
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 Device Description 13
750-485 2AI 4-20mA Ex i
1.3.0 HW-Version 06, SW-Version 31
Pos: 17 /A ll e Ser ien (Al lg emei ne M od ule)/ Üb ers chrif te n/Eb ene 1/G erät e besc hrei bung - Ü ber schri ft 1 @ 3\mod_1233756084656_21.docx @ 27096 @ 1 @ 1
3 Device Description
Pos: 18.1 .1 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Anwendung/AI/Anwendung 750-0485 AI Ex i Zone 0 + 1 (4...20mA) @ 20\mod_1406207000202_21.docx @ 160130 @ @ 1
The Analog Input Module 750-485 processes analog signals with the norm value
of 4 ... 20 mA from intrinsically safe sensors, operating in hazardous
environments of zone 0+1.
Pos: 18.1 .2 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Wichtige Erläuterungen/Sicherheits- und sons tige Hi nwei s e/War nung / Warn ung: E x i I nst allati o n des WA GO-I/ O-SY STEM 7 50 nur in Zone 2 oder im nicht -ex-Bereic h @ 5\mod_1245851655116_21.docx @ 35947 @ @ 1
Installation only in zone 2 or in non-hazardous environments!
The installation of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 fieldbus couplers/controllers
and I/O modules is only to be done in zone 2 or in non-hazardous environments.
Pos: 18.1 .3 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYSTEM)/Gerätebeschreibung/Einleitung/Anwendung/AI/Anwendung 750-048x AI E x i Ans chl usst echni k 2- o der 3-Leit er @ 1 9\mod_1404827836148_21.docx @ 157669 @ @ 1
This I/O module connects to 2- and 3-wire sensors. Two-wire sensors are
connected via U
and AI and in three-wire technic via U
, AI and 0V.
The sensors are basically supplied from the I/O module's field-side power supply
Pos: 18.1.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-S YSTE M)/G erä teb esc hrei bung /Einl eit ung/ I/O- Besc hrei bung /AI /I/O- Besc hrei bung 7 50-04x x 2 AI SE Fel ddsig nale üb er AI1 bz w. AI2 @ 5\ mod_1246366963666_21.docx @ 36353 @ @ 1
The I/O module has 2 input channels for fieldside signals. The sensors may be
received via the CAGE CLAMP
connections AI 1 or AI 2.
Pos: 18.1 .5 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /AI/I /O- Besc hreib ung 750- 0485 Ex i - Vers org ung mit bedi ngt kurz sc hlus sf ester Tr ans mitt ers pg über UV1/2 @ 20\mod_1406207831398_21.docx @ 160134 @ @ 1
The intrinsically safe supply of the transducer is done with a noninherently short-
circuit proof transmitter supply via the connections U
1 or U
Pos: 18.1 .6 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM) /Gerä teb esc hrei bung /Einl ei tung /I/O- Besc hrei bung /A I/I/O- Besc hrei bung 7 50-04x x AI Gem einsa mes Bezug spot enti al und Schi rma nschl uss @ 5\mod_1246367930785_21.docx @ 36363 @ @ 1
The channels have a common reference potential and a shield connection.
Pos: 18 .1.7 /S erie 750 (WAGO-I/O-S YSTEM )/G erä teb eschr ei bung/ Einl eit ung/ I/O-B esc hrei bung /AI/ I/O- Besc hrei bung 7 50-04xx AI Schir mansc hluss Konta kt mit Tr agschi ene @ 5\mod_1246367742653_21.docx @ 36360 @ @ 1
The shield connection is fed directly to the carrier rail and contact is made
automatically by snapping the module onto the rail.
Pos: 18.1 .8 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /All ge mein /V er weis a uf Kapi tel " A nsc hlüss e" @ 8\ mod_1276775378035_21.docx @ 57956 @ @ 1
The assignment of the connections is described in the “Connectors” section.
Pos: 18.1 .9 /Ser ie 7 50 ( WAG O-I/ O-SYST EM )/G eräte bes chr eibu ng/Ei nlei tu ng/I/ O-B esc hrei bung /All ge mein /V er weis a uf Kapi tel " G erät e an schl ieß en" > " Ansc hl ussb eis piel (e) " @ 5\mod_1246015203281_21.docx @ 36298 @ @ 1
Connection examples are shown in section “Connect Devices” > … >
“Connection Example(s)”.
Pos: 18.1 .1 0 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ LED -Anz eige /LE D Z usta nd B etr ieb Kan al @ 5\ mod_1245391732046_21.docx @ 35668 @ @ 1
The operating status of the channels is indicated by a green status LED per
Pos: 18.1 .1 1 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ LED -Anz eige /LE D F ehler Dr ah tbr uch/B erei chs üb er-/ unter sc hrei tu ng @ 7\mod_1274363504640_21.docx @ 56902 @ @ 1
A red fault LED per channel indicates a wire break or that the signal is outside the
measuring range.
Pos: 18.1 .1 2 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ LED -Anz eige /V erwei s a uf K api tel " A nzeig eel e ment e" @ 5 \mod_1246010525000_21.docx @ 36194 @ @ 1
The meaning of the LEDs is described in the “Display Elements” section.
Pos: 18.1 .1 3 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM) /Ger äte bes chr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ V ersor gu ng/G al vanisc h e Tre nnu ng F eld/ S yste m @ 3\mod_1233756478750_21.docx @ 27102 @ @ 1
The field voltage and the system voltage are electrically isolated from each other.
Pos: 18.1 .1 4 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM) /Ger äte bes chr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/ V ersor gu ng/A nor dnu ng in E x i-S egmen t beliebi g @ 4\mod_1241506600203_21.docx @ 32297 @ @ 1
Any configuration of the I/O module is possible within an intrinsically safe
segment when configuring the fieldbus node. An arrangement in groups within the
group of potentials is not necessary.
Pos: 18.1 .1 5 /S erie 750 ( W AGO -I/O-SY ST EM)/ Gerät ebe schr eib ung/ Einl eit ung/Ei nsatz bereic h/Ei nsatz bereic h 750- xxxx all e Ko ppl er/C ont roll er o hne Ec ono my- Koppl er @ 3\mod_1232541867468_21.docx @ 26525 @ @ 1
The I/O module 750-485 can be used with all fieldbus couplers/controllers of the
WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 (except for the economy types 750-320, -323, -324
and -327).
Pos: 18.2 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seite nwechs el--- @ 3\ mod_1221108045078_0.docx @ 21810 @ @ 1