Extron MP 101 AAP User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

User Guide
MP 101 Series
Microphone to Line Preamplifiers
68-992-02 Rev. B
04 19
Safety Instructions
Safety Instructions • English
WARNING: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended to
alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the
product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.
ATTENTION: This symbol, , when used on the product, is intended
to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.
For information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide, part number 68-290-01, on the Extron
website, www.extron.com.
Sicherheitsanweisungen • Deutsch
WARNUNG: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll den Benutzer darauf
aufmerksam machen, dass im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes
gefährliche Spannungen herrschen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen
elektrischen Schlag verursachen können.
VORSICHT: Dieses Symbol auf dem Produkt soll dem Benutzer in
der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige
Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.
Weitere Informationen über die Sicherheitsrichtlinien, Produkthandhabung,
EMI/EMF-Kompatibilität, Zugänglichkeit und verwandte Themen finden Sie in
den Extron-Richtlinien für Sicherheit und Handhabung (Artikelnummer
68-290-01) auf der Extron-Website, www.extron.com.
Instrucciones de seguridad • Español
ADVERTENCIA: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto,
avisa al usuario de la presencia de voltaje peligroso sin aislar dentro del
producto, lo que puede representar un riesgo de descarga eléctrica.
ATENCIÓN: Este símbolo, , cuando se utiliza en el producto, avisa
al usuario de la presencia de importantes instrucciones de uso y
mantenimiento recogidas en la documentación proporcionada con el
Para obtener información sobre directrices de seguridad, cumplimiento
de normativas, compatibilidad electromagnética, accesibilidad y temas
relacionados, consulte la Guía de cumplimiento de normativas y seguridad
de Extron, referencia 68-290-01, en el sitio Web de Extron, www.extron.com.
Instructions de sécurité • Français
AVERTISSEMENT : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le
produit, signale à l’utilisateur la présence à l’intérieur du boîtier du
produit d’une tension électrique dangereuse susceptible de provoquer
un choc électrique.
ATTENTION : Ce pictogramme, , lorsqu’il est utilisé sur le produit,
signale à l’utilisateur des instructions d’utilisation ou de maintenance
importantes qui se trouvent dans la documentation fournie avec le
Pour en savoir plus sur les règles de sécurité, la conformité à la
réglementation, la compatibilité EMI/EMF, l’accessibilité, et autres sujets
connexes, lisez les informations de sécurité et de conformité Extron, réf.
68-290-01, sur le site Extron, www.extron.com.
Istruzioni di sicurezza • Italiano
AVVERTENZA: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad
avvertire l’utente della presenza di tensione non isolata pericolosa
all’interno del contenitore del prodotto che può costituire un rischio di
scosse elettriche.
ATTENTZIONE: Il simbolo, , se usato sul prodotto, serve ad avvertire
l’utente della presenza di importanti istruzioni di funzionamento e
manutenzione nella documentazione fornita con l’apparecchio.
Per informazioni su parametri di sicurezza, conformità alle normative,
compatibilità EMI/EMF, accessibilità e argomenti simili, fare riferimento
alla Guida alla conformità normativa e di sicurezza di Extron, cod. articolo
68-290-01, sul sito web di Extron, www.extron.com.
Instrukcje bezpieczeństwa • Polska
OSTRZEŻENIE: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, ma na celu
poinformować użytkownika o obecności izolowanego i niebezpiecznego
napięcia wewnątrz obudowy produktu, który może stanowić zagrenie
porażenia prądem elektrycznym.
UWAGI: Ten symbol, , gdy używany na produkt, jest przeznaczony do
ostrzegania użytkownika ważne operacyjne oraz instrukcje konserwacji
(obsługi) w literaturze, wyposażone w sprzęt.
Informacji na temat wytycznych w sprawie bezpieczeństwa, regulacji
wzajemnej zgodności, zgodność EMI/EMF, dostępności i Tematy pokrewne,
zobacz Extron bezpieczeństwa i regulacyjnego zgodności przewodnik, część
numer 68-290-01, na stronie internetowej Extron, www.extron.com.
安全说明 简体中文
警告 产品上的个标志意在警告用户该产品机壳内有暴露的危险 电压,
注意 产品上的这个标志意在提示用户设备随附的用户手册中有
关于我们产品的安全指南、遵循的规范、EMI/EMF 的兼容性、无障碍
使用的特性等相关内容,敬请访问 Extron 网站 , www.extron.com,参见
Extron 安全规范指南,产品编号 68-290-01
안전 지침 • 한국어
경고: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 제품의 인클로저 내에 있는
접지되지 않은 위험한 전류로 인해 사용자가 감전될 위험이 있음을
주의: 이 기호 가 제품에 사용될 경우, 장비와 함께 제공된 책자에 나와
있는 주요 운영 및 유지보수(정비) 지침을 경고합니다.
안전 가이드라인, 규제 준수, EMI/EMF 호환성, 접근성, 그리고 관련 항목에
대한 자세한 내용은 Extron 웹 사이트(www.extron.com)의 Extron 안전 및
규제 준수 안내서, 68-290-01 조항을 참조하십시오.
安全記事 • 繁體中文
警告: 若產品上使用此號,是為了提醒使用者產品機殼內存
注意 品上使用此符號,是為提醒使用設備隨戶手冊中有
護( )説
有關安全性指導方針法規遵守EMI/EMF 相容存取圍和主題的詳細
訊,請瀏覽 Extron 網站:www.extron.com然後《Extron 安全性與法規
守手冊則編號 68-290-01
安全上の注意 日本語
警告: この 製品上に表示されている場合は、筐体内に絶縁され
意:この が製品上に表示されている場合は、の取説明書に
スト イト www.extron.com Extron Safety
and Regulatory Compliance Guide』 ( P/N 68-290-01)ご覧ださい。
© 20xx-2019 Extron Electronics. All rights reserved. www.extron.com
All trademarks mentioned in this guide are the properties of their respective owners.
The following registered trademarks (
), registered service marks (
), and trademarks (
) are the property of RGBSystems, Inc. or
ExtronElectronics (see the current list of trademarks on the Terms of Use page at www.extron.com):
Registered Trademarks
Extron, Cable Cubby, ControlScript, CrossPoint, DTP, eBUS, EDID Manager, EDID Minder, Flat Field, FlexOS, Glitch Free. Global
Configurator, GlobalScripter, GlobalViewer, Hideaway, HyperLane, IPIntercom, IPLink, KeyMinder, LinkLicense, LockIt, MediaLink,
MediaPort, NetPA, PlenumVault, PoleVault, PowerCage, PURE3, Quantum, Show Me, SoundField, SpeedMount, SpeedSwitch,
StudioStation, SystemINTEGRATOR, TeamWork, TouchLink, V-Lock, VideoLounge, VN-Matrix, VoiceLift, WallVault, WindoWall, XTP,
XTPSystems, and ZipClip
Registered Service Mark
: S3 Service Support Solutions
AAP, AFL (Accu-RateFrameLock), ADSP(Advanced Digital Sync Processing), Auto-Image, AVEdge, CableCover, CDRS(ClassD
Ripple Suppression), Codec Connect, DDSP(Digital Display Sync Processing), DMI (DynamicMotionInterpolation), DriverConfigurator,
DSPConfigurator, DSVP(Digital Sync Validation Processing), eLink, EQIP, Everlast, FastBite, FOX, FOXBOX, IP Intercom HelpDesk,
MAAP, MicroDigital, Opti-Torque, PendantConnect, ProDSP, QS-FPC(QuickSwitch Front Panel Controller), RoomAgent, Scope-Trigger,
ShareLink, SIS, SimpleInstructionSet, Skew-Free, SpeedNav, Triple-Action Switching, True4K, Vector™ 4K , WebShare, XTRA, and
FCC Class A Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital
device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC rules. The ClassA limits provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause interference. This interference must be corrected at the expense of the user.
(if only this paragraph is used, reformat to single NOTE format.) For
more information on safety guidelines, regulatory compliances, EMI/EMF
compatibility, accessibility, and related topics, see the Extron Safety and
Regulatory Compliance Guide on the Extron website.
VCCI-A Notice
の装置はスA情報技術装置です の装置を家庭環境で使用す電波妨害を
Conventions Used in this Guide
The following notifications are used in this guide:
Risk of property damage.
Risque de dommages matériels.
NOTE: A note draws attention to important information.
TIP: A tip provides a suggestion to make working with the application easier.
Specifications Availability
Product specifications are available on the Extron website, www.extron.com.
Extron Glossary of Terms
A glossary of terms is available at http://www.extron.com/technology/glossary.
Introduction ................................................1
About this Manual................................................ 1
About the MP 101, MP 101 AAP, and
MP 101 D ........................................................... 1
Features .............................................................. 1
MP 101 Series Rear Panels ..........................2
Rear Panel Features ............................................ 2
Power Connector ............................................ 2
Remote Connection ......................................... 4
Mic Input (Microphone Level) ........................... 4
Audio Output (Line Level) ................................. 5
Low Cut Filter Switch ....................................... 5
Phantom Power ............................................... 5
MP 101 .......................................................6
Front Panel Features ............................................ 6
Mounting the MP 101 .......................................... 6
Adjusting the MP 101 .......................................... 7
Remote Control ................................................... 7
Remote Connector Wiring ............................... 7
Remote Control Options .................................. 7
MP 101 AAP ................................................8
Front Panel Features ............................................ 8
Adjusting the MP 101 AAP .................................. 9
Mounting the MP 101 AAP .............................. 9
Remote Control ................................................. 10
Remote Connector Wiring ............................. 10
Remote Control Options ................................ 11
MP 101 D ..................................................12
Front Panel Features .......................................... 12
Adjusting the MP 101 D ..................................... 12
Mounting the MP 101 D .................................... 13
Remote Control ................................................. 14
Remote Connector Wiring ............................. 14
Remote Control Options ................................ 14
Architectural Installation ............................15
Installation Instructions ...................................... 15
Preparing the Site and Installing the Wall Box .... 15
Dimensions and Template for the
MP101D ..................................................18
Dimensions........................................................ 18
Template............................................................ 19
vTechnical Publications Standards and Styles • Contents
Technical Publications Standards and Styles • Contents vi
MP 101 Series • Introduction 1
About this Manual
This manual contains information about the MP 101, the MP 101 AAP, and the MP 101 D
microphone to line preamplifiers and provides instructions on how to mount and operate
these units.
About the MP 101, MP 101 AAP, and MP 101 D
The Extron MP 101, MP 101 AAP, and MP 101 D (the MP 101 Series) are high quality
microphone to line level audio preamplifiers. These products can add microphone capability
to most Extron audio and switcher systems.
The MP 101 is rack-mountable, while the MP 101 AAP is an AAP plate option for easy
integration into Extron architectural products. The MP 101 D works similarly to the other two
units, but features a Decorator-style wallplate mounting option. Information on its installation
and operation are found in MP 101 D starting on page12.
Each model features a recessed Mic Gain potentiometer that provides a 25 to 72 dB
adjustment range, compensating for different microphone sensitivities. Each model also
features an on/off switch for 48 volt phantom power and low cut filtering. Remote control is
available through optional Extron VCM 110 AAP panel, which control volume and muting.
Compact size — The MP 101 is housed in a 1U high, 1/8 rack width, 3” deep, metal
enclosure, the MP 101 AAP is housed in a two-space AAP plate; and the MP 101 D is
mounted into a wallplate. These three options allow for diverse applications.
Quick plug input and outputs — Connectors are captive screw or XLR (MP 101 AAP
and MP 101 D only) for quick installation.
Gain control — Provides a wide gain adjustment range of 25 to 72 dB.
Switchable low cut filter — Provides low cut filter to remove wind and “table rumble”
Switchable phantom power — Provides 48 volt phantom power for condenser
Volume and mute remote control — Each model can be remotely controlled for
volume adjustment and muting via a rear panel Remote connector.
Flexible mounting options — The MP 101 can be mounted on a rack, on a table, or
under furniture. The MP 101 AAP mounts into various Extron architectural products.
The MP 101 D is wall mountable using standard, off-the-shelf mounting accessories.
External international power supply — The autoswitchable, 12 VDC, 0.5 A external
power supply provides worldwide power compatibility.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 Series Rear Panels 2
MP 101 Series Rear
This section covers rear panel feature for the MP 101, the MP 101 APP, and the MP101D.
Rear Panel Features
0.3A MAX
MP 101
MP 101 MP 101 AAP MP 101 D
Power Connector
Audio Output (Line Level) (MP 101 only)
Power LED (MP 101 only)
Low Cut Filter Switch (MP 101 APP and MP 101 D)
Remote Connection
Phantom Power (MP 101 APP and MP 101 D)
Mic Input
Figure 1. MP 101, MP 101 APP, and MP 101 D Rear Panel
Power Connector
Power connector — An external 12 V power supply is included with the unit. Plug it
into this 2-pole captive screw connector. Wire the connector as shown below.
Rear Panel
Power Receptacle
DC Power Cord
Captive Screw
all devices.
Power Supply
(12 VDC, 0.5 A max.
– Return
+12 VDC input
Power Supply
Output Cord
Captive Screw
3/16" (5 mm) MAX
To verify the polarity before connection, plug in the power supply
with no load and check the output with a voltmeter.
Figure 2. Rear Panel 12 VDC Power Connector
MP 101 Series • MP 101 Series Rear Panels 3
The DC output cables must be kept separate from each other while the power
supply is plugged in. Remove power before wiring
Les câbles de sortie CC doivent être séparés les uns des autres tant que la
source d’alimentation est branchée. Coupez l’alimentation avant d’effectuer les
Do not connect power to the amplifier until you have read the ATTENTION
Ne branchez pas l’alimentation au l’amplificateur avant d’avoir lu les mises en garde
Always use a power supply supplied or specified by Extron. Use of an unauthorized
power supply voids all regulatory compliance certification and may cause damage
to the supply and the end product.
Utilisez toujours une source d’alimentation fournie ou recommandée par Extron.
L’utilisation d’une source d’alimentation non autorisée annule toute certification de
conformité réglementaire et peut endommager la source d’alimentation et l’unité.
If not provided with a power supply, this product is intended to be supplied by a
power source marked “Class 2” or “LPS” and rated at 12VDC and a minimum of
Si le produit n’est pas fourni avec une source d’alimentation, il doit être alimenté par
une source d’alimentation de classe 2 ou LPS, avec une tension nominale 12 Vcc,
0,5 A minimum.
The installation must always be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, article 725 and the Canadian Electrical
Code part 1, section 16. The power supply shall not be permanently fixed to
building structure or similar structure.
Cette installation doit toujours être conforme aux dispositions applicables du Code
américain de l’électricité (National Electrical Code) ANSI/NFPA 70, article 725, et
du Code canadien de l’électricité, partie1, section16. La source d’alimentation ne
devra pas être fixée de façon permanente à une structure de bâtiment ou à une
structure similaire.
Power supply voltage polarity is critical. Incorrect voltage polarity can damage the
power supply and the unit. The ridges on the side of the cord (see figure2 on the
previous page) identify the power cord negative lead.
La polarité de la source d’alimentation est primordiale. Une polarité incorrecte
pourrait endommager la source d’alimentation et l’unité. Les stries sur le côté
du cordon (voir figure2) permettent de repérer le pôle négatif du cordon
To verify the polarity before connection, plug in the power supply with no load and
check the output with a voltmeter.
Pour vérifier la polarité avant la connexion, brancher l’alimentation hors charge et
mesurer sa sortie avec un voltmètre.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 Series Rear Panels 4
The length of the exposed (stripped) wires is important. The ideal length is
3/16inch (5mm). Any longer and the exposed wires may touch, causing a short
circuit between them. Any shorter and the wires can be easily pulled out even if
tightly fastened by the captive screws.
La longueur des câbles exposés est primordiale lorsque l’on entreprend de les
dénuder. La longueur idéale est de 5mm (3/16inches). S’ils sont trop longs, les
câbles exposés pourraient se toucher et provoquer un court circuit. S’ils sont trop
courts, ils peuvent être tirés facilement, même s’ils sont correctement serrés par les
borniers à vis.
Unless otherwise stated, the AC/DC adapters are not suitable for use in air handling
spaces or in wall cavities.
Sauf mention contraire, les adaptateurs CA/CC ne conviennent pas à une utilisation
dans les espaces d’aération ou dans les cavités murales.
Remote power is intended for indoors use only. No part of a network that uses
remote power can be routed outdoors.
L’alimentation à distance est exclusivement réservée à un usage en intérieur. Un
réseau utilisant une alimentation à distance ne peut pas être routé en extérieur.
Power LED (MP 101 only) (see figure1 on page2) — This LED lights green to
indicate that the unit is receiving power.
Remote Connection
Remote — An optional 3-pin, captive screw connector allows a wall mounted audio
controller or MediaLink product to remotely control volume and mute levels for the
MP101 unit (see Remote Control on page7).
Mic Input (Microphone Level)
Mic Input (MP 101 only) — A 3-pin, captive screw connector for a standard
condenser microphone connection.
Unbalanced Input
(high impedance)
Balanced Input
(high impedance)
(5 mm) MAX
Captive Screw
Connector stripping
Figure 3. Audio Wiring Input
For unbalanced audio, ensure that the Phantom power switch is set to the OFF
Pour l’audio asymétrique, assurez-vous que le switch d’alimentation fantôme
est inactif.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 Series Rear Panels 5
Audio Output (Line Level)
Line Output — A 3-pin, captive screw connector outputs to audio mixers, amps
switchers, or other non-microphone audio equipment.
Unbalanced Output
(high impedance)
NO Ground Here
For unbalanced audio, connect the sleeve(s)
to the ground. DO NOT connect the sleeve(s)
to the negative (-) contact.
(5 mm) MAX
Captive Screw
Connector stripping
Balanced Output
Figure 4. Audio Wiring Output
For unbalanced audio, connect the sleeve(s) to the ground. DO NOT connect
the sleeves to the negative (-) contact.
Pour l’audio asymétrique, connectez les manchons au contact au sol. Ne PAS
connecter les manchons aux contacts négatifs (–).
Low Cut Filter Switch
Low Cut filter switch (MP 101 AAP and MP 101 D) — Provides low cut filtering to
remove wind and “table rumble” noise.
Phantom Power
Phantom Power (MP 101 AAP and MP 101 D) — Provides switchable 48 volt
phantom power for condenser microphone.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 6
MP 101
The Extron MP 101 is a high performance, microphone to line level audio preamplifier.
Topics covered in the section are:
Front Panel Features Adjusting the MP 101
Mounting the MP 101
Front Panel Features
25 72
MP 101
Power LED — This LED lights green to indicate
that the unit is receiving power.
Mic Gain — A recessed, adjustable
potentiometer defines the amount of input
signal (between 25 and 72 dB) allowed into the
Low Cut filter switch — Provides switchable
low cut filtering to remove wind and “table
rumble” noise.
Phantom power switch — Provides
switchable 48 volt phantom power for condenser
Figure 5. Front Panel
Mounting the MP 101
There are many optional accessories for mounting the MP 101 (see accessories on
the MP101 page of the Extron website). The following Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
guidelines pertain to the safe installation of the MP 101 in a rack.
UL Rack Mounting Guidelines
1. Elevated operating ambient temperature — If installed in a closed or multi-unit rack
assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment can be greater
than room ambient temperature. Therefore, install the unit in an environment compatible
with the maximum ambient temperature (Tma = +122°F, +50°C) specified by Extron.
2. Reduced air flow — Install the equipment in a rack so that the amount of air flow
required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.
3. Mechanical loading — Mount the equipment in the rack so that a hazardous
condition is not achieved due to uneven mechanical loading.
4. Circuit overloading — Connect the equipment to the supply circuit and consider the
effect that circuit overloading might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring.
Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when
addressing this concern.
5. Reliable earthing (grounding) — Maintain reliable grounding of rack-mounted
equipment. Pay particular attention to supply connections other than direct connections
to the branch circuit (for example: use of power strips).
MP 101 Series • MP 101 7
Adjusting the MP 101
After the MP 101 has been properly mounted and connected, do the following to adjust it:
1. If using a condenser microphone, set the Phantom power switch to the ON position.
If using a dynamic microphone, set the Phantom power switch to the OFF position.
2. When using the microphone for voice audio, flip the Low Cut switch to ON to reduce
wind and “table rumble” noise.
When using the microphone for music audio, flip the Low Cut switch to OFF to
preserve the optimum sound quality.
3. Set the Mic Gain potentiometer by saying a few words into the microphone and
adjusting for the maximum sound level that is free of distortion.
NOTE: If there is a remote control connection, unplug it while adjusting the Mic Gain
potentiometer. Replace the remote control when finished.
If there is minimal distortion, but greater volume is required, turn the Mic Gain potentiometer
clockwise (towards the 75 dB mark) to increase the volume, but not past the point where
distortion occurs.
Remote Control
The wiring and control options described below pertain to all models in the MP 101 series.
Remote Connector Wiring
As shown below, Pin 1 is 10 VDC reference voltage. Pin 2 is volume control DC voltage;
range is 0 to 10 V, where 0 V is mute and 10 V provides maximum volume. Pin 3 is ground.
NOTE: All nominal levels are at ±10%.
0.3A MAX
MP 101
Figure 6. Remote Connector Wiring
Remote Control Options
The MP 101 has three remote control options:
1. The Extron VCM 110 AAP volume/mute controller, VCM 200 Series volume/mute
controller, VC 50 volume controller, MLC 55 RS VC, and MLC 64 RS VC D use a 10 k
ohm potentiometer as the main method for controlling volume levels.
2. The Extron MLA-VC10 Plus converts RS-232 serial command to 0 to 10 V variable DC
for volume control.
3. Generic volume/mute controllers are standard 10 k ohm potentiometers.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 APP 8
MP 101 AAP
The Extron MP 101 AAP is a high performance microphone to line level audio preamplifier.
This model is a two-space MP 101 AAP in black. Topics covered in this section are:
Front Panel Features Mounting the MP 101
Adjusting the MP 101 AAP Remote Control
Front Panel Features
Figure 7. Front Panel MP 101 APP
XLR mic input — Use an XLR connector or a
standard microphone connection (see the image on
the right for connector pin out information).
Mic Gain — A recessed, adjustable potentiometer
defines the amount of input signal (between 25 and
72 dB) allowed into the preamp.
This potentiometer is covered by a plastic cap to avoid tampering. To adjust the
potentiometer, use a small screwdriver to remove the covering, make adjustments, then
replace the cap.
Active and Mute LEDs — The active LED lights green to indicate active sound. The
mute LED lights red to indicate mute.
Mute button — Toggles between active sound and mute (indicated by its LEDs).
When used with an optional Extron VCM 110 AAP controller, the two controllers are
MP 101 Series • MP 101 APP 9
Adjusting the MP 101 AAP
Most adjustment options for the MP 101 AAP are located on its rear panel (see MP 101
Series Rear Panels on page2). Therefore, you must perform these adjustments prior
to final mounting into a wall or a piece of furniture.
To adjust the MP 101 AAP, do the following:
1. If using a condenser microphone, flip the Phantom power switch to the ON position.
If using a dynamic microphone, flip the Phantom power switch to the OFF position.
2. When using the microphone for voice audio, flip the Low Cut switch to ON to reduce
wind and “table rumble” noise.
When using the microphone for music audio, flip the Low Cut switch to OFF to
preserve the optimum sound quality.
3. Set the Mic Gain potentiometer by saying a few words into the microphone and
adjusting for the maximum sound level that is free of distortion.
NOTE: If there is a remote control connection, unplug it while adjusting the Mic
Gain potentiometer. Replace the remote control when finished.
4. If there is minimal distortion, but greater volume is required, turn the Mic Gain
potentiometer clockwise (towards the 75 dB mark) to increase the volume, but not past
the point where distortion occurs.
Mounting the MP 101 AAP
The MP 101 AAP must be attached to a device faceplate or AAP wallplate and then cabled
before you can test and perform the final mount (installation into a wall or piece of furniture).
NOTE: Before mounting, the MP 101 AAP should be tested to verify that its
connections and settings are correct.
To mount the MP 101 AAP into a device faceplate or AAP wallplate, do the following:
1. Before any cables are attached, insert the MP 101 AAP standoffs through the holes in
the device faceplate or AAP wallplate.
2. Secure all cables and connections into the rear connectors of the MP 101 AAP.
3. Using the provided #4-40 nuts and captive washers, secure the preamplifier to the
faceplate or wallplate, as shown below.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 APP 10
MP 101 AAP
MIC to Line
Installation Cable
Screws or Nails
Wall Stud
AAP 102
AAP 102
#4-40 Nut w/ Captive
Figure 8. Mounting the MP 101 APP
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to mount any other AAPs. Cover any openings in the
faceplate with blank plates (provided).
5. If it was not done previously, adjust the MP 101 AAP from its rear panel (see Adjusting
the MP 101 AAP on the previous page for detailed instructions).
6. Pretest the MP 101 AAP before final mounting of the faceplate.
7. Perform the final mount by attaching the cabled device faceplate or AAP wallplate into
a wall or piece of furniture. For detailed installation information, refer to the installation
guide shipped with the faceplate.
Remote Control
The wiring and control options described below pertain to all models in the MP 101 series.
Remote Connector Wiring
Pin 1 is 10 VDC reference voltage. Pin 2 is volume control
DC voltage; range is 0 to 10 V, where 0 V is mute and 10 V
provides maximum volume. Pin 3 is ground.
NOTE: All nominal levels are at ±10%.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 APP 11
Remote Control Options
The MP 101 AAP has three remote control options:
1. The Extron VCM 110 AAP volume/mute controller, VCM 200 Series volume/mute
controller, VC 50 volume controller, MLC 55 RS VC, and MLC 64 RS VC D and VC 50
volume controller use a 10 k ohm potentiometer as the main method for controlling
volume levels.
The VCM 110 AAP mute button overrides the mute button of the MP 101 D.
2. The Extron MLA-VC10 Plus converts RS-232 serial command to 0 to 10 volt variable
DC for volume control.
3. Generic volume/mute controllers are standard 10 k ohm potentiometers.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 D 12
MP 101 D
The Extron MP 101 D provides the same features as the other MP 101 models in a
convenient, Decorator-style wallplate. Like the MP 101 and MP 101 AAP, this mic to line
preamplifier can be remotely controlled via a VCM volume/mute control module.
Topics covered in this section are:
Front Panel Features Mounting the MP 101 D
Remote Control
Front Panel Features
Active LED — This LED lights green to indicate that
the unit is receiving power.
Mute LED — This LED lights red to indicate mute.
Mic Gain — A recessed, adjustable potentiometer
defines the amount of input signal (between 25 and
72dB) allowed into the preamp.
This potentiometer is covered by a plastic cap to
avoid tampering. To adjust the potentiometer, use
a small screwdriver to remove the covering, make
adjustments, then replace the cap.
XLR mic input — An XLR connector for a standard
microphone connection.
Figure 9. Front Panel MP 101 D
Adjusting the MP 101 D
Adjustment options for the MP 101 D are located on its rear panel (see Front Panel
Features). Therefore, you must perform these adjustments before mounting into a wall.
To adjust the MP 101 D, do the following:
1. If using a condenser microphone, set the Phantom power switch to the ON position.
If using a dynamic microphone, set the Phantom power switch to the OFF position.
2. When using the microphone for voice audio, flip the Low Cut switch to ON to reduce
wind and “table rumble” noise.
When using the microphone for music audio, set the Low Cut switch to OFF to
preserve the optimum sound quality.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 D 13
3. Set the Mic Gain potentiometer by saying a few words into the microphone and
adjusting for the maximum sound level that is free of distortion.
NOTE: If there is a remote control connection, unplug it while adjusting the Mic
Gain potentiometer. Replace the remote control when finished.
If there is minimal distortion, but greater volume is required, turn the Mic Gain
potentiometer clockwise (towards the 75 dB mark) to increase the volume, but not past
the point where distortion occurs.
Mounting the MP 101 D
The MP 101 D provides the same features as the other MP 101 models in a convenient,
Decorator-style wallplate.
NOTE: Before mounting, the MP 101 D should be tested to verify that its connections
and settings are correct.
To mount the MP 101 D into a Decorator-style faceplate, do the following:
1. Secure all cables and connections onto the MP 101 D.
2. If it was not done previously, adjust the MP 101 D from its rear panel (see Adjusting
the MP 101 D on the previous page for detailed instructions).
3. Place the MP 101 D through the opening in the wall or furniture and into the wall box.
Take care not to damage the output cables, which fit behind the preamplifier at the back
of the wall box.
4. Attach the Decorator-style wallplate to the MP 101 D, as shown below.
all opening
is flush with
edge of box.
Wall Box
Decorator Style
MP 101 D
Mic to Line
Figure 10. Mounting the MP 101 D
5. Pretest the MP 101 D before performing the final mount in step 6.
6. Perform the final mount by attaching the cabled MP 101 D and Decorator-style
faceplate into a wall. For detailed installation information, refer to the installation guide
shipped with the Decorator-style faceplate.
MP 101 Series • MP 101 D 14
Remote Control
Remote Connector Wiring
Pin 1 is 10 VDC reference voltage. Pin 2 is volume control
DC voltage; range is 0 to 10 V, where 0 V is mute and
10 V provides maximum volume. Pin 3 is ground.
NOTE: All nominal levels are at ±10%.
Remote Control Options
The MP 101 D has three remote control options:
1. The Extron VCM 110 AAP volume/mute controller, VCM 200 Series volume/mute
controller, VC 50 volume controller, MLC 55 RS VC, and MLC 64 RS VC D and VC
50 volume controller use a 10 k ohm potentiometer as the main method for controlling
volume levels.
The VCM 110 AAP mute button overrides the mute button of the MP 101 AAP.
2. The Extron MLA-VC10 Plus converts RS-232 serial command to 0 to 10 volt variable
DC for volume control.
3. Generic volume/mute controllers are standard 10 k ohm potentiometers.
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Extron MP 101 AAP User manual

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