Panasonic ESEU10 Operating instructions

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Operating Instructions
Model No.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 1 2013/01/23 15:12:27
Operating Instructions
Model No.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 1 2013/01/23 15:12:27
Upute za uporabu
Epilator (za kućnu uporabu)
Model br. ES-EU10
Safety precautions..................... 5
Operating Instructions
Model No.
Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 3 2013/01/23 15:12:28
Zahvaljujemo vam na kupnji ovog Panasonicova proizvoda.
Prije korištenja uređaja u cijelosti pročitajte ove upute i sačuvajte ih za buduću uporabu.
Mjere opreza ............................. 5
Brzi koraci za epilaciju .......................8
Dijelovi .................................................8
Savjeti za najbolje rezultate epilacije .... 9
Prije uporabe.....................................10
Epilacija .............................................10
Čišćenje .............................................11
Rješavanje problema........................12
Vijek trajanja baterije ........................13
Uklanjanje ugrađene punjive
baterije ...............................................13
Tehnički podaci .................................13
Upute za uporabu
Epilator (za kućnu uporabu)
Model br. ES-EU10
Ovim uređajem smiju rukovati djeca starija od 8 godina
i osobe sa smanjenim fizičkim, osjetilnim ili mentalnim
sposobnostima ili s nedovoljnim iskustvom i znanjem
ako se nalaze pod nadzorom ili im se daju upute
o sigurnoj uporabi uređaja i ako shvaćaju moguće
opasnosti. Djeca se ne smiju igrati ovim uređajem.
Djeca ne smiju čistiti i održavati uređaj bez nadzora.
Kabel za napajanje ne može se zamijeniti. Ako je kabel
oštećen, prilagodnik za izmjeničnu struju treba baciti.
Uređaj se može koristiti za mokru ili suhu epilaciju.
Sljedeći simbol označava epilator za mokru epilaciju. To
znači da se uređaj može koristiti u kadi ili pod tušem.
Mjere opreza
Da biste smanjili rizik od ozljeda, smrti, strujnog udara, požara,
kvara i oštećenja opreme ili imovine, uvijek se pridržavajte
sljedećih mjera opreza.
Objašnjenje simbola
Sljedeći simboli svrstavaju i opisuju stupanj opasnosti, ozljeda i
štete po vlasništvo koji nastaje kad se zanemare oznake i uređaj
se nepravilno koristi.
Označava potencijalnu
opasnost koja će
rezultirati ozbiljnom
ozljedom ili smrću.
Označava potencijalnu
opasnost koja bi mogla
rezultirati ozbiljnom
ozljedom ili smrću.
Označava potencijalnu
opasnost koja bi mogla
rezultirati manjom
Sljedeći simboli svrstavaju i opisuju vrste uputa kojih se treba
Ovaj se simbol koristi radi upozoravanja korisnika na
određene operativne postupke koji se ne smiju izvršiti.
Ovaj se simbol koristi za upozoravanje korisnika na
određene operativne postupke koje se mora slijediti da
bi uređaj radio na siguran način.
Ovaj proizvod ima ugrađenu punjivu bateriju.
Nemojte ga baciti u otvoreni plamen ili zagrijavati.
- To može uzrokovati curenje, zagrijavanje ili eksploziju.
Nemojte spremati proizvod unutar dohvata djece ili
dojenčadi. Nemojte im dopustiti korištenje proizvoda.
- U suprotnome može doći do nesreće ili ozljede
uslijed slučajnog gutanja četkice i sl.
Nemojte rastavljati proizvod, osim kada ga odlažete.
- U suprotnome može doći do požara, strujnog udara
ili ozljede.
Nemojte preinačavati ili popravljati.
- U suprotnome može doći do požara, strujnog udara
ili ozljede. Obratite se ovlaštenom servisnom centru
radi popravka (promjene baterije itd.).
Nemojte koristiti na način koji premašuje nazivnu
vrijednost strujne utičnice ili električnih instalacija.
- Premašivanje nazivne vrijednosti na način da se spoji
previše utikača u strujnu utičnicu može izazvati požar
zbog prekomjernog zagrijavanja.
Nemojte oštetiti ili preinačavati, prisilno savijati,
povlačiti ili zakretati kabel za napajanje. Također,
nemojte stavljati teške predmete na kabel za
napajanje ili ga pritiskati.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili požara
zbog kratkog spoja.
Uređaj nemojte koristiti ako je prilagodnik za
izmjeničnu struju oštećen ili ako je utikač labavo
pričvršćen u strujnu utičnicu.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili požara
zbog kratkog spoja.
Nemojte spajati ili odspajati prilagodnik iz strujne
utičnice mokrim rukama.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili ozljede.
Nemojte uranjati prilagodnik za izmjeničnu struju u
vodu ili ga ispirati vodom.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili požara
zbog kratkog spoja.
Nikada nemojte koristiti prilagodnik za izmjeničnu
struju u kupaonici ili pod tušem.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili požara
zbog kratkog spoja.
Koristite iskljivo isporučeni prilagodnik za izmjeničnu
struju. Također, nemojte puniti bilo koji drugi uređaj s
isporučenim prilagodnikom za izmjeničnu struju.
- To me uzrokovati opekline ili požar zbog kratkog spoja.
Odmah prestanite koristiti prilagodnik i uklonite ga
ako postoji nepravilnost ili kvar. Uporaba u takvim
slučajevima može izazvati par, strujni udar ili ozljede.
<Slučajevi nepravilnosti ili kvara>
Glavna jedinica, prilagodnik ili kabel za napajanje
izobličeni su ili neuobičajeno zagrijani.
Osjeća se miris gorenja glavne jedinice,
prilagodnika ili kabela za napajanje.
Javlja se neuobajeni zvuk tijekom uporabe ili punjenja
glavne jedinice, prilagodnika ili kabela za napajanje.
- Odmah zatražite pregled ili popravak u ovlaštenom
servisnom centru.
U potpunosti umetnite prilagodnik ili utikač uređaja.
- U suprotnome može doći do požara, strujnog udara
ili opekline.
Obavezno koristite izmjeničnu struju od 220 do 240 V.
- U suprotnome može doći do požara, strujnog udara
ili opekline.
Uvijek iskopčajte prilagodnik za izmjeničnu struju iz
strujne utičnice pri čišćenju.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili ozljede.
Redovito čistite utikač za napajanje i utikač uređaja
da biste spriječili nakupljanje prašine.
- U suprotnome može doći do požara zbog oštećenja
izolacije uzrokovanog vlagom.
Odspojite prilagodnik i obrišite ga samo suhom krpom.
Nemojte omatati kabel za napajanje čvrsto oko
prilagodnika prilikom spremanja.
- Opterećenje može dovesti do puknuća žice u kabelu
za napajanje, a kratki spoj može uzrokovati požar.
Nemojte ispuštati ni izlagati udarcima.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede.
Pazite da se na utikač za napajanje strujom ili utikač
uređaja ne zalijepe pribadače i sl.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili požara
zbog kratkog spoja.
Nemojte uključivati prekidač bez postavljene glave
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede prstiju ili
zapletanja i oštećenja kose ili odjeće.
Nemojte koristiti ako je okvir uklonjen.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede kože ili
zapletanja i oštećenja kose ili odjeće.
Nemojte uređaj snažno pritiskati na kožu, iznova
prelaziti preko istog područja, držati uređaj na
jednom mjestu na koži ili primjenjivati udarce.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede ili upale kože ili
pojačane boli.
Nemojte koristiti epilacijsku glavu za noge/ruke da
biste epilirali pazuhe i bikini zonu.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede ili upale kože.
Nemojte koristiti u sljedećim slučajevima:
Prije ili tijekom menstruacije, trudnoće ili otprilike
jedan mjesec nakon poroda
Na preplanuloj koži
Ako se ne osjećate dobro ili osjećate da nešto nije u
redu s vašom kožom ili tijelom
- Uporaba u takvim slučajevima može izazvati
osjetljivost kože ili upalu, krvarenje i snažnu bol.
Nemojte koristiti na sljedećim dijelovima tijela:
Ozljeđenoj koži, području s osipom, madežima,
modricama, bradavicama, prištićima itd.
Licu, genitalijama i genitalnom području ili bedrima
Unutarnjoj strani nadlaktica i na područjima koja
su sklona gubitku elastičnosti, kao što su laktovi ili
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede, upale kože ili
Uređaj ne smiju koristiti sljedeće osobe.
Osobe koje boluju od atopijskog dermatitisa ili osipa
i drugih kožnih bolesti
Osobe sklone alergijama ili osobe sklone iritacijama
izazvanima kozmetikom, odjećom, metalima itd.
Osobe kod kojih se lako javlja gnoj
Osobe koje boluju od proširenih vena, dijabetesa,
hemofilije itd.
Osobe s otežanim zaustavljanjem krvarenja kod ozljede
Osobe kod kojih je epilacija (čupkanje, depilacija,
uklanjanje dlačica voskom) već izazvala kožne
probleme (stvaranje gnoja, upala itd.)
- Uporaba u takvim slučajevima može izazvati
osjetljivost kože ili upalu, krvarenje i snažnu bol.
Nemojte koristiti uređaj na sljedeće načine:
Neposredno prije plivanja ili kupanja u moru (koristite
uređaj najmanje 2 dana prije takvih aktivnosti)
Neposredno prije kupanja
Dijeliti uređaj s obitelji ili drugima
Baviti se ekstremnim sportovima ili vježbati
neposredno nakon epilacije
- Ulazak bakterija u tijelo kroz pore može izazvati
infekciju ili upalu.
Odspojite prilagodnik iz strujne utičnice ako se
uređaj ne puni.
- U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara ili
požara zbog električnog propuštanja uzrokovanog
oštećenjem izolacije.
Prilikom odspajanja držite prilagodnik ili utikač
uređaja umjesto kabela za napajanje.
- Odspajanje povlačenjem kabela za napajanje može
izazvati strujni udar ili ozljede.
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
B Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
Frame release rib
Epilation discs
B Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
B Main body
Head release button
Power switch [0/1]
Charging light
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
B Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
B Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
8 Power plug
9 Adaptor
Power cord
Appliance plug
Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Before using, check that the disc and frame are free
from deformities, cracks, and damage.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to the skin.
If skin problems continue for 2 days or longer after
treatment, stop using the unit and contact a
-Failure to do so may cause symptoms to worsen.
Use only for the intended purpose.
-Failure to do so may cause injury.
Intended use
•Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the
appliance. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration
of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and
wrung tightly.
•Keep the appliance away from sinks, bathrooms or other
high-humidity areas where it could be exposed to water and
moisture after use.
•Keep the appliance away from where it will be exposed to high
temperatures or direct sunlight.
Quick steps for epilating
1 Charging
Page 9)
2 Epilating
Page 10)
Parts identification
A Epilation head for legs/
1 Frame release rib
2 Frame
3 Epilation discs
B Main body
4 Head release button
5 Power switch [0/1]
6 Charging light
7 Socket
C AC adaptor (RE7-78)
(The shape of the AC
adaptor differs depending
on the area.)
Power plug
Power cord
Appliance plug
D Cleaning brush
ES-EU10_EU.indb 8 2013/01/23 15:12:31
Prije uporabe provjerite postoje li nepravilnosti,
puknuća ili oštećenja diska, oštrica i okvira.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede kože.
Ako kožni problemi potraju duže od 2 dana nakon
korištenja uređaja, prestanite koristiti uređaj i
obratite se dermatologu.
- U suprotnome može doći do pogoršanja simptoma.
Koristite uređaj samo u namijenjenu svrhu.
- U suprotnome može doći do ozljede.
• Nemojte koristiti benzen, razrjeđivač, alkohol itd. za čišćenje
uređaja. U suprotnome može doći do kvara, puknuća ili
promjene boje kućišta. Čistite krpom koju ste namočili u vodu
sa sapunicom i dobro iscijedili.
Uređaj držite podalje od umivaonika, kupaonica ili drugih
područja velike vlažnosti u kojima bi nakon uporabe mogao
biti izložen vodi i vlazi.
Uređaj držite podalje od mjesta na kojima bi mogao biti
izložen visokim temperaturama ili izravnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti.
Brzi koraci za epilaciju
( 9. str.)
( 10. str.)
Epilacijska glava za noge/
Utor za otpuštanje okvira
Epilacijski diskovi
Gumb za otpuštanje glave
Prekidač za uklj./isklj. [0/1]
Lampica punjenja
Prilagodnik za izmjeničnu
struju (RE7-78)
(Oblik prilagodnika za
izmjeničnu struju razlikuje
se ovisno o području.)
Utikač za napajanje
Kabel za napajanje
Utikač uređaja
Četkica za čišćenje
Tips for best epilation results
The hair removal is not permanent, so from the 2nd use we
recommend that you epilate the arms and legs about once
every two weeks.
•Apply the epilator at a 90˚ angle to your
skin. Always make sure that the
appliance is in contact with your skin and
press gently while moving it slowly
against the hair growth.
•Massaging with a body puff may help to prevent ingrown hairs.
•Reddening might appear after use. A cool towel will help if you
feel pain or there is a rash.
•If your skin gets dry after epilation, we recommend applying a
moisture lotion two days after epilation.
•Make sure skin is clean before and after use.
For best performance, fully charge the appliance before use.
•You cannot operate the appliance while charging.
•Charging time differs depending on the rated voltage.
Charging time
220 V
Approx. 15 hours
230 - 240 V
Approx. 12 hours
•The epilator can be used for approximately 25 minutes after
charging. (This will differ depending on the temperature.)
Plug the AC adaptor
into the epilator (a)
and a household
outlet (b).
•Recommended ambient
temperature for
charging is 0 - 35 °C.
The battery may not
charge properly or not
at all under extreme low
or high temperatures.
While charging After charging is completed
Red light appears.
Red light glows and stays on
until the adaptor is
disconnected from a
household outlet.
•The charging time may decrease depending on the charging
•To keep charging the battery will not affect battery performance.
•When charging the epilator for the first time or when it has not
been in use for more than 6 months, the charging light may not
turn on for a few minutes, or the operating time may shorten.
Please charge it for more than 23 hours in such cases.
ES-EU20_EU.indb 10 2013/01/18 16:01:05
Savjeti za najbolje rezultate epilacije
Uklanjanje dlačica nije trajno, stoga preporučujemo da nakon
druge uporabe epilirate ruke i noge otprilike jednom svaka
dva tjedna.
Koristite epilator pod kutom od 90°
s obzirom na kožu. Uvijek provjerite
je li uređaj u kontaktu s kožom i
nježno pritisnite dok ga polagano
pomičete u smjeru suprotnom od
rasta dlačica.
Masiranje spužvicom za tijelo može pomoći u sprečavanju
uraslih dlačica.
Nakon korištenja može se pojaviti crvenilo. Ako osjećate
bol ili se pojavi osip, pomoći će vam hladan ručnik.
Ako vam koža postane suha nakon epilacije,
preporučujemo primjenu hidratantnog losiona dva dana
nakon epilacije.
Prije i nakon uporabe koža mora biti čista.
Da biste postigli najbolji učinak, potpuno napunite uređaj prije
Uređaj se ne može koristiti tijekom punjenja.
Trajanje punjenja razlikuje se ovisno o nazivnom naponu.
Trajanje punjenja
220 V~
Otprilike 15 sati
230 - 240 V~
Otprilike 12 sati
• Epilator možete koristiti otprilike 25 minuta nakon punjenja
(podložno promjenama ovisno o temperaturi).
Umetnite prilagodnik
za izmjeničnu struju u
epilator ( ) i strujnu
utičnicu ( ).
• Preporučuje se
punjenje na temperaturi
u rasponu od 0 do 35
°C. Moguće je da se
baterija neće ispravno
ili uopće puniti na
ekstremno niskim ili
visokim temperaturama.
Tijekom punjenja Nakon punjenja
Pojavljuje se crveno svjetlo.
Crveno svjetlo svijetli i ostaje
uključeno dok se prilagodnik
ne isključi iz strujne utičnice.
• Trajanje punjenja može se smanjiti ovisno o kapacitetu
Daljnje punjenje baterije neće utjecati na rad baterije.
Kada prvi put punite epilator ili kada ga niste koristili više od
šest mjeseci, lampica punjenja možda neće svijetliti nekoliko
minuta ili će vrijeme rada biti kraće. U takvim ga slučajevima
punite više od 23 sata.
Before use
Best hair length for epilation
Trim your hair before epilating for the first time or if you have not
epilated for a long time. Hair removal is easier and less painful
when the hair is short.
Areas suitable for epilation
The epilator can be
used on the
Using the epilator on
other areas may cause
pain or skin trouble.
Areas not suitable for epilation
The epilator should not be
used on the inner side of the
upper arms and areas such
as elbows or knees which are
prone to sagging.
Dry epilation
Before epilating, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Slide the power switch [B5] to the 1 position and
carry out epilation.
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [B5]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 10 2013/01/23 15:12:32
Before use
Best hair length for epilation
Trim your hair before epilating for the first time or if you have not
epilated for a long time. Hair removal is easier and less painful
when the hair is short.
Areas suitable for epilation
The epilator can be
used on the
Using the epilator on
other areas may cause
pain or skin trouble.
Areas not suitable for epilation
The epilator should not be
used on the inner side of the
upper arms and areas such
as elbows or knees which are
prone to sagging.
Dry epilation
Before epilating, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Slide the power switch [B5] to the 1 position and
carry out epilation.
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [B5]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 10 2013/01/23 15:12:32
Prije uporabe
Najbolja duljina dlačica za epilaciju
Skratite dlačice prije prve epilacije ili ako se niste epilirali dulje
vrijeme. Uklanjanje dlačica je jednostavnije i bezbolnije kada su
dlačice kraće.
Područja prikladna za epilaciju
Epilator se može
koristiti na područjima
označenima s .
Korištenje epilatora
na drugim područjima
može uzrokovati bol ili
kožne probleme.
Područja koja nisu prikladna za epilaciju
Epilator ne bi trebalo koristiti
s unutarnje strane nadlaktica
i na područjima koja su
sklona gubitku elastičnosti,
kao što su laktovi ili koljena.
Suha epilacija
Prije epilacije obrišite vodu ili znoj s kože.
Pomaknite prekidač za uklj./isklj. [ ] na položaj 1 i
započnite s epilacijom.
Before use
Best hair length for epilation
Trim your hair before epilating for the first time or if you have not
epilated for a long time. Hair removal is easier and less painful
when the hair is short.
Areas suitable for epilation
The epilator can be
used on the
Using the epilator on
other areas may cause
pain or skin trouble.
Areas not suitable for epilation
The epilator should not be
used on the inner side of the
upper arms and areas such
as elbows or knees which are
prone to sagging.
Dry epilation
Before epilating, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Slide the power switch [
] to the 1 position and
carry out epilation.
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [B5]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 10 2013/01/23 15:12:32
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [D]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
Dry shaving
Before shaving, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
•Press gently so that the whole blade is in close contact
with the skin and the surface of the blade does not move
up and down.
Wet/foam shaving
Shaving with soap lather makes the skin slippery for a closer
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Wet your skin and put shower gel on your skin.
•Do not use shaving cream, skin cream or skin lotion as it
will clog the blades.
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
ES-EU20_EU.indb 12 2013/01/18 16:01:06
Mokra epilacija/epilacija s pjenom
MOKRA epilacija (epilacija nakon što navlažite kožu i epilator
i zatim primijenite pjenu) čini kožu mekšom te je nježnija za
vašu kožu tijekom epilacije.
Navlažite kožu.
Navlažite diskove i stavite malu
količinu tekućeg gela za tuširanje
na diskove.
Uvijek koristite gel za tuširanje pri
mokroj epilaciji.
Isperite gel za tuširanje s ruku.
Pomaknite prekidač za uklj./isklj.
[ ] na položaj 1 i započnite s
Stvara se pjena. Zahvaljujući pjeni
epilator bolje klizi pa ga možete
brže pomicati.
• Preporučujemo korištenje uređaja
u temperaturnom rasponu od 0 do 35 °C. Ako ga budete
koristili izvan tog raspona, uređaj bi mogao prestati raditi.
<Epilacija nogu ili ruku>
Od donjeg dijela
noge prema gore.
S vanjske prema
unutarnjoj strani
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [D]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
Dry shaving
Before shaving, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
•Press gently so that the whole blade is in close contact
with the skin and the surface of the blade does not move
up and down.
Wet/foam shaving
Shaving with soap lather makes the skin slippery for a closer
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Wet your skin and put shower gel on your skin.
•Do not use shaving cream, skin cream or skin lotion as it
will clog the blades.
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
ES-EU20_EU.indb 12 2013/01/18 16:01:06
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [D]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
Dry shaving
Before shaving, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
•Press gently so that the whole blade is in close contact
with the skin and the surface of the blade does not move
up and down.
Wet/foam shaving
Shaving with soap lather makes the skin slippery for a closer
Attach the shaver head [C].
•Confirm the bikini comb [B] is detached.
Check that the outer foil is not deformed or
Wet your skin and put shower gel on your skin.
•Do not use shaving cream, skin cream or skin lotion as it
will clog the blades.
Slide the power switch [D] to the 1 position.
ES-EU20_EU.indb 12 2013/01/18 16:01:06
Before use
Best hair length for epilation
Trim your hair before epilating for the first time or if you have not
epilated for a long time. Hair removal is easier and less painful
when the hair is short.
Areas suitable for epilation
The epilator can be
used on the
Using the epilator on
other areas may cause
pain or skin trouble.
Areas not suitable for epilation
The epilator should not be
used on the inner side of the
upper arms and areas such
as elbows or knees which are
prone to sagging.
Dry epilation
Before epilating, wipe away water or sweat on your skin.
Slide the power switch [
] to the 1 position and
carry out epilation.
Wet/foam epilation
WET epilation (epilating after wetting the skin and epilator and
then applying foam) makes the skin softer so is gentler to your
skin when epilating.
Wet your skin.
Wet the discs and place a
small quantity of liquid
shower gel on the discs.
•Always use shower gel when wet
•Rinse any shower gel out of your
Slide the power switch [B5]
to the 1 position and carry out
•Foam is created. Foam makes the
epilator slide better, so you can
move it fast.
•We recommend using the appliance in an ambient temperature
range of 0 - 35 °C. If used outside this range, the appliance may
stop operating.
<Epilating legs or arms>
Upwards from the
bottom of the leg.
Inwards from the
outside of the arm.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 10 2013/01/23 15:12:32
•Always clean the frame and discs after use to keep them in a
hygienic state.
•Switch off and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
•Take care not to damage the frame during cleaning.
Dry cleaning
1. Lift the frame upward while holding the
frame release rib [A1].
2. Clean the epilation head [A]
with the cleaning brush [D].
Wet cleaning
1. Wet the discs and apply liquid hand soap to
2. Turn the switch on and then foam is
3. Wash the head with water to wash out hair.
•Do not use hot water.
•If soap is not completely washed away, then a
white deposit can accumulate and prevent the
discs from moving smoothly.
4. Turn the switch off, wipe the appliance with a dry cloth
and dry it well.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 11 2013/01/23 15:12:33
•Always clean the frame and discs after use to keep them in a
hygienic state.
•Switch off and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
•Take care not to damage the frame during cleaning.
Dry cleaning
1. Lift the frame upward while holding the
frame release rib [A1].
2. Clean the epilation head [A]
with the cleaning brush [D].
Wet cleaning
1. Wet the discs and apply liquid hand soap to
2. Turn the switch on and then foam is
3. Wash the head with water to wash out hair.
•Do not use hot water.
•If soap is not completely washed away, then a
white deposit can accumulate and prevent the
discs from moving smoothly.
4. Turn the switch off, wipe the appliance with a dry cloth
and dry it well.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 11 2013/01/23 15:12:33
•Always clean the frame and discs after use to keep them in a
hygienic state.
•Switch off and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
•Take care not to damage the frame during cleaning.
Dry cleaning
1. Lift the frame upward while holding the
frame release rib [A1].
2. Clean the epilation head [A]
with the cleaning brush [D].
Wet cleaning
1. Wet the discs and apply liquid hand soap to
2. Turn the switch on and then foam is
3. Wash the head with water to wash out hair.
•Do not use hot water.
•If soap is not completely washed away, then a
white deposit can accumulate and prevent the
discs from moving smoothly.
4. Turn the switch off, wipe the appliance with a dry cloth
and dry it well.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 11 2013/01/23 15:12:33
•Always clean the frame and discs after use to keep them in a
hygienic state.
•Switch off and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
•Take care not to damage the frame during cleaning.
Dry cleaning
1. Lift the frame upward while holding the
frame release rib [A1].
2. Clean the epilation head [A]
with the cleaning brush [D].
Wet cleaning
1. Wet the discs and apply liquid hand soap to
2. Turn the switch on and then foam is
3. Wash the head with water to wash out hair.
•Do not use hot water.
•If soap is not completely washed away, then a
white deposit can accumulate and prevent the
discs from moving smoothly.
4. Turn the switch off, wipe the appliance with a dry cloth
and dry it well.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 11 2013/01/23 15:12:33
• Uvijek očistite okvire i diskove nakon korištenja da biste ih
održali u higijenskom stanju.
Isključite i iskopčajte uređaj prije čišćenja.
Pazite da tijekom čišćenja ne oštetite okvir.
Suho čišćenje
1. Podignite okvir prema gore dok držite
gumb za otpuštanje okvira [ ].
2. Očistite epilacijsku glavu [ ]
četkicom za čišćenje [ ].
Mokro čišćenje
1. Navlažite diskove i stavite tekući sapun za
ruke na diskove.
2. Uključite uređaj da bi nastala pjena.
3. Operite glavu vodom da biste isprali dlačice.
Nemojte koristiti vruću vodu.
• Ako ne isperete sapun u potpunosti, mogu
se nakupiti bijele naslage koje sprečavaju
da se diskovi nesmetano pomiču.
4. Isključite uređaj, obrišite ga suhom krpom i dobro ga
•Always clean the frames and discs after use to keep them in a
hygienic state.
•Switch off and unplug the appliance before cleaning.
•Take care not to damage the frame during cleaning.
Dry cleaning [AC]
1. Lift the frame upward while
holding the frame release rib
] or remove the frame by
pushing the frame release
button [C9].
2. Clean the epilation head [A]
and the shaver head [C] with
the cleaning brush [F].
Wet cleaning [AC]
1. Wet the discs and blades, and then apply
liquid hand soap.
2. Turn the switch on and then foam is
3. Wash the head with water to wash out hair.
•Do not use hot water.
•If soap is not completely washed away, then a
white deposit can accumulate and prevent the
discs and the blades from moving smoothly.
•Rinse the shaver head with the frame removed.
4. Turn the switch off, wipe the appliance with a dry cloth
and dry it well.
Replacing the outer foil
We recommend replacing the outer foil [C4] every year and
the inner blade every two years. Remove the outer foil of the
shaver head [C] only when replacing it.
1. While pushing the outer foil gently with the fingers, use a
fingernail to release the plastic panel (b) on the blade
from the hooks (a) on the inside of the frame.
2. The new outer foil should be slightly bent and pushed in
until it is hooked in the frame.
1 2
ES-EU20_EU.indb 13 2013/01/18 16:01:07
Rješavanje problema
Problem Mogući uzrok Radnja
Uređaj ne radi.
Nije napunjen.
Potpuno napunite uređaj.
Uređaj je uključen dok je prilagodnikom
spojen u strujnu utičnicu.
Kada je uređaj spojen na strujnu
utičnicu moguće je samo punjenje.
Da biste ga koristili, odspojite ga iz
strujne utičnice.
Diskovi su izobličeni, napukli ili oštećeni.
Zatražite popravak u ovlaštenom
servisnom centru.
Nakupile su se dlačice.
Očistite dlačice.
Gel za tuširanje zalijepio se za diskove i
Isperite ga namakanjem u toploj
Skraćuje se vrijeme korištenja.
Uređaj se ne koristi na preporučenoj
Koristite na preporučenoj
temperaturi od 0 do 35 °C.
Presnažno pritišćete uređaj uz kožu.
Održavajte nježan pritisak na kožu.
Uređaj nije napunjen do kraja
Potpuno napunite uređaj.
Nije moguće ukloniti dlačice.
Uređaj se koristi na dugim dlačicama.
Koristite na dlačicama dužine
otprilike 2 do 3 mm.
Način na koji se uređaj primjenjuje ili pomiče
nije ispravan.
Detalje potražite na 10. str.
Dlačice se djelomično skraćuju.
Uređaj se zaustavlja tijekom rada.
Presnažno pritišćete uređaj uz kožu.
Održavajte nježan pritisak na kožu.
Uređaj nije napunjen do kraja
Potpuno napunite uređaj.
Uređaj ne uklanja dlačice jednako
dobro kao prije.
Nakupile su se dlačice.
Očistite dlačice.
Diskovi su izobličeni, napukli ili oštećeni.
Zatražite popravak u ovlaštenom
servisnom centru.
Battery life
The life of the battery is 3 years if charged approximately once
every week. The battery in this epilator is not intended to be
replaced by consumers. Have the battery replaced by an
authorized service centre.
Removing the built-in rechargeable battery
Remove the built-in rechargeable battery before disposing
of the epilator.
Please make sure that the battery is disposed of at an officially
designated location if there is one.
This figure must only be used when disposing of the epilator, and
must not be used to repair it. If you dismantle the epilator yourself,
it will no longer be waterproof, which may cause it to malfunction.
•Disconnect the power cord from the epilator when removing the
•Slide the power switch to turn on the power and then keep the
power on until the battery is completely discharged.
•Perform steps 1 to 8 and lift the battery, and then remove it.
•Please take care not to short-circuit the battery.
For environmental protection and recycling of materials
This epilator contains a Nickel-Metal Hydride battery.
Please make sure that the battery is disposed of at an officially
assigned location, if there is one in your country.
Power supply See the name plate on the AC adaptor.
Charging time
220 V
Approx. 15 hours
230 - 240 V
Approx. 12 hours
Acoustical Noise
Epilation head for legs/arms: 67 (dB (A) re 1 pW)
This product is intended for household use only.
ES-EU10_EU.indb 13 2013/01/23 15:12:34
Vijek trajanja baterije
Vijek trajanja baterije iznosi 3 godine ako je punite otprilike
jednom tjedno. Nije predviđeno da korisnici sami mijenjaju
bateriju u ovom epilatoru. Bateriju zamijenite u ovlaštenom
servisnom centru.
Uklanjanje ugrađene punjive baterije
Prije odlaganja epilatora uklonite ugrađenu punjivu bateriju.
Bateriju obavezno odložite na mjesto službeno određeno za tu
namjenu, ako ono postoji.
Ovaj slikovni prikaz služi samo kao pomoć kod odlaganja
epilatora i ne smije se koristiti za njegov popravak. Ako
sami rastavite epilator, više neće biti vodootporan, što može
uzrokovati kvar.
Odspojite kabel za napajanje iz epilatora prilikom uklanjanja
Pomaknite prekidač za uklj./isklj. da biste uključili uređaj i zatim
ga držite uključenim dok se baterija potpuno ne isprazni.
Izvedite korake od do i podignite bateriju, a potom je izvadite.
Nemojte izazvati kratki spoj na bateriji.
Zaštita okoliša i recikliranje materijala
Ovaj epilator sadrži nikal-metal hidridnu bateriju. Bateriju
obavezno odložite na mjesto službeno određeno za tu
namjenu, ako ono postoji u vašoj zemlji.
Tehnički podaci
Napajanje Pogledajte natpisnu pločicu na prilagodniku
za izmjeničnu struju.
220 V~
Otprilike 15 sati
230 - 240 V~
Otprilike 12 sati
Zračna buka Epilacijska glava za noge/ruke: 67 (dB (A)
re 1 pW)
Ovaj je proizvod namijenjen isključivo za uporabu u kućanstvu.
ES-EU20_EU.indb 17 2013/01/18 16:01:07
Obavijesti za korisnike o prikupljanju i odlaganju dotrajale
opreme i baterija
Ovim se oznakama na proizvodu, ambalaži i/ili
pratećim dokumentima označava da se korišteni
električni i elektronički uređaji te baterije ne smiju
odlagati s otpadom iz domaćinstava.
Radi pravilne obrade, sanacije i recikliranja dotrajalih
proizvoda i baterija odnesite ih u odgovarajuća
prikupljališta, u skladu s lokalnim zakonodavstvom i
Direktivama 2002/96/EZ i 2006/66/EZ.
Pravilnim odlaganjem navedenih proizvoda i baterija
čuvate vrijedne resurse i sprečavate moguće
negativne utjecaje na ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš koji
bi mogli nastati zbog neprimjerenog rukovanja
Detaljne informacije o prikupljanju i recikliranju
dotrajalih proizvoda i baterija potražite u lokalnom
poglavarstvu, službi za odlaganje otpada ili na
prodajnom mjestu na kojem ste kupili proizvod. Za
nepropisno odlaganje ovog otpada mogli biste biti
kažnjeni sukladno lokalnom zakonodavstvu.
Za poslovne korisnike u Europskoj uniji
Ako želite odložiti električnu i elektroničku opremu,
detaljne obavijesti zatražite od prodavača ili
[Informacije o odlaganju u zemljama izvan Europske unije]
Ovi su simboli važeći samo u Europskoj uniji. Ako želite
odložiti ove uređaje, obratite se nadležnim lokalnim tijelima ili
dobavljačima i raspitajte se o pravilnom načinu odlaganja.
Napomena o simbolima na bateriji (donja dva primjera
Ovaj se simbol može koristiti u kombinaciji s kemijskim
simbolom. U tom je slučaju usklađen sa zahtjevom navedenim u
Direktivi za korištene kemikalije.
Panasonic Corporation
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