by the B Models, but it can read or write on either type
of cartridge in 256-track format.
The tape search time with the Extended Length Cartridge
could be up to two times longer than with the Standard
Length Cartridge.
The 3590 Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape is
not supported for use in the 3495 Tape Library or the 3494
Model B16 or B18 Virtual Tape Server. It is also not
supported on 3590 Tape Drives attached to the 3591
Model A01 High Performance Tape Control Unit.
Planning Information
Customer Responsibilities:
Physical planning is a
customer responsibility. Current levels of the open
systems device drivers should be obtained to ensure the
3590 Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape is
supported. Updates to other software should be obtained,
if required. Detailed physical planning information for the
Magstar 3590 tape drives is in the
IBM Magstar 3590 Tape
Subsystem Introduction and Planning Guide
Cable Orders:
No cables required.
Direct Customer Support:
Eligible customers can obtain
installation and usage assistance through ASK Support
using the search word 3590.
For End Users and Remarketers
IBM data media supplies can be ordered directly through
AAS using feature numbers on the 3590 Tape Drives or
3494 Tape Library. IBM 3480, 3490 and 3590 data media
can also be ordered directly through AAS using machine
types 3499 or 3599. Refer to the 3499, 3599, 3590, or 3494
sales manual.
IBM data media supplies can be also purchased through
Priority Fulfillment Services and its distribution channel
in North America, Latin America, and Asia/Pacific. These
supplies can be purchased through Priority Fulfillment
Services Europe and its distribution channel in Europe,
the Middle East, and Africa.
For information about Priority Fulfillment Services
distribution channels, call 888-IBM-MEDIA (426-6334) in
the U.S. and Canada.
Other country-specific numbers can be found at:
The part numbers for additional supplies of the 3590
Extended High Performance Cartridge Tapes are:
Number Supply Item
IBM 3590 Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape
media-type label K):
05H3188 Data cartridge with no VOLSER Label
08L6087 Data cartridge with Black & White (B&W)
Label Only
08L6088 Data cartridge with Color Label Only
08L6089 Initialized data cartridge with B&W Label
08L6090 Initialized data cartridge with Color Label
For Use in the 3590 Model C12 or C14
IBM 3590 Extended High Performance Cartridge Tape
(no media-type label):
08L6091 Data cartridge with no VOLSER Label
08L6092 Data cartridge with Black & White (B&W)
Label Only
08L6093 Data cartridge with Color Label Only
08L6094 Initialized data cartridge with B&W Label
08L6095 Initialized data cartridge with Color Label
Security, Auditability, and Control
This product uses the security and auditability features
of host hardware, host software, and/or application
software to which it is attached.
The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and
implementation of security features, administrative
procedures, and appropriate controls in application
systems and communications facilities.
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