WF-EDU-02 U s e r Manual
I.Notice a n d Disclaimer
P l e a s e readfollowing termscarefully before taking any operation:
1.P o w e r Input should b e within i t s range, D O N O T reverse polarity;
2.DONOTtestsmall-size motors withLY-10KGF testplatform d u e tostaticfriction between
spindle and g u i d e rail;
3 . Ensure theteststand, power supply,batteries and all c a b l e s are wellf i x e d ;
4.AlwaysDisconnect power sourcebefore entering thetestarea o r touching thetool. Ensure no
electric leakage whenvoltage exceeds thesafetyvoltage o f human body;
5.Check theteststand according totheregular checklist toavoid any safetyissue caused b y bolts
6.Operation M U S T b e strictly follow theuser manual. W i n g Flying has no liability f o r any issue
caused b y wrongoperation(eg. Approach o r touchtherotating motor and propeller)
7.Violent testo r destructive experiment i s Prohibited.Disconnect power sourceimmediately
whenaccidents occur like resonance, propeller exploding and propeller breaking