Dot Matrix Printing
To understand the difference between standard printing and the
four typestyles available with SelecType, it will help to know some-
thing about dot matrix printing-the printing method of the
In dot matrix printing all letters, symbols, and graphics are made up
of patterns of dots. The standard printing mode uses 10 to 15 dots for
most letters. In this mode the letters are clear and readable and the
printing is extremely fast.
Near Letter Quality
The Near Letter Quality (NLQ) mode uses many more dots for each
character than the standard mode does. This makes the letters more
fully formed, as you can see in the printout below, but it does decrease,
the speed of your printing.
This is standard printing, and
this is Near Letter Quality (NLQ) printing.
With the two modes, draft and NLQ, the HomeWriter- gives you
a choice of high speed or high quality each time you print. You can
print your ordinary work or preliminary drafts quickly in the draft
mode and use the NLQ mode for final copies or special purposes.
Because the NLQ mode is designed for printing words and num-
bers, you can’t print pictures or graphics characters in this mode.
Therefore, be sure that there are no graphics characters in the docu-
ments or files you print in the NLQ mode.
In the emphasized mode, the HomeWriter- prints each dot twice,
with the second dot slightly to the right of the first. This mode pro-
duces letters that are darker and more fully formed than standard
ones, as shown in the printout below.
This is standard printing, and
this is emphasized printing.