14 Rev. 0.2
The detected hardware is highlighted on the right-hand side of the application manager's window.
Hardware Type—This is the name (part number) of the hardware connected.
Hardware Rev—This is the version number of the hardware platform.
Firmware Type—To be compatible with WDS, the firmware must contain a bootloader rather than a custom
image or a standalone image. Firmware with a bootloader can be downloaded from the Silicon Labs website.
The Firmware Type tells WDS the purpose of the firmware. If WDS detects the wrong type is loaded, it may
recommend that the firmware be upgraded.
Firmware Rev—This is the version of the firmware.
Radio Type—If a radio is detected on the hardware platform, it may be displayed here.
Radio Rev—If a radio is detected on the hardware platform, its revision may be displayed here.
Note: Population of these fields will occur only if the current firmware on the hardware platform allows.
Figure 24. Detected Hardware Information
In some instances, WDS may recognize both the hardware platform and the firmware, but an application may
require newer firmware before it is available. If no applications are available for your firmware, WDS will inform you.
Figure 25. Device Detected Screen
In either case, a firmware upgrade may be possible via WDS.
Not Recommended for New Designs