ONV POE21024P User manual

  • Hello! I'm your AI assistant. I've analyzed the provided user guide for the ONV PoE Switch POE21024P. This document details the switch's features, including its 24 PoE ports and 2 uplink ports, PoE capabilities, and installation instructions. I'm ready to answer any questions you might have based on the information in this document.
  • What is the PoE PIN assignment?
    What type of cable does the switch use?
    What is the Ethernet port transmission range?
    What is the power supply specification?
24 Port Intelligent unmanaged PoE Switch(POE21024P)
PoE Tra ns mi ss io n
Copyright @ 2002-2016 Optical Network Video Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
All Rights Reserved
Packing List
Please kindly check the following items:
1 Intelligent PoE switch
1 Power cable
Mounting Kits
1 User Guide/Conformity Certificate/Warranty Card
If any shortage or damage found, please contact us in time.
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be
reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise without the prior
written permission of Optical Network Video Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
is the registered trademark of Optical Network Video Technologies (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. The information
and product specifications within this document are subject to change at any time, without notice and without obli-
gation to notify any person of such change.
Product overview
Product Introduction
ONV Intelligent Ethernet Switch fills in the blank of Unmanaged Switch. Intelligent Ether ne t Switch is designed
for growing business network who needs to control their network effectively. The Ethernet s wi tch which is also built in
PoE module provides an affordable solution of power and data over Cat.5E cable. It complied to IE EE 802.3af/at,
provides smart and safety PoE function to achieve the idea deployment of Wilress AP, VoIP and IP based camera.
Two G i gabit J45 ports can complete the fast connection with server or Gigabit backplane. R
24 10/100Mbp s RJ45 po rts, 2 10 /100/ 1000M bps RJ45 ports make growin g busin ess pro fits fr om outs tandi ng performance and netwo rk exte nded
function. Th e high pe rform ance, l ine-s peed structure Etherne t Switc h have Ma x 8.8Gb ps swit ch capa city. All the 26 RJ45 ports su pport a uto-
negotiatio n for ens uring t he corr ect net work connection.
The product ‘Switch’ mentioned in the manual, if without a special request, it is refering to 10/100M unman-
aged PoE switch, PoE switch in short in below.
Complie d to IEEE802.3af /at, 10Based-T , 100Base d-T, 10 00Based -T.
Etherne t Port Rate: 24 auto -negotiation 1 0/100Mb ps and 2 auto-nego tiation 10/100 /1000Mb ps.
PoE PIN ass ignment: End-s pan(1/2+,3/6 -), or Mid- span (4 /5+, 7/8- )
Working m ode: asynchron ization , point t o point, fu ll/half duplex s elf-negotiat ion.
Etherne t Port Transmiss ion Range : 100me ters
Cable: Ca t.5E, Interfac e: RJ45
Technical Structure and Port Description
A. 10/100M 24 RJ45 ports(PoE) B. Power indicator
C.10/100/1000M 2 Up link RJ45 ports D. AC 100-240V,50/60Hz
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
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24 Por ts 10/1 00M + 2 Por ts Giga bit PoE Swi tch24 Por ts 10/1 00M + 2 Por ts Giga bit PoE Swi tch
AC 100 -240V 5 0/60H z
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 7 19 21 23
24 Por ts 10/1 00M + 2 Por ts Giga bit PoE Swi tch24 Por ts 10/1 00M + 2 Por ts Giga bit PoE Swi tch
Indicator description:
Indicator Status Description
Remark: Internal Precision Component, for avoiding device damag e please handles with case, avoiding violent vibra-
tion. Please contact us or local agency if damage or component loss by shipping, We will solve it ASAP.
Indicato r: Support power source, network connection, Fiber port/R J45 port working status indication, It is convenient
for engineer to parsing problem and monitoring working status.
Power port: Power port connect with PSU, internal power supply intelligent network management PoE switch are wit-
hout PSU, connecting with AC100-240V,50/60Hz directly.
Ethernet port: Self-Adaption RJ45 port, all port support Auto MDIMDIX, P lug and play. The working status can be est-
imated by indicator on front panel.
Power Indicator: PWR Green LED ON Power ON, Normal Power Supply
Power OFF or Power failure
100M Link indicator:
Yellow LED ON port correctlyConnected
Yellow LED Blink Receiving or Sending data
OFF Connection failed or Abnormal Link
PoE indicator: POE
Green LED ON Connected standard PD, Normal Power Supply
Green LED Blink Short Ci rcuit or Over Load
OFF No Connection or Connected PD is Non-Standard PD
Connection Diagram
Installation guide
Connect to RJ45 port
1.Connect one end of RJ45 wire to switch, th e other end to other equi pment, as
shown as the figure on the right;
2.After power on, please check the LED indi ctor status. If it is on, i t shows the
link is OK, otherwise, the link is down. The n please check the link a nd make
sure the other equipment is turned on, ref er to the instruction o n above page
for details.
Rj45 po rt
Connect to power
Smart managed PoE switch adopts AC 100-2 40V, 50/60Hz.
1.Please check the pow er supply specifi cation matches with t he required;
2.Connect switch power wire to AC power soc ket, shown as in the foll owing figure.
Power S upply Conn ection Fig ure Mount ing Kits Ins tallatio n Fig ure R ack Ins tal lation Fig ure
L Angle I ron
After installation, please check:
If there is enough space for heat sink; if the p ower socket is suitab le for switch specification; if the powe r, switch and rack are
properly grounded a nd if the connectio n between switch and ot her network equipme nts are normal.
Detailed descriptions for the product model numbers
Tel:+86-7 55-33376606 Fax:+8 6-755-333 76608 Email:onv@on v.com.cn
Address: Ro om 1003, Block D , Tairan bu ilding , Cheg ongmiao, Futian dist rict ,Shenz hen ,China
Factory add ress:No 5, A building, S enYuTai S&T p ark, Longhua road, Bao An district ,Shenzh en, China
POE21024P: 24-port 10/100Mbps +2-p ort 10/100/1000Mb ps up-link switch , No. 1 -24ports suppor t POE ,
IEEE802.3af/at, total power : 250wat ts
1000M Link indicator:
Green LED ON port correctlyConnected
Green LED Blink Receiving or Sending data
OFF Connection failed or Abnormal Link
1000M Speed
Yellow LED ON Working on 1000M speed
OFF Working on 10/100M speed
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
24 Ports 10/100M + 2 Ports Gigabit PoE Switch
24 Ports 10/100M + 2 Ports Gigabit PoE Switch
PoE I P Camera
PoE Ca meraIP
IP Camera
PoE Splitter
PD 3101
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Video lin e
PD-Powered Device
Power over Ethernet Splitter
Ethernet out