M E T - V 5 S o f t w a r e U s e r Manual
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(4)Lock/Unlock Throttle
UserCAN NOTissue acommand whenthrottle i s locked. Throttle output i s constantly the
m i n value. Theduration o f thetool will b e c l e a r e d while throttle unlocking. Thebackground d a t a
will b e savedas a log. W h e n throttle i s unlocked, user CAN NOTc l e a r thrust/torque, airspeed, and
power consumption, b u t able tod o automatic test. W h e n throttle i s locked, user CAN NOTd o
automatic test, b u t able toc l e a r thrust/torque, airspeed, and power consumption.
N o t e : The c o m m a n d willberejected i f there’sathrottle i n p u t s i g n a l .
“ D a t a Monitor”: showsthed a t a acquired f r o m thetestbench,data update frequency i s 3Hz
“ D e v i c e Information”: showstheinformation o f thetestb e n c h and warning information.
“Chart Monitor”: showsthed a t a i n thechart, d a t a refresh frequency i s 1Hz
N o t e 1:Someinformation m a y not bedisplayed, s u c h asoptical speed, airspeed, barometric pressure, air
humidity, etc.These c a n bedisplayed onlyi f theyareincluded i n hardware configuration.
N o t e 2:Connect theU S B c a b l e afterrunning thes o f t w a r e , thes o f t w a r e willdetect thetool andconnect
2.Test d a t a
◎Voltage (V):Supply Voltage o f themotor(Collected at power plug)
◎Current (A):The current o f propulsion system.( E S C DCinput)
◎Thrust (g):Axial tension generated b y thespinning propeller.
◎Torque (N*M):The Anti-torque generated b y air o n motor and propeller
◎Total Power(W):The power consumption o f thepropulsion system
◎Speed (rpm): Revolutions p e r minute
◎Motor Temperature (℃):Real-time temperature o f theinfrared temperature point (usually
irradiates o n themotor c a s e )
◎Throttle input (%):ESC Throttle input. (Throttle input i s proportional toP W M )
◎Motor output (W):Equals totheshaft power, ( t o r q u e * P W M )
◎Motor efficiency ( % ) : Shaft power/ Total Power.(It refers totheefficiency o f Motor and E S C )
◎Propeller efficiency(g/w):The unit power / thrust generated b y thepropeller. Unit: g / w
◎System efficiency(g/w): Theunit power/ thethrust generated b y thepropulsion
system(Unit:g/w). S y s t e m efficiency=propeller efficiency*Motor efficiency.
Test d a t a b e l o w i s f o r WindTunnels Testing
◎Propeller Output Power(W):thrust*airspeed
◎Propeller Efficiency(%):Propeller output power/Shaft power.