PAGE 3.1.6 VERSION 0.1 2015-03-01
Module Control/Interface PWBs
See also electrical schematics Figures SD-15 through SD-22. There are three module control/interface
PWBs (A3, A18 and A34). Each of them performs the following functions:
interfaces with four RF power module’s RF drive inputs.
interfaces between the controller (A4) and the rest of the transmitter, distributing forward and
reflected power samples, exciter control signals, and metering for reject load assemblies and
the RF drive splitter assembly.
distributes RF drive power, PA voltage and PA bias voltage to the RF power modules.
monitors critical parameters of the RF power modules, such as RF drive sample, reject power
sample, heatsink temperature and cooling fan speed. Monitoring circuits determine if a
parameter is out of tolerance and generate the necessary control signal to compensate for the
out of tolerance condition or to inhibit the RF power module’s associated power supplies.
applies control signals to the power supply modules from the controller and also monitors
status signals and critical meters from the power supply modules and applies them to the
controller. The controller can inhibit the power supply modules, as necessary (RF off), or
enable the power supply modules (RF on).
generates a sample of the PA voltage applied to each RF power module and applies it to the
control/monitor stage.
controls the reject load/splitter fan voltage (i.e., speed)
10 kW Combiner/Filters
Each of the three 10 kW combiner/filters (A12, A24 and A40) is a 2-stage combiner that accepts the RF
outputs from four RF power modules and uses three 3 dB hybrid couplers to provide a single RF output.
The first two hybrid couplers are used in a pair of 5 kW combiners, which each accepts the outputs of
two RF power modules. The equal amplitude, 90° out-of-phase (quadrature) RF signals are combined at
the 3 dB hybrid coupler outputs and applied to a third and final, 10 kW 3 dB hybrid coupler. Again, the
equal amplitude, quadrature RF signals are combined. The combined output is applied to a 10 kW low
pass filter before being applied to the 20 kW combiner (A25) and 30 kW combiner (A26).
Any amplitude or phase imbalances between 3 dB hybrid coupler inputs cause a proportional signal to
be applied to the 4-input 5 kW reject load assembly (A29) or part of the RF drive splitter assembly
(A27), or the 4-input 10 kW reject load assembly (A31). The amplitude of the
5 kW Rej Ld Pwr
through 11-12) (via J5 and J6 of each 10 kW combiner) represents imbalance between the combined
outputs of the first stage of combining. The amplitude of the
10 kW Rej Ld Pwr
(1-4 through 11-12
signal (via J7 of each 10 kW combiner) represents imbalance between the combined outputs of the
second stage of combining (differences in pairs of RF power modules).