About this book
This book provides instructions for installing and customizing the configuration of
your IBM
FAStT Host Adapter and connected devices, and for installing and
updating the device drivers. It also provides information on troubleshooting your
IBM FAStT Host Adapter. To set up your IBM FAStT Host Adapter, see Chapter 2,
“Installing the adapter” on page 5 for detailed information.
How this book is organized
This book is comprised of the following parts:
Part I. Hardware installation
Chapter 1, “Hardware overview,” describes the IBM FAStT Host Adapter.
This chapter includes an overview of the IBM FAStT Host Adapter features.
Chapter 2, “Installing the adapter,” contains the information and instructions
needed to prepare and install the IBM FAStT Host Adapter.
Chapter 3, “Troubleshooting,” covers the type of installation problems that
can cause the IBM FAStT Host Adapter to function incorrectly.
Part II. Software installation
Chapter 4, “Software overview,” provides preinstallation information for
installing the device drivers.
Chapter 5, “Installing the Windows NT and Windows 2000 device drivers,”
provides instructions for installing Microsoft
Windows NT
and Windows
2000 device drivers.
Chapter 6, “Installing the Novell NetWare device driver,” provides
instructions for installing the NetWare device driver in a system that is
running Novell NetWare.
Part III. Appendices
Appendix A, “Fast!UTIL,” provides detailed configuration information for
users who want to customize the configuration of the IBM FAStT Host
Adapter and connected devices.
Appendix B, “Adapter operating environment and specifications,” contains
the IBM FAStT Host Adapter operating environment and specification
Appendix C, “Getting help and technical assistance,” provides information
about getting help, service, technical assistance, or additional product
Appendix D, “Warranty information,” provides information about product
warranty service and support.
Appendix E, “Notices,” contains product notices and trademarks.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2002 ix