January 2005
Progressive Jackpot
Setting up a System Progressive Jackpot
Jackpot Configuration (first machine) (Continued)
4. Select "Progressive General Settings".
5. Enable and configure "In Machine Display".
This will add an additional window to the game
screen showing the current Jackpot value.
Additional settings for in-machine display:
Currency Enter a 3 digit ASCII string, which is
displayed trailing or leading the JP value
Currency Position Position of the currency string
Thousand Separator Enter "," or "."
Decimal Separator Enter "," or "."
Odometer Enables a smooth counting of the JP value
6. Choose "Overhead Display Type", if a display is con-
nected to P7 on the Commboard.
7. Confirm settings with "Save & Quit".
8. Select "Progressive Parameters".
9. Set "Type" of JP 1 to NORMAL, to enable a pro-
gressive Jackpot.
Do not activate JP 2 to JP 8. These additional
Jackpot levels are reserved for Multi Level Jack-
pot systems such as Cashfever™ or Towerline™.
10.Edit "Jackpot Name", "Text Color" and "Value Color".
Jackpot Name Is displayed alternating with the JP value on
the in-machine display
Text color Color of the "Jackpot Name" text
Value color Color of the displayed Jackpot value.
11.Type in "Jackpot Won Text" and edit "Text Display
Time" and "Value Display Time", if needed.
Jackpot Won Text This text is displayed upon a Jackpot hit
Text Display Time Timespan in sec. the "Jackpot Name" text
is displayed
Value Display Time Timespan in sec. the JP value is displayed.
12.Confirm settings with "Save & Quit".
Note: Do not enable the "Tower
Box" feature, unless you
configure a Towerline™ machine!
Note: Currency strings "EUR"
and "GBP" are interpreted by
the software and will display "¤"
respective "£" symbol.
Note: "Jackpot Name" and
"Jackpot Won Text" supports
max. 16 characters. Use only
english alphabet. Country
specific characters (such as "ö"
or " é") are not displayed.