Indicator description:
Indicator Status Description
Remark: Internal Precision Component, for avoiding device damage please handles with case, avoiding violent vibra-
tion. Please contact us or local agency if damage or component loss by shipping, We will solve it ASAP.
Indicator: Support power source, network connection, Fiber port/RJ45 port working status indication, It is convenient
for engineer to parsing problem and monitoring working status.
Power port: Power port connect with PSU, internal power supply intelligent network management PoE switch are wit-
hout PSU, connecting with AC100-245V,50/60Hz directly.
Ethernet port: Self-Adaption RJ45 port, all port support Auto MDIMDIX, Plug and play. The working status can be est-
imated by indicator on front panel.
Power Indicator: PWR Green LED ON Power ON, Normal Power Supply
Power OFF or Power failure
1000M SPD indicator Green LED ON Working condition 1000M
Green LED OFF Working condition 10/100M
PoE indicator: POE
Green LED ON Connected standard PD, Normal Power Supply
Green LED Blink Short Circuit or Over Load
OFF No Connection or Connected PD is Non-Standard PD
Connection Diagram
Installation guide
Connect to RJ45 port
1.Connect one en d of RJ45 wire to switch, th e other end to other equip ment, as
shown as the figur e on the right;
2.After power on, p lease check the LED indi ctor status. If it is on, it shows the
link is OK, otherw ise, the link is down. The n please check the link an d make
sure the other equ ipment is turned on, ref er to the instruction on a bove page
for details.
Connect to power
Smart managed Po E switch adopts AC 100-2 40V, 50/60Hz.
1.Please check th e power supply specifi cation matches with th e required;
2.Connect switc h power wire to AC power soc ket, shown as in the follo wing figure.
Powe r Sup ply C onn ect ion Figure Moun tin g Kit s Ins tal lation Fig ure Rack I nst all ati on Fi gure
L Angl e Iro n
Scre w
After installa tion, please check:
If there is enough s pace for heat sink; if the p ower socket is suitabl e for switch specifica tion; if the power, swit ch and rack are
properly groun ded and if the connectio n between switch and oth er network equipment s are normal.
Detailed descriptions for the product model numbers
POE31016P: 16- port 10/100Mbps +2-p ort 10/100/1000Mbp s up-link Ethernet por t switch , No. 1-16
ports support PO E , IEEE802.3af/at, POE port output : 15.4watts , total p ower : 200watts
POE31024P: 24- port 10/100Mbps +2-p ort 10/100/1000Mbp s up-link Ethernet por t switch , No. 1-24
ports support PO E , IEEE802.3af/at, POE port output : 15.4watts , total p ower : 250watts
PoE Swi tch
Monito r
Cat.5Video l ine
PoE Camera
IP Camera
PoE Splitter
PD 3101
PD-Powered Device
Power over Ethernet Splitter
Ethernet out
PoE I P Ca mer a PoE IP Camera
Rj45 p ort
Link/ACT indicator
Yellow LED ON Conected port correctly
Yellow LED Blink Receiving or Sending data
OFF Connection failed or Abnormal Link
Tel:+ 86-7 55-33376606 F ax:+ 86-755-3337 6608 E mail:on v@on
Addre ss: Ro om 1003, Block D , Ta iran b uilding , C hego ngmiao, Futia n dist rict ,Shenzhe n ,Chi na
Facto ry add ress:No 4-5, A bu ildi ng, SenYu Tai S& T park, Longhua r oad, B aoAn district ,She nzhen, Ch ina