4K-HB 13.0001-EN 2.1
7 Parameter channel (PCV mechanism) 41.........................................
7.1 Access authorisation 41..................................................
7.2 Structure of the parameter characteristic value 42............................
7.2.1 Structure of parameter identification (PKE) 42.......................
7.2.2 Subindex 42....................................................
7.2.3 Parameter value 42..............................................
7.3 Job and response processing 43...........................................
7.3.1 Job identification (master -> slave) 43..............................
7.3.2 Response identification (slave -> master) 44.........................
7.3.3 Error numbers at response 45.....................................
7.3.4 Examples of PCV mechanism 46...................................
7.3.5 Transfer of PPO with PROFIBUS-DP 50..............................
8 Parameter numbers 51........................................................
8.1 Explanation of the parameter numbers 51..................................
8.1.1 Node address (PNU 918) 51.......................................
8.1.2 Parameter change rights (PNU 927) 52..............................
8.1.3 Control authority (PNU 928) 52....................................
8.1.4 Selector switch for operating mode (PNU 930) 52.....................
8.1.5 Selector switch - control word bit 8 (PNU 931) 53.....................
8.1.6 Selector switch - control word bit 9 (PNU 932) 54.....................
8.1.7 Selector switch - control word bit 11 (PNU 933) 54....................
8.1.8 Selector switch - control word bit 12 ... 15 (PNU 934 ... 937) 54..........
8.1.9 Selector switch - status word bit 8 (PNU 938) 55......................
8.1.10 Selector switch - status word bit 11 (PNU 939) 56.....................
8.1.11 Selector switch - status word bit 12 (PNU 940) 56.....................
8.1.12 Selector switch - status word bit 13 (PNU 941) 57.....................
8.1.13 Selector switch - status word bit 14 (PNU 942) 57.....................
8.1.14 Selector switch - status word bit 15 (PNU 943) 57.....................
8.2 Device-specific parameter numbers 58.....................................
8.2.1 Data type - jogging setpoint 1 and 2 (PNU 107 und 108) 58............
8.2.2 Fault number (PNU 947) 58.......................................
8.2.3 Load parameter set (PNU 970) 59..................................
8.2.4 Transfer to the non-volatile memory (PNU 971) 59....................
8.3 Overview of the device-specific active parameters 60.........................
8.4 Overview of the device-specific passive parameters 60........................
8.5 Data type - travel data record (PNU 1 to 100) 61..............................
8.6 Data type - reference parameter (PNU 101) 62...............................
8.7 Data type - IO settings (PNU 102) 63.......................................
8.8 Data type - control parameters (PNU 103) 65................................
8.9 Data type - system parameters (PNU 104) 65................................