Date: 08-07-07
Product: Fabricator Series By: Jorge Santana
Subject: 7977964 Motor Control board
Summary: Rev 10
Phone: 1-800-462-2782
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Form 0003
82 Benning Street
West Lebanon, NH 03784
Fax: 1-800-221-4401
“Exceeding Customer Expectations Through Performance Excellence"
Valued Thermadyne Service Provider,
The intention of this Bulletin is just to inform you that the Motor Control board for the Fabricator
Series p/n “7977964” has been updated to REV 10. The minor change involves a replacement of a
Zener diode with two 1N4004 in series forward biased and adding a 470 pf capacitor on back
of the PCB in order to add extra protection to the motor drive FET component.
The installation and functionality of the board remains the same but you will notice the new capacitor
Mounted on the back of the board
This is not a product recall but just a confirmation of our continued commitment to improve the
Thermal Arc Products every time we see an opportunity to do so.
470 pf Cap
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