“main” (Installation and Administration) — 2004/6/25 — 13:29 — page ii — #2
9. Edition 2004
Copyright ©
This publication is intellectual property of SUSE LINUX AG.
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All information found in this book has been compiled with utmost attention to de-
tail. However, this does not guarantee complete accuracy. Neither SUSE LINUX
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Many of the software and hardware descriptions cited in this book are registered
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Authors: Stefan Behlert, Frank Bodammer, Stefan Dirsch, Olaf Donjak, Roman
Drahtmüller, Torsten Duwe, Thorsten Dubiel, Thomas Fehr, Stefan
Fent, Werner Fink, Kurt Garloff, Carsten Groß, Joachim Gleißner,
Andreas Grünbacher, Franz Hassels, Andreas Jaeger, Klaus Kämpf,
Hubert Mantel, Lars Marowsky-Bree, Johannes Meixner, Lars
Müller, Matthias Nagorni, Anas Nashif, Siegfried Olschner, Peter
Pöml, Thomas Renninger, Heiko Rommel, Marcus Schäfer, Nicolaus
Schüler, Klaus Singvogel, Hendrik Vogelsang, Klaus G. Wagner,
Rebecca Walter, Christian Zoz
Translators: Olaf Niepolt, Daniel Pisano
Editors: Jörg Arndt, Antje Faber, Berthold Gunreben, Roland Haidl, Jana
Jaeger, Edith Parzefall, Ines Pozo, Thomas Rölz, Thomas Schraitle,
Rebecca Walter
Layout: Manuela Piotrowski, Thomas Schraitle
Setting: DocBook-XML, L
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